2021 Best Practice for BIR Audit Part 1

2021 Best Practice for BIR Audit Part 1


3 года назад

74 Просмотров

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Emelino T Maestro
Bank of the Philippines Islands
Savings Account No. 1969-0986-91

This video explained how you may extricate yourself from tax ignorance and declare your independence and self-reliance today. Read our laws. Comprehend their meanings. Know their immediate and future effects. Apply them timely and consciously.
How to fill, accomplish BIR Form 1901, 1902, 1903, 1905, 1601C, 1601EQ, 1601FQ, 1603, 1701Q, 1701, 1702Q, 1702, 2551Q, 2550M, 2550Q, 2000, 2200, 1800, 1801, tax returns.
How to prepare valid protest for BIR letter of authority, subpoena duces tecum, checklist of requirements, complaint affidavit, notice of discrepancies, preliminary final assessment notice, formal letter of demand, a final decision on disputed assessment.
How to make accounting entries in the BIR registered books of accounts, computerised books of accounts accounting system VAT withholding income tax accounting entries
How to prepare a balance sheet income profit and loss cash flow retained earnings notes to financial statement RAMO 1-2020
Differences between individual non-individual partnership corporation joint venture one person corporation OPC cooperative income tax return delinquency taxes
What is how to compute minimum corporate income tax net operating loss carry over (NOLCO) passive active income best tax saving scheme devise approach strategy
Statement of management responsibility tax credit refund percentage tax VAT exempt Zero rated VAT PEZA BOI registered
How to reduce decrease lower zero out cancel surcharge interest compromise penalty annual registration fee
How to use computer generated third party information data warehouse mission order POS surveillance tax mapping oplan kandado mission order to taxpayers' advantage benefit VAT invoice Ease of paying taxes
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