Gospel Of John - The Movie Part 16

Gospel Of John - The Movie Part 16


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@Jany1954 - 14.02.2008 10:00

What Big?

@derdings2112 - 12.08.2008 07:25

But only the visual image is good imo. The personal is better in the last temptation, where you an clearly see that it was not only the high priests who condemned him, but also Pilate himself, who saw him as a threat.

@derdings2112 - 15.08.2008 02:00

First: NEWSFLASH!!! The Bible: not a document containing historical facts. Never was, and never was intended to be. Still, that is what it is often mistaken as. This is the main reason why I have to explain myself to non-Christians when I say I'm a Christian, because the first image that pops into their heads are those creationists who claim that the 7-day-creation should be taught at school next to evolution theory. I'm not pointing you out as one of them, just a general statement.

@derdings2112 - 15.08.2008 02:14

Second: Pilate was a Roman. He didn't believe in the Almighty, since the Romans were polytheists. He definitely didn't think Jesus was the Messiah, because he had never waited for one. The priests put him in a conflict, since he knew he would cause anger in one party, no matter if he killed him or not. Since he didn't want any riots, he decided to kill him, but state that he didn't want to do it. THAT is why he washed his hands, so that the followers' anger would not turn against him.

@derdings2112 - 15.08.2008 02:29

Third: Without a doubt, Pilate was impressed by Jesus' personality (who would not have been, his speaking skills would have made Socrates look like a a three year old boy). But maybe, at the same time, he was aware that such talented men can win lots of people for their purposes. And because he didn't know that Jesus' were all peaceful, he saw a threat there too. But that's just personal guesswork.

@raseiler - 04.12.2008 04:19

Hi. I study a bit, and I did a check on some of the stuff that happens to be missing. I noticed that the book of John doesn't contain all of the information that the books of Luke and Mark do, such as the ear being put back on, and Judas betraying the son of man with a kiss. Since this is a movie on the book of John, it is possible that some parts may be missing. God Bless You

@mtlinknfl - 25.02.2009 08:46

i know God tells us not to hate people but...... I hate Malcus Ciaphus and all the Jewish Athorities

@PottersBass - 28.05.2009 09:28

As To Ahmad Deedat meaning of ...........TRINITY................. The state of been threefold. Sanctification Sanctify The Godhead Purify or free from sin. This is the true meaning of Trinity and the direction in trinity, look the word up in the Dictionary I assure you Ahmad Deedat needs a lesson in the meaning of Trinity. He's comments are only contrary psychological babble.

@duncansantan - 29.05.2009 22:35

if you read the gospel of john, judas does not betray jesus with a kiss, he only shows where jesus is!!!!!!! this movie follows the gospel of john. even the woman you see with jesus is also in gospel of john.

@duncansantan - 29.05.2009 22:38

do not argue but teach. moslem have different view about jesus, so let them be. only pray for them do not condemn the moslem brothers. jesus loves every body even the moslem and hindu brothers.

@Jany1954 - 23.07.2009 09:49

Pilate and the Jewish council are BOTH responsible for HIs death!! Do you not "get it"?! WE ARE ALL guilty because WE ARE ALL sinners!

@TonyDiaz. - 15.08.2009 22:13

Israel is the chosen people of Yave, but Yave is not Jesus's father. Jesus comes from elsewhere, as he said, "My kingdom is not from this world." Hes was not the Messiah, he was more than that, way more. If it's the will of Abba, I will some day, proclaim the true message of the Son of Man. A message of hope and faith and that he resurrected to show us the truth. Do not look for the Truth in temples. Shalom alekh hem!

@chaneltanita - 08.10.2009 19:35

This also happened before when the temple guard went to arrest Jesus and He said My time has not yet come! It is believed that at times the Divinity the something extradinary could be seen when looking at Our Lord or when He looked at a person

@chaneltanita - 08.10.2009 19:36

Yes we all did, and for those who palm off responsibility to Israel then I am sorry, they do not understand the great sacrifice Our Lord made, they mock that He suffered for the sins of the world. God Bless you for speaking out in truth.

@chaneltanita - 08.10.2009 19:40

No Pilate did not, Romans were very superstitious about dreams and omens and his wife dreamed about Jesus. However Pilate feared losing power, his human life and position meant more than truth and justice, hence why Jesus says the one who betrayed Me has the greatest sin, Pilate did sin. Pilate committed suicide 4 years later

@mtlinknfl - 19.12.2009 09:36

only in matthew does the Bible say that Jesus healed the ear of high priests servent

@MzMichelle777 - 23.01.2010 05:25

They did miss the part where the Lord YAhsha ha mashaich,healed the slaves ear...it still blesses me I will be glad when they make one about the Lords true name,and the importance of the keeping the commandments and keeping the testimony of Yahshua ha Mashiach,with all the scriptures that back it up."Whoever belongs to the truth, listens to ME".Perfect! Thank You,Yahweh ,our ABBA Father,for sending Your Son~& the Helper You left with us,to guide us into all truth.The Narrow Path. It surely is!

@warriorspikes51 - 17.03.2010 11:49

why is his robe mentioned as purple in John, but red in 2 other gospels? Symbolic meaning of royalty with purple?

@hawksfreak - 01.04.2010 13:25

Jesus death was part of my heavenly father's God plan, to save us all from our sinfull selves, so I think wether Judas wanted to betray Jesus or pilate wanted to send Jesus to his death really doesn't matter, It was meant to happen so it doesn't matter who played a part in it. My jesus would've of died anyway. because God is not a liar and what he writes comes to pass sooner or later.

@Automatic25 - 15.07.2010 22:13

wow they really demanded a rebel and killer over the King of Glory

@Automatic25 - 18.08.2010 19:16

@QuantumProphet To some he may have been a King of glory but Jesus is THE King of glory, greater than Elvis by far. Jesus was no rebel, he is the Messiah who came to save them

@theflarpus - 22.11.2010 13:09

The humility of God amazes me.

@GhinainanEvNoti - 04.12.2010 20:23

@rubel579 Prove the Holy Bible has been changed. All Christians are in agreement it hasn't, as well as history(The Dead Sea Scrolls and Masoretic Scripts). Your own words condemn you, not only is your statement ignorant but has absolutley no basis nor proff, just like the rest of you muslim brothers do and sources say. All the other prophets of the Old Testement worshipped Jesus, they understood what you never will unless the Lord wills it. Lord Jesus, forgive them for they no not what they say.

@pepehorhae - 11.12.2010 09:43

@turtle4aire man just chill ayt?

@7agape07 - 22.12.2010 06:38

the part when jesus gets flogged is so brutal

@losdodgerz - 18.03.2011 11:16

King of Glory, thank you you are holy lord. Worthy is the lamb that was slain.

@9LMQS4 - 16.07.2011 10:23

@CountryGentleman83 “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.”

@steflondon88 - 06.08.2011 21:21

@MnSPictures , there are evil spirits...some angels became corrupt following the creation week. These fallen, wicked creatures know Christ, are unclean, fierce, and they believe the Bible literally (Mathew 8:29; 10:1; 8:28; James 2:19

@namawasai - 19.11.2011 10:54

Muslim are not anti christ. Get the fact right. In the Quran there are chapters glorifying Jesus(PBUH) son of Mary. Look at Chapter 3, the Family of AL IMRAN and Chapter 19 MARY name after the mother of Jesus (PBUH). Unlike your bible there is not a chapters like the Quran. Muslim believe in Jesus (PBUH) It is one of the article of faith. No muslim is a muslim if he doesn't believe in Jesus(PBUH).

@85455justin - 15.02.2012 09:18

Hey, if God sent His ONLY Son to Earth and were all Hid children, then does that mean BY RELIGION, we are all girls/women?

@johnyliska1 - 02.02.2013 11:30

im love jesus ok ps john liska

@mkl62 - 30.03.2013 05:37

I am an ELCA Lutheran from South Carolina. Tonight (March 29), I attended a Good Friday service at my church. John 18 & 19 was read as the Gospel of the Day. The journey that began on February 13 has come to an end. It is finished. Thank you, Jesus, for dying for us.

@The2012west - 20.07.2013 19:06

it was actually Moses and Elijah. No worries though, a lot of people make that mistake. :)

@rjramirez1012 - 04.05.2019 23:05

Hi I’m miss you guys tonight guys go home

@jadonallen5334 - 31.05.2020 22:54

Thank you jesus for the cross
