Greetings from DARK AND COLD SWEDEN & G L O B A L S O U N D
Since many asked for a demo of ALL sounds, And Wondered What's in the KST file from ARTIST EDITION.
Here is a LOOOOOOONG demo.
Please take your time to explore a whole new level of Sounds, Pads, Keyboard set libraries, pad loops to combine with your Styles, and much more.
Having a Full time Music creating, 2 kids, and all other that life have to offer, YES I'm tired and sleepy.
But Promise is A Promise so here you have all sounds from ARTIST EDITION From Global Sound.
This file will be better and better to all Users.
More Sounds and contents will be added, (For Free) More Fix, more to explore.
So make a cup of coffee, or tea, take some snacks and enjoy the Video, do not fall in Sleep ;)
Best regards from me to all of you out there,
Take care of you all, & Make Music.