Best Programming Language | John Carmack and Lex Fridman

Best Programming Language | John Carmack and Lex Fridman

Lex Clips

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@nogood237 - 14.01.2024 19:41

It is javascript if you are doing ui work because if it isnt static you must have at a base level javascript in there

@oo.646 - 15.01.2024 15:35

How come one of their noses is pointed up and the other one is pointed down?

@metalToad84 - 17.01.2024 09:49

ah the DOOM guy 😊

@jenpsakiscousin4589 - 21.01.2024 06:16

Algol 60. Good old assembly for the Z80. Lisp, lost in stupid parentheses

@nyahhbinghi - 21.01.2024 07:08

if your program is one iterator after another, it's just one big loop LOL

@nothinghere1996 - 24.01.2024 11:04

There is only one. c++. Pure engineering tool. No limits.

@thebearded4427 - 25.01.2024 12:34

Im just starting out learning programming, but my take away from most amazing programmers I’ve heard is that great programmers follow some rules:
- make the program simple, not complicated
- document the code well. If no one else understands it but you, you just wasted more overall time than you saved
- understand what it is you are actually doing. It’s easy to see a method and know it does what it does but not know how it does it
- always strive to improve. Revisit old work and redo it as you progress
- practice a lot. It’s like a spoken language. A comparison might be that you “know some” French but talking it alot and with someone else will greatly speed up your progress
- plan your work before you start. Jumping into coding can easily make you lose yourself in abstraction, while also making it harder to seek guidance since you might not be able to explain what it is you seek to accomplish

If you have anything I missed or got wrong don’t hesitate to correct me! :)

@c0p0n - 25.01.2024 16:02

The problem with python not being performance focused is people coming into it with performance requirements. If you need high performance, which is often quite a specialist requirement, python is not the tool for that job.

@johngeverett - 31.01.2024 06:41

The best language is Assembler.

@realmasterkush - 04.02.2024 02:07

I hate that everyone use python for machine learning stuff. Could people not use a real programming language like C, C++ or C# ? It's so hard to debug someone else python code, variables are defined anywhere and can be of any type at any time which makes code impossible to follow.

@ivannasha5556 - 05.02.2024 16:31

How can meta be so trash when they have people like Carmack?!? Management really knows how to get nothing out of a genius. Great programmers are super rare. Even if you only pick from students in a CS masters program.

@stefanogrillo6040 - 05.02.2024 23:26

To be honest i never understood a single Carmack's speech, anyways i think that as of today a simple english prompt is the fastest way to program a computer 😁

@W00PIE - 07.02.2024 01:52

Go really boosted my programming, I usually stick to that for all kinds of "under the hood" work as it has great comfort/(performance+safety) ratio. Nice to hear that John likes it, too.

@jandejong2430 - 07.02.2024 06:20

I like C + good discipline.

@Mantorp86 - 08.02.2024 13:34

The same question to a mechanic: “Hammers are the best, damn those screwdriver mechanics! I am all about hammers!” There is no best programming language and depends who you ask and what is he/she working on. All programming languages suck and you always fight with them to make the best product. Nothing is easy.

@aaronfinch8413 - 11.02.2024 01:00

Ive been trying to learn programming for years now, since i was a teen (im 20 now) and i havent made almost any progress. It feels like my brain is just naturally wired to not comprehend programming. But I always find my way back because i just love comupters so much. Im currently trying to learn python. Does anyone have any advice or resources that would maybe help me continue with my journey?

@aftalavera - 12.02.2024 23:40

What? He didn’t say Rust?

@vandal144 - 10.03.2024 19:49

Just a bit of HelloWorld video decompression as an exercise

@BryonLape - 19.03.2024 18:12

IBM answered this more than 50 years ago with PL/1. rofl...

@vinhkhangtrankhuong7203 - 25.03.2024 17:56

For me Python is mostly for try out like algo design to see how things go. But for development C++ all the way because it super fast.

@cheesedtomeetyou1 - 08.05.2024 03:23

There’s no “best” language. That’s like asking what’s the best tool; a hammer, spanner, or a saw? They’re all good for their own specific use cases. Where there is overlap you choose what fits your specific preferences. The likelihood is that program you want to write can be written in any language you want.

@kirkzhang3483 - 08.05.2024 19:13

so what is best program language that can adapt all of requirements changes and physic world changes? haha

@Raging.Geekazoid - 23.06.2024 10:23

How do you hand off C(++) code to maintenance devs without them breaking and reinventing things? The whole point of abstraction is that the "way" programmers need to think is just the way the program works. With enough high-quality abstraction, the company's production staff (the nerdier ones) should be able to make simple changes to the code. Not that Lisp and Haskell weenies don't go overboard with abstraction sometimes (read "obfuscation"), but abstraction is essentially the definition of programming. It's ridiculous to put arbitrary limits on it.

The "new way of thinking" in functional programming and metaprogramming is the way new programmers should be learning to code in the first place. In the 21st century, it's just good programming style. If C or C++ is your favorite programming language, it seems to me that you probably write video games or operating systems and your preference has more to do with your own personal history in the corporate world (think "inertia") than any real superiority in the languages for app development.

@JohnnyThund3r - 30.06.2024 12:19

Go sounds like a real winner... easy to learn but as powerful as C++, switching your code base over and asking new coders to learn Go doesn't sound like an unreasonable request. Then clone the code base in Rust for security reasons, now everyone has job security!

@ast3077 - 30.06.2024 23:55

Much love yo!

@MissMyMusicAddiction - 30.07.2024 23:36

it's wild that people still think about/think in lisp.
it's like the APL fanbois

@baronde8551 - 08.09.2024 00:08

Grammar Grammar Grammar

@Faizan1631 - 10.09.2024 15:20

There honestly isn't a best programming language, I feel as if way too many people get caught up on this (especially on twitter jfc) but really what you should be programming in is whats best for what you want to do and what you personally enjoy. I've been doing a lot of graphics recently so I've been doing a lot of C++ which I really enjoy despite its faults, if someone else wanted to do graphics but prefers C over C++ then thats also a viable option, of course you could go with other languages too like Rust but then you need to ask yourself if you want a job in the industry or not and also how well you can translate available resources from one language to another. With graphics again if you prefer Rust and just want to do graphics as a hobby then go for it but if you want a job in the industry or you have no experience in C or C++ which is what most resources will be in its probably a good idea not to go with Rust or at least get your feet wet with C/C++.

Basically, just pick whatevers best for your use case and pick something you enjoy programming in.

@fabianh.5848 - 16.09.2024 17:01

Programming is programming. It's not about the programming language, but the algorithm. That's where the thinking goes.

@martinlastname8548 - 21.09.2024 18:27

Did anyone catch the answer 😂

@noahlynaugh5025 - 02.10.2024 09:34

I’m new to programming but isn’t c++ complimentary to embedded projects and Python to ml, ai. And isn’t JavaScript a language for the web/iot?

@dschledermann - 24.11.2024 22:09

Ahh.. I love the attack on over-abstractions. I've worked with a couple of guys who are absolutely in love with abstractions. It's horrible, convoluted, write-only code. Interfaces for everything. Every value wrapped in a custom type.

Most recent example: Doing a database migration. Want to use SQL to migrate a database? No. Why would you when you can complicate the code with a query builder and a dictionary with values to apply. Even if the SQL would be like ¼ of the LoC, my colleague insists that his code is more readable.

@chrisalex82 - 26.11.2024 15:27

you are insane

@jamespong6588 - 06.01.2025 19:56

C flavored c++🍻 my type of guy

@serenditymuse - 24.01.2025 11:25

C++. maybe for programming in the small but not the large. I thought was going to be about LIsp. You really need to build languages and not for little projects but for an entire family of projects. C is primitive as shit. The world is insane. It hasn't progressed but regressed for the 40+ years I have been programming professionally..

@ChicagoJ351 - 30.01.2025 23:05

Would love to listen to John talk about coding all day. 🎉

@RM-xr8lq - 05.02.2025 03:44

john carmack is a loser

@o0julek0o - 08.02.2025 14:03

I’m not even going to watch this. The answer is C/C++. The rest are attempts at creating a language.

@dantedt3931 - 10.02.2025 04:42

I recently finished building a real-time socket that sends texts, images and videos in C++ and consumed in JavaScript. But mostly I use Python.

@nickjunes - 11.02.2025 01:26

If you’re writing text based user interfaces or business interfaces then JavaScript is actually a better language than c++. JavaScript has excellent text parsing and form components. You wouldn’t write a web app in C++. You use the right tool for the job. JavaScript produces trillions of dollars of value and as a controller for the universal browser environment it’s incredibly useful and powerful. Plenty of serious programmers these days spend a lifetime doing “real work” with JavaScript. Think about all the people who don’t program anything at all. Do they do “real work”? What matters is that your code gets something done for people. Most apps these days are just CRUD applications they don’t require low level programming. Then when it comes to games you could actually program a game in a game engine that’s written in C++ with a scripting language. If something has already been built once what’s the point in rebuilding it again? Scripting languages often times abstract away repetitive mundane tasks so programmers can focus on business logic or game logic to build better applications instead of focusing on low level concepts. I wouldn’t be surprised if the next generation of game devs program their games in typescript built on engines that are programmed in some other low level language. You can separate the concerns that way.

@adamspice9076 - 12.02.2025 20:04

Can you sell AI in the Appstore?

@rickenbacker472 - 13.02.2025 02:21

Having worked in software dev for 30 years, mainly C++ realtime systems here's my one piece of advice to employers looking for the best coders - give them an aspergers test and hire whoever gets the highest score.

@siuksliukaralius7029 - 21.02.2025 08:57

Best language is the one you know.

@akab211 - 25.02.2025 05:12

Man carmack is hot!

@electricalsociety5593 - 01.03.2025 23:38

His answer was not TI basic and therefore he is not an intellectual

@syedmuqadas5952 - 07.03.2025 04:27

I could get better answer in few mins / in great detail using chatgpt
