Islam is ☪️ancer
Ответитьwafunze wa islamu kuomba Msamaha kwa makosa
mko Sawa lakini kiburi naomba
Yesu ni habari za mungu
Kwa hivyo yesu akisema yeye ndie njia alisema tufwate habari za mungu alizo nena na Musa.
Njia ya mungu sio vitendo ambazo mungu ameangiza kwenye Torah itatufikisha kwenye ufalme wa mungu
ОтветитьHuyo Imam alimilazia na uwoga😂😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьYou mean these guys are SDAs , I mean no one can defeat them,SDA are the only who can defend Christians,God bless them
ОтветитьActually, Muslims don't have wisdom to understand the Bible,I can't just argue with them,There work is to cram Qur'an but don't understand it,how then will they understand the Bible,
And actually Christian is the most mocked religion bcoz of what we believe which is strong and powerful and these makes the devil fear Christians,The devil don't deal with Islam, Buddhism bcoz he knows they are his,he is afraid of Christians,coz we worship the truth God,and no matter what,no Muslims can't change the fact of what we believe .
And Muslims stop using the Bible against us, you don't even understand what you are reading, like I said you guys lack wisdom
ОтветитьGojeeni siku ya kiama
ОтветитьDacha mungu azidi kukupa werevu na Ile hekma itokayo Kwa mwenyezi mungu
ОтветитьUstadhiiiii😂😂😂😂😂 umechemka
ОтветитьUko na wivu kaka unapenda uwe kma Paulo haitawezewekana wewe pia njaa inakuuma hahaha 🤣
ОтветитьAmen amen amen and amen pastor ndacha endelea kuwafunza
Ответитьit,s very stupid of both parties to argue since we cannot track back where any religion errupted from
ОтветитьThis day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islām as religion (QURAN 5:3) Anayepinga Allah Subhanah wa taalah pinga kwa kiburi chako. Hakuna Ayah kwa Biblia eti ukristto ama uyahudi ama budha ni dini ya Allah Jala Jalalu. Ogopeni yeye kwa ajiili ya nafsi zenu.
ОтветитьKwanza kabisa ita mungu wa waislamu kama inafaa anaitwa Allah jaribu kutafta maana ya Allah katika Arabic, 2 unapoeleza ukweli wa dini yako soma maandiko kwenye kitabu chako wacha kuchanganya vitabu viwili kana kwamba ni Quran inayosomwa hili ni lengo na kuzudi kuwachanganya wakristo
ОтветитьMan of God Ndacha. Thanks... Waiting for you today at Githurai 45 stage roundabout. You started well yesterday. Glory to God
ОтветитьPolen sana Anuali na group yako comedy comedy comedy tu hamna lolote hapo
ОтветитьWho wrote Qur'an?
ОтветитьWame shindwa sasa wana waste time Muslims are like devil worshipers
ОтветитьPlease that African bible is not our Bible so hio oja haipelekani na mafundisho ya kikiristo.
ОтветитьHiyo sio bibilia
ОтветитьAmina Amina mungu awasaetiye sana💪💪💪🔥🔥🇸🇦🇸🇦
ОтветитьAmina Amina Amina 🤣❤️😂😂😂🤸🤸💃💃💃🏃🏃🏃🥰🥰🥳🥳🥳🤲🤲🙌🙌🙌🙌🤝🤝🤝🤝 Amen 🙏🙏 Bwana yesu asifiwe sana 🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬 siku ya mwiis ni arubainne👏👏🙏
Ответитьasalam alykum www wislam nidini yahaki wata erewa doze imeingiya safi sana sheikh Anwar uko vizuri
ОтветитьParadoxically, the Muslims n their states are remarkably increasingly high percentages of their population who say they believe in their god (allah) and go to sinagouges regularly. This hypocritical national behavior was foreseen as characteristic of the human society existing just before the Messiah’s return. ✍️[my quote] Thats why JESUS foreseen this n made it sealed in the name of the HOLLY SPIRIT unseen, untouchable, unseen unmade by humanitarian background as long JESUS resigns and be done in his likelyness 4ever more[ends of my quote]
👉The Apostle Paul was inspired to write, “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: for men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power”
✍️[My quote] Wherever Muslims are presented by their state you will discover too much of taxing to collections especially of none Muslim heavily taxed in an exaggerated portfolio other than in of their fashion superficial handset faith only to intimidate none Muslim by violation the rights of faith in them only to achieve massive proclaimination deceivement [end of my quote]
2 Timothy 3:1–5).
Men deny the authority of God, despite a show of religiosity. Paul commands, under inspiration of God, that we “from such people turn away” ! Get away from people who talk about religion, but deny the authority of God, because they will mislead you. They will confuse you. This sassy, sarcastic, lust-filled generation is headed for big, big trouble. You need to recognize that and not be a part of it.
✍️[My quote] Wherever Muslims are presented with their state religiously. They are the only ones whom are allowed by their faith in polygamist by it is exalted into their gods of highness to except their personal owful of their lust end of #[my quote]
👉The sign of wars, increasing violence, and lawlessness is the first thing to watch for.✍️[my quote] Wherever Muslims are presented by their own states of religious their the only ones whom have the rights to proclaiming victorious to their gods in a awfully bloodshading mankind only to obtain ordination anointings from their gods of evilism Itry to wonder who's is this god of theirs will be to judge humanitarian yet he'snt able to proclaim his sovereignty from mankind will he comes or he will fears the presences of princee to saints self make, made by their own hands .The GOD of CHRISTIAN will never spares awfully world's neither presume he will conquer n defeated in the way he condemns the spirits by casting like of Satan to Pharaoh by his righteousness within a duty of just deligations [end of my quote]
✍️[My quote] God's 10 Commandments were in effect from the beginning of creation, including in the Garden of Eden.
👉God gave the 10 Commandments to the people of Israel from Mount Sinai about two months after Moses led them out of Egypt. This is recorded in Exodus 20:1-17.
👉But was this the first time these laws were given to human beings? Or were these commandments known to people long before Moses’ time?
👉The answer is found in a fascinating statement God made about Abraham, recorded in Genesis 26:5: “Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws.
Matthew 22:36-40
“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
👉 What's the fifth commandment
✍️[My quote] I think I'm wrong to others personally self handset law makers anointed by godly of prince n princee of their kind [end of my quote]
Is this intensifications of the first book of books the HOLLY BIBLE
All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
When God said, “You shall not murder” in Exodus 20:13, He meant no one could take the life of another. But Jesus clarified that one should not harbor hatred, murderous thoughts, or wicked feelings for a neighbor either.✍️[my quote] If the creator of all heavens of seen n unseen never been intended to kill whatsoever he brought to the world whos is this god of adoration of killing to be anointed.🔥 GOD of Isaac Jacob if I must slay by bloodshading to be anointed and excepted to dwell upon your heaven by my religion of faith I promise you your words will pass n nothing u can do more than every thing will remain the way they are.
👉But as far Hebrew 3-15 As it has been said: “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts, as you did in the rebellion.” ... As it is said: "
Revelation 1:17-18
When I saw Him, I fell at His feet like a dead man. And He placed His right hand on me, saying, “Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last, and the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades.
Wakristo Raha si Raha jamani??? I feel the power in Jesus 🔥🔥🔥
ОтветитьChristian deals with real story real people real places! Don't mix up with your fabrication.
ОтветитьWaislamu kwa uongo hamjambo hakika shetani ndo mungu wenu maana munapenda uongo na munatukuza uongo YESU KRISTO waongoze hawa Waislamu ili wakujuwe wasije poteya maonekaniye baba wasamee Waislamu wote kwa sababu hawajuwi lile walitendalo
ОтветитьAliye ona Anwari amesimamiwa na jini pepo mbaya ninani aliye ona 😳😳😳😳
ОтветитьWamejiandikia vitabu vya kuharibu njia ya Kristo
ОтветитьWamejiandikia vitabu vya kuharibu njia ya Kristo
ОтветитьKujadiri na Anwari ni waste of time
ОтветитьWaislamu mnapenda neno "HAKI" lakini neno hilo hamwezi kulikamilishia matendo yake
ОтветитьNataka niulize anwali ni mutu muzima au nijini?
ОтветитьMukutano wa vulugu hauna mupangilio mwenye kiti wa feki, anwali mutu wa vulugu, kafili mukubwa.
ОтветитьMwalimu ndacha bwana yesu Asifiwe Pole Kwa changamoto unazopitia kuhusu hiyo biblia inatoka kuzimu na sio hiyo tuu zipo nyingine moja wapo inaitwa Jerusalem mpya au American bible zote hizo zipo kwaajiri ya kupotosha neno LA Mungu nyongine linasema Sabato si takwa Kwa Mjiristo Ushauli Wangu Mtumishi Bakia na ukweli wa biblia uliyonayo Na Mungu akutie Nguvu katika kazi yako
ОтветитьWaislam waongo tu amna hoja kwao, ila kushangiza tu
ОтветитьUislamu umekufa kabisa. Kila siku waislamu wanauacha uislamu. Ingiyeni kwa channel 'Busted Islam' uone jinsi gani waislamu wanakiri bwana Yesu Kristo kama bwana na mwokozi wao
ОтветитьHakuna dini inapeleka mtu kwa uzima wa milele, ibrahimu, Isaya na Daudi hawakuwa na dini walimpenda Mungu na kuepuka dhambi na kwa sasa Yesu ndiye njia njia ya uzima wa milele yeyote amwaminiye hatapotea
ОтветитьWajanja hawa watu! Wakishashindwa wanaanza kufanya mambo Yao ili mijadala usaulike. Kupotezea mwalimu Ndacha wakati wake. Uisilamu ni uongo mtupu. Wanatetea kitabu ambacho kimejisaliti chenyewe. Ni vidokezi vilivyo tolewa kwa biblia bila mpangilio. Ndio sababu muisilamu hawezi kijitetea akitumia Quran.
ОтветитьStop ✋trying to please people The truth is..You will never be good 👍enough Even at your best; They will find something to pick on, That's the nature of humans..So Stop sacrificing your happiness for people who don't care much about you keep your heart attention to your creator ❤and our Lord Jesus christ ❤
ОтветитьSir Ndacha is full of wisdom and wisdom I love the way he Quiet the bible verses and Qur'an itself The guy is really talented in preaching 👏..I just love Ndacha for that knowledge ♥
ОтветитьThe diva ♥in Ndacha very wise gentleman 👏
ОтветитьI can confirm 👍it was really massive sir Ndacha 👏keep the soul's saving massage and that is the medication 💊we need as we approach the coming of Jesus christ..Why do Muslims ☪️disagree with the truth from the both books 📚and their focus on the lies in the wrong faith..Do they really listen to themselves mmmh The Muslims guy is really blowing hot lies But no Bproblem they are doing the assignment for Muhammad's project