The ULTIMATE Business Strategy Game BSG Guide - 2023 - How to Win BSG

The ULTIMATE Business Strategy Game BSG Guide - 2023 - How to Win BSG

Derek Barnick, MBA

2 года назад

120,446 Просмотров

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Adetomiwa Ewedemi
Adetomiwa Ewedemi - 20.09.2023 07:47

Thank you very much for this video.
I have been at a high risk of default for 2 years running now. What should I do?
How do I double my ROE & EPS? It's been challenging surpassing the targets.
My stock price is at $50, what do I do?

Kind regards.

Emily Hollingsworth
Emily Hollingsworth - 17.09.2023 22:10

I am losing profit (and EPS is decreasing) as I produce more shoes in a region. Why might that be?

Chloe Smith
Chloe Smith - 11.09.2023 03:33

I just have to tell you that my team has been watching your videos & we just finished our first round in first place by 13 points! You’re a life saver.

Jackson Cummings
Jackson Cummings - 10.09.2023 05:29

Hey, thanks for this video. I am curious though, how does the loan & interest repayments work out? I feel it wasn't thoroughly explained in the video and I am curious as to how to manage all that debt in the later rounds. Does anyone know? Thanks!

Miranda Adcock
Miranda Adcock - 28.08.2023 04:17

Thank you so much for making this easier to understand. We completely butchered our first decision period, and probably our second too. But we restart after this next round and start playing for real. I cant wait to see how much this helps us!

Xavier Bishop
Xavier Bishop - 13.08.2023 09:00

Dereck, thank you for breaking this game down and making it understandable. You were a lifesaver for my group as we were doing this business strategy game for our class. You're the GOAT!!

Brandi Manning
Brandi Manning - 16.07.2023 01:28

Do you tutor?

Isabel Lopez
Isabel Lopez - 22.06.2023 17:50

Hello! First of all, I want to thank you for your work and the time you took to make this video and explain the BSG thoroughly. I attend a business school in Latin America and we just finished the BSG course last night. My team and I watched your video and we dominated the competition since the very beginning. In the end, we had the best overall score, best stock price and even the CSR award for three years in a row. You explained this game better than the 3 times I read the manual. Thank you very much for what you do. 🎉

drake ahmed
drake ahmed - 22.06.2023 08:45

Watched your video and it is so helpful! We just finished week 11, we didn't do too well, because we were not differentiated that much, is there a way we can get some tips from you to help us?

Kaydee Klund
Kaydee Klund - 08.06.2023 22:54

Used your tips and got the leap frog bonus! Thanks a lot hopefully my group keeps improving!!

Golden Blue
Golden Blue - 04.06.2023 16:57

Hi Derek, Thanks for your valuable Video. Although I am doing good on the game and I am in the first position and getting Bull's awards every year, but having an issue on the Lost (due to stockouts) in all regions. I even try to keep at least more than +50 on surplus on each region.

Miyah K
Miyah K - 29.05.2023 20:02

Love you king! helped my team take #1 so many times <3

Drew Ferrari
Drew Ferrari - 05.05.2023 08:13

Derek, you killed it for us!🥳🥳🥳 I watched your videos and we took 1st. We're gonna try to bring home that title over the next few weeks. I think you might have a niche here buddy!💯 I can't image a ton of people are watching these videos but you're definitely providing the best content on this topic, believe me I looked far and wide! Anyways keep grinding on this thing you're doing! Cheers

What’s Up
What’s Up - 02.05.2023 23:34

I am in Year 14 and am just watching your video. I admit I am not doing well, but I see improvement following the suggestions. Is there live tutoring available for the game? Thank you.

Nick Jones
Nick Jones - 24.04.2023 08:13

Your overview was super helpful. Took my company from 5th place out of 7 to first place winning by +6 in only 5 years. Ditched the cost leadership strat early and went with 50 models offered at high price (top left corner of Comparative Competitive Efforts) and then focused the rest of production into private label. Worked great and couldn't have done it without your in-depth overview of BSG and tips! Thanks a lot!

Chris - 22.04.2023 00:56

I just wanted to come back after a long semester and say this: my group and I watched your video at the beginning and have been absolutely crushing the competition since the start. This was infinitely more helpful than the Player’s Guide and got us off on a really good foot. By the time the other groups figured out how to play, we were already miles ahead. Thanks for making my final MBA class a breeze!

Rubio Cruzeiro
Rubio Cruzeiro - 13.04.2023 21:19

Hi Derek, thanks for all your effort and tips. your videos are great. I got one question if you want: in the last year of the game is correct that is pointless to bid to sign the last celebrity ? I believe in this case celebrities work in arrears , so to see any benefit when signing celebrities , if I am at the end of year 15 taking decisions for year 16 I will see the benefits of that not when year 16 will start but instead when year 17 will start because my game ends in year 16 and last chance for decisions are in year 15. is this reasoning correct?

Keniya - 28.03.2023 01:48

This video helped a ton would love a video series for the first 3 years that would be super dope to do a video like that to learn about what to do when you are competing and past year 11 Great Video Thank you

Blake Bradley
Blake Bradley - 24.03.2023 22:34

How do you get total branded production for year 13 to go up? I have over 17000 pairs to be manufactured, yet total production needed is only at like 5000, doesn't make sense.

Nick Surowicz
Nick Surowicz - 24.03.2023 00:31

Is it bad to have an ending cash in the negatives, if all my scoring measures are well over investor expectations after year 11?

Gereltsui Mungunkhuyag
Gereltsui Mungunkhuyag - 22.03.2023 19:33

this is an amazingly helpful guide, i really wanna thank you. Got really good performance on my financials, and will keep up watching and learning the other videos.

just_focus_me - 20.03.2023 04:14

I loved this guide. This guide is way better than the in-game help document(way too long). I placed myself in the top 100s multiple times during the competition. Currently have a 115 GTD score with 5 bonus points in year 18. This will give me a 10/10 for the BSG game :).

Only praying my comprehensive exam goes well in the game, because the questions are way too long.

Johnboy36 - 17.03.2023 06:45

My projected inventory surplus is all negative numbers in year 15! How do i turn this around?!

Blake Bradley
Blake Bradley - 07.03.2023 01:06

Hey Derek, I am in year 12, I was wondering, for competitve assumptions do you want to have them the same as the averages from the year before? Or is it better to go a little above since other teams will most likely go up on stuff.

haley t
haley t - 27.02.2023 17:49

in year 11, we opened facilities in EA and LA and are now in year 12. how would you recommend we go about the distribution to warehouse numbers? Does it even matter now since we have all facilities open? thanks!!

Karan Sharma
Karan Sharma - 27.02.2023 10:53

Year 11 video was very helpful but I didn’t get it right for the year 12, can u make in dept video?

Cedric Devloo
Cedric Devloo - 20.02.2023 01:03

I can't edit anything in the "Private-label operations" page, how can I fix this?

Sayra Lozano
Sayra Lozano - 09.02.2023 05:32

what happens if my private label operation section it's locked and i can't make any changes to it?

Hey Life !
Hey Life ! - 26.01.2023 22:25

You are a lifesaver. I followed the instruction, made some decisions, and I am on rank 2. I have a question though now how do we proceed with year 12. Like on what should we focus.

Drew Ferrari
Drew Ferrari - 19.01.2023 05:37

Bro... Absolutely vital video! Question though..have you ever tried a taking a high-end low-model count approach? I'm just starting out but I'm thinking if we start out shooting for the top left market space (at least early on). I feel like if we need to pivot in our strategy later on it would be easier to do? Just thinking most of the class will end up in a price war condition at least early on....Anyway, great video!! 🙌🙌🙌

Justin Rogers
Justin Rogers - 15.01.2023 21:49

Really appreciate the guide! Curious to see if that watch time/ subscriber metric has shifted in the past 8 months with that ask 🤔

Mel V
Mel V - 06.11.2022 17:05

How do you open the Europe-Africa and Latin America plants? Its still grayed out for us

Savannah Smith
Savannah Smith - 25.09.2022 22:07

I have a really big question I am stuck on not being able to get my surplus down in my wholesale marketing, the least I can get it is 2,500 but it needs to be around 24? Please help!

Peter Rossi
Peter Rossi - 18.09.2022 17:30

Hi Derek, you have great videos man! Purchased your book (Sept 2022), it is being delivered as we speak. Is there any key differences from the book vs the discord?

Susie Cadena
Susie Cadena - 09.09.2022 16:15

This is excellent information! I have read half way through the players guide but I am still very confused with all the information. Yes, we can copy for year 11 but we still need to learn what you are sharing to make the next set of decision all the way through year 20. Thank you so much!

Necr0Danc3r - 08.09.2022 18:45

Do you know whether or not a negative "Remaining Pairs to be shipped" will come out of the projected inventory surplus within the Distribution tab? It makes sense that it would to me.

lovebethany11063 - 30.07.2022 08:33

What strategy were you using? Differentiator or cost leader

Dinosaur Danny
Dinosaur Danny - 25.07.2022 20:27

What does it mean if you paid got a celeb to sign with you but you still scored a 0 in celebrity appeal in all areas??

Ellie Calquhoun
Ellie Calquhoun - 12.07.2022 10:13

I'm sure you've answered this before, but any tips on the last year or so of the game? I have a note from one of your videos to do the improved working conditions in the very last year. Any other tips? Thanks for your videos! They are literally the only reason our team has done so well!

Saul Odira, M.B.A.
Saul Odira, M.B.A. - 30.06.2022 10:20

Are all Year 11 similar or they are different

donna.delgado - 24.06.2022 17:03

I used this to help me walk through year 12 (after I completely bombed year 11) and it still was extremely helpful in getting myself on track. I went from second to last ranking to fourth in my class. Thank you so much!

Mike Bujold
Mike Bujold - 22.06.2022 21:57

Hi Derek,

Trying to message you on discord but is sais only your friends can message you. Would have a few questions.

Thanks !


Jenna Truedson
Jenna Truedson - 21.06.2022 18:13

Thank you so much for this video! I was very confused and overwhelmed at the start of the BSG game for my class and watched your videos. Literally saved me. Followed your advice, made all of the decisions for my team each round and we ended up winning with a score of over 100! Thank you so much!!

Nicole King
Nicole King - 01.06.2022 02:33

My group strategy is to have low models at 50 and high cost shoes to stay in teh top left corner of the competitive chart, with this strategy it looks as if our total branded production needed is staying very low even at Year 14 at 6,400. Is this normal for our strategy or should we try to make it higher? Any advice you can give is greatly appreciated. Thanks

Candice Leaty
Candice Leaty - 23.05.2022 08:38

Hi, in an older video you chose to pay back both loans in year 11 but in this video you just did one. Is that better for the long haul?

John Doe
John Doe - 14.05.2022 00:43

Thanks... Now I know where that group was getting the information 😂😂😂😂😂

SosaGamer - 09.05.2022 21:35

Year 11 video helped me a lot. Make a year 12

Derek Barnick, MBA
Derek Barnick, MBA - 09.05.2022 19:19

Let me know what frustrates you most in BSG 👇
