The Amazingly looking Survival Game that Everyone Forgot...

The Amazingly looking Survival Game that Everyone Forgot...

Mr. Reach

1 год назад

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@ReachGaming - 02.11.2022 17:33

Thank you for watching the video of Miscreated. Hope you enjoyed it. :) Consider subscribing or hitting the like. 👍

@AllreadyHomeless - 20.11.2023 05:55

ahahahah the megaphone was so good. was almost like a movie hahaha

@arithmetic7105 - 27.10.2023 11:36

The devs just gave up, simple as. It ws a fun game though

@HenkanKanava - 19.07.2023 08:15

Good game

@JohnParavantis - 12.06.2023 23:00

Can you still play Miscreated in June 2023? I wouldn't mind playing alone in a server.

@meganvan-kerro6806 - 07.05.2023 19:45

Come play on server BOMB SQUAD we need a team

@artnelson3402 - 23.04.2023 20:07

An amazing game that got slowly ruined by toxic PVP and rigid developers that constantly nerfed anything fun and thought that people would enjoy having to log in constantly to maintain a base or vehicle. In the end, they started making the world less fun with less and less ammo and loot. The nail in the coffin for me was the base raiding system that allowed players to steal everything in my bases, which happened quite often. It just got old trying to restart each time this happened. It was and possibly still is the best world in survival PVE/PVP. Such a shame that the developers didn't listen to the community and focus on creating a less toxic environment for players uninterested in constant PVP and raiding. If they had buffed the loot, made base raiding 400% more difficult, and increased the base/vehicle despawn timers to a more reasonable time, this game would still be at the top of my list.

@jigskick153 - 23.04.2023 16:46

my dad is one of them

@eathansx - 14.04.2023 22:25

I had a 1000 hours on this game

@Paul-td8tu - 23.03.2023 16:56

We have our own server now, quite a few people jumping nack onto the game. Personally, I wouldn't play any other survival game.

@NOLA_playmaker - 23.03.2023 14:30

Still love this game.

@ThingsWithAli - 22.03.2023 04:45

People didn't forget it, the devs did when they abandoned it. Can't blame them since money was an issue. I missed this game and will always be my first open world survival game that made me feel something special.

@FlynnLuxe - 21.03.2023 00:58

Forgot!!? This game is POPPIN off!

@adrivu7201 - 18.03.2023 10:29

what killed this very cool game is the pvp perverts

@factcheck1776 - 15.03.2023 06:41

I loved Miscreated and put a few hundred hours into it. The problem is that it never presented a lore, history, universe, plot, goals, puzzles, or anything like that. You just get on and survive. I'd still be playing it, but lately it is so un-maintained that you can't even find food or water.

@Mazxz - 13.03.2023 05:31

They was not listening to the community so we left.

@navy_bro028 - 03.03.2023 08:59

no one forgot it... it was ass to begin with. even the devs stop makin there own game because it was ass lmao

@turnaround2 - 26.02.2023 06:22

Still a good game today. Check out apocalypse servers. I usually play on vanilla.

@some_white_boi8802 - 22.02.2023 23:17

i still play this game every day

@MacoLagames - 15.02.2023 17:14

They haven't took off because they were full of themself, they didnt allow private servers, the didn't respect small streamers but only those who were making large giveaways like some guy that has putted new nvidia 1080 for people who watch his stream and buy game via their website. So basically, now they are getting what they have deserved...

@antarc820 - 15.02.2023 17:04

the reason people (including me) dipped is because they refused to add any sort of storage for your loot and by the time they did, half the player base left

@firstgroupoperations8921 - 13.02.2023 01:47

this game was god tier until it wasnt

@nexhi991 - 10.02.2023 18:00

I dont understand how this game didnt blow up. I remember the past 2 years on the modded server, especially during winter, it was almost so full that you had to wait to join the server and it was pure battle. amazing.

@dennisswanepoel - 07.02.2023 09:14

It did not take off due to a developer that ignored his community. Brilliant game that I dumped over 600h into.

@sgntbilco - 05.02.2023 16:55

I loved the game but really got well and truly fed up with my base being raided. Spent so many hours building up food ammo and resources, to just log in and it's all gone I just gave up after the 10th time.

@keiztv7249 - 03.02.2023 18:15

Oh my also our lovely Miscreated, actually bro Mr. Reach Miscreated had its days of glory, which was 2016-2017 and kinf od 2018. There was a shit ton of updates, shit ton of new players more important everyone was scavenging the map, exploring the map, PVPing all over the map, building bases looking for action taking over cities with PVP and raiding also interacting sometimes.
Constant 2-3-4-3-2-3-2 thousands of players trough 2-3 years. It's enough for usually 60-80 slot server, for a such survival game to feel very alive at that time. Action was everywhere

@zalagard - 02.02.2023 07:14

The ones who killed the game were the same developers who acted like children when someone gave them constructive criticism and banned those people from the official Discord, ignored player suggestions and almost didn't care about fixing the bugs and for years they didn't get anything again, The last thing was the desert map... I really regret spending money on that game it was a good game with a promising future if it wasn't for the developers who were as--oles

@Seussenshmirtz - 01.02.2023 13:34

There's a lot of H1Z1 DNA in this game.

@rcmedia9516 - 29.01.2023 08:57

Devs spent the money on nose candy instead of devving. They too forgot about the game.

@stannistargaryen - 29.01.2023 06:21

I used to play this game a lot a few years ago and loved it. After a year or so I finally built an amazing base and went on vacation for a few weeks and when I returned the entire base had been deleted. I was not aware that if you don't login with in a weeks time they delete your base. I was so pissed at the time, that I lost all my loot I had collected over months that I decided at that point I was done with the game and never went back.

@crashandlived8403 - 26.01.2023 01:36

there are pve servers i personally play on a hard cord server we like a challenge

@jadenbetz905 - 25.01.2023 12:38

I play still to this day it’s awesome !!! Best game of all time !! People need to get hip to it for sure

@danochez - 24.01.2023 23:17

Hackers and a piss poor Dev team is what killed this game.

@kobechrome138 - 17.01.2023 05:58

I stopped playing it good loot is hard to find

@T-Bajaj - 08.01.2023 16:02

I hated this game. Between the spawn camping, all the cars locked in people bases, people building bases across the roads and so hard to find materials required to craft anything cool, it got boring very quickly.

@fyyasko - 07.01.2023 14:10

Play apoc now!!! This game isn’t done yet !! ❤️

@rickieparsons3957 - 07.01.2023 10:51

there is more then 30 people playing they're just playing on modded servers

@sketchiefello9002 - 01.01.2023 20:12

Pinecrest was my home

@robdisco9287 - 29.12.2022 16:08

The reason is Admin dev and community toxicity

@tristy29 - 29.12.2022 05:28

I can explain a little bit.. I bought game on Steam Early Access, everything was alright, just didnt go well with AMD processors, i checked out Steam forum & Reddit had threads about working bad on AMD, nomatter the beast you have. Then i upgraded my old pc to Ryzen 3900 and tried it again, and guess what.. its still laggy mess everytime you turn around/hour change/weather change or players start to pop up near... we're talking about loosing 95% of fps for 2-3 seconds, sometimes in city areas even like 10 times of 3second fps drops. Thats my issue with the game.. still enjoyed it alot, for around 150hours, probably will go back someday and just build a base and wander around the areas i didn't see yet :)

for their defence: they improved alooot. I played it 3-4 times (for extended period) in 5 years and alot of changes were made... alot more crafting, that you could pin big concret blocks on your car from city areas and drag it into your base, growing vegetables, they needed to complete whole map (previous was alot of empty areas), new species + alot more

check out bear attack, that animation... Amazing :)

You just said it.. i bought it cuz wanted DAYZ on steroids and this game looked like it. Overall, I still can say 13€ well spent with this game.

@scottgaleener - 21.12.2022 10:01

i live playing this game it like dayz but less zombies

@Layerlol - 21.12.2022 04:40

Miscreated was one hell of a game during its prime

@Anonymous-96 - 16.12.2022 11:18

I have so many memories playing that game with my friends lots of brutal and interesting situations one of the best game of its type I've played and I'm so sad because it's almost dead i hope one day they will make that game alive again

@ItsAdventurerJay - 15.12.2022 07:49

never took off cause the devs abandoned it

@linusjokela7421 - 14.12.2022 18:47

"It has been jörs"

@R.P.G. - 14.12.2022 01:21

I've had this game for years lol. I honestly still love the concept.

@gabitos2166 - 12.12.2022 14:23

i remember this games

@wayne2816wayne - 11.12.2022 19:26

I play this 4 or 5x a week

@jostkalo - 07.12.2022 22:58

What has happened to Miscreated servers? Seems like the are not working properly .
