The Best Animal Mods In Rimworld

The Best Animal Mods In Rimworld


1 год назад

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Ento: The Chesnaut Knight
Ento: The Chesnaut Knight - 11.09.2023 22:41

I think the giant toad mod should looked at, its a pretty nice mod all on its own fir a single animal type, and also its fun to ride giant toads into battle.

Mabra - 03.07.2023 14:50

Scarabs are cuter than deers.

ColeYote - 25.06.2023 05:20

Man, there are so many more that I want to mention. Royal Thrumbos, More Thrumbos, like a half dozen more Erin's mods, Housekeeper Assistance Cat (plus the mod that retextures them to be Felynes, which I consider mandatory), UwU, Dragons Descent, Birds Beyond, BIRD UP, the mod formerly known as Android Tiers adds some robotic animals, Ridiculous Alpaca Variety, Dinosauria, Forsakens Fauna (plz update), I am furry trash so I have to mention all the mods with playable anthro'd up races and xenotypes (Anthrosonae probably being my favourite), multiple of the Morrowrim mods, Steve's Animals, Turtles, Regrowth: Extinct Animals...

wasn't was
wasn't was - 21.06.2023 20:52

I had alpha animals on, i got mimed.

It either died instantly when it revealed itself, or my "colonists" randomly died.
Either way, i have no idea what happened to it.

Nocturnal - 17.06.2023 03:49

Can mega fauna work with ideology, royalty, and biotech? I have all three and want to expand more on creature mounts

Swietny - 26.05.2023 21:44


Jeremy Cheney
Jeremy Cheney - 25.05.2023 21:32

Can confirm hate the Mimics and fungal husks love the rayhounds, crystalline carcol and skiphounds.

Red Ribbon IV
Red Ribbon IV - 23.05.2023 09:04

dragon descent should be added !

Quinn Monster
Quinn Monster - 22.05.2023 08:01

Hey Noobert I have a question ( you can use a mechanize centipede is a good idea for caravans ? ) or it will turn into a headache for you ? )

Titanium Xete
Titanium Xete - 21.05.2023 01:23

Screw the dragons of the rim mod. I installed it, played with it once and had my colony wiped out after only a few in-game months from a manhunting pack of dragons. I hope they scale down that crazy balancing...

E M - 20.05.2023 19:47

Whats your problem with MO?

Cannasugar - 10.05.2023 05:27

thank you animals are my favorite part of rimworld

Dhagoth Alvera
Dhagoth Alvera - 08.05.2023 18:58

Hunting horn is my monster hunter weapon choice 🤣🤣

Erin - 06.05.2023 10:53

Oh my gosh you mentioned my FF and devilstrand animals!!! Thank you so much!

ShivKnight1 - 06.05.2023 10:01

For animals it's hard to beat mixing dinosaurs and the cyberfona mod for upgrades. The brain implants raise trainability and the archo limbs are amazing. Archo legs on a t rex give it movement 35... full archeo upgrades let 1 solo mech clusters.

I just wish the evolved organs mod was compatible with animals so I could graft those onto a bronto to make carnifexs.

Paul Power
Paul Power - 06.05.2023 09:43

Muffalo Milk

BloodWolfGaming92 - 06.05.2023 05:12

I just got the PokéWorld mod yesterday and I have been enjoying it a lot. Though it definitely seems to be one that you use if you are wanting a full "Pokémon experience". I haven't been playing around with it for very long but from what I've seen, it replaces ALL wild animals in that world with Pokémon. I don't know if they have any mods/settings to make it so Pokemon are more in their natural environments/biomes or not. It does seem to be a little weird admittedly to be in a rather mild temperate forest and find goldeen just moving about on the land or see some ice types like spheal or snowrunt hanging out on the beaches.

I would say the Kyriun Fox mod is pretty great (or however you spell it). It adds large magical sentient foxes that you can tame. Once tamed, they basically become another colonist. They offer great mood buffs when around your colonists, they are pretty helpful seeing as they become a full fledged pawn for your colony, and they have rather strong magical ranged attacks.

commander of unknown origin
commander of unknown origin - 04.05.2023 21:57

Centipede joris will never be real

skyesfury - 04.05.2023 19:07

You didn't include ratkin in the animal mods?

Tyler Bristol
Tyler Bristol - 04.05.2023 17:58

I have played every monster hunter since the PS2. Historically SNS or lance main, but last 2 games I have played hunting horn to shake it up. Under rated weapon for sure.

Jon Ragnarsson
Jon Ragnarsson - 04.05.2023 15:25

Forgot one for us Valheim players. Erin's Valheim Creatures

khyron6 - 04.05.2023 13:13

One of the BEST games ever made. Even though the graphics suck. Keep the Vids coming.

6Pixx - 04.05.2023 12:26

extremely common noobert W

Shockwave00010 - 04.05.2023 10:38

Ah the mime... I did not know this one existed until 3 days ago myself... started a new very modded game with one colonist at the start. Get a pigman (from vanilla expanded races) joining me via the Wandering event and that race eats more anyway, so did not notice he was eatting a lot like mimes do... things are going okay, get a kid join and then a random raider basically pulls a widowmaker on my poor pigboy... one shot, one (nearly) kill. Rush him to bed after the fight is done but he dies shortly after as I have to focus saving my main guy as he was also near death. Look over to my poor pigman to see where he died... AND SEE A BLOODY MIME THERE... He was a mime the whole time... oh and then the kid has a mental break, attacks a angel moth and dies to it while my main guy is saving his own ass.... that game ended fast after that

Ishan J
Ishan J - 04.05.2023 10:22

Alpha Animals is truly the staple of my every rimworld playthrough.

GreekGodMaster - 04.05.2023 06:35

Unfortunately the Monster hunter mod does not have craftable weapons yet.

David Campbell
David Campbell - 04.05.2023 05:45

There's a lot of animals wrapped up in the biomes! mods, which are good. Change a playthrough completely and are worth a look.

I love animal mods. My two favourites are Megafauna and dinosauria. I made a mod to control the generation rate of different animals, so I can roleplay various things like a completely dinosaur playthrough. And control mods that get too excited with too many of their animals, or others where you never see them (like Megafauna). I like a variety, there's hundreds of animal mods out there.

It's called Animal Commonality Tweaker.

Wold =/
Wold =/ - 04.05.2023 05:16

Anima bear = anima joris

Eddie Stray
Eddie Stray - 04.05.2023 03:59

Congratulations, you got-me hyped for another beastmaster run... This time with T-Rexes instead of elephants (What could go wrong after all? 🤓)

Kirk Maximus
Kirk Maximus - 04.05.2023 02:44

Noobert with the "Princes Bride" quote ftw!

Carto 40
Carto 40 - 04.05.2023 02:07

I love lore freindly animal mods. Im a huge preastoric creature nerd so megafauna and dinosaura is a must have.

Vannilla expanded adds such natural creatures i forget which ones were vallina now.

Im gonna have to try the pokemon one though.

LaggyNoob - 04.05.2023 01:30

This channel convinced me that being mentally ill is funny in more than 2 ways.

Tony - 04.05.2023 01:18

never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down

VI III - 04.05.2023 01:14

Bren is a man of culture.

Steve Hi
Steve Hi - 04.05.2023 01:10

Who gave the cannibal a giant spider? I thought this game was cursed enough 😂

Mathias Sonntag
Mathias Sonntag - 04.05.2023 00:42

My brother got a colonist and when he died he turned into a Mime now he is a bit paranoid about his colonists turning into Mimes and i love it

ED R - 04.05.2023 00:32


gonathi - 04.05.2023 00:30

That Picture of your dog was a teaser???

LOJ - 04.05.2023 00:30


Dododos Tenfiftyseven
Dododos Tenfiftyseven - 04.05.2023 00:26

I love rimworld ❤

Samuel Crow
Samuel Crow - 04.05.2023 00:19

I think you should do a video on the mantodeans c+e mod, its still in development but once the brood update comes out there will certainly be enough content for a full video. The mod adds a race that was made using the sorne geneline, and once the mod is fully developed, they will have equivalents to all tech eras, from neolithic to spacer.

Ralf - 04.05.2023 00:18

ok...... already was a huge fan of Alpha Animals. But now i feel like i need a new colony with monstergirls 🤤

Dododos Tenfiftyseven
Dododos Tenfiftyseven - 04.05.2023 00:18

Benz in mode S

Ghastly_Grinner - 04.05.2023 00:13

Vanilla,prehistoric, & dinosaur mods are really all you need

unkleruckus - 04.05.2023 00:11

Hey man just curious are you going to make like some longer form content? I would love to see a series or playthrough of project zomboid or rimworld from you

Oblitus Viscum
Oblitus Viscum - 04.05.2023 00:06

I can recmmend Housekeeper Assistance Cat - they can haul and clean without being monstergirls

jojoscats - 04.05.2023 00:02

I knew there was a Final Fantasy animal mod but I never thought of chocobo! I can't believe I've been missing out riding a chocobo around my colony.
