@Observable @Bindable in iOS17 - SwiftUI Data Flow

@Observable @Bindable in iOS17 - SwiftUI Data Flow

Rebeloper - Rebel Developer

1 год назад

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@cpbulletsponge - 04.08.2023 15:47

Thanks for the great tutorial :) 1 Question: When using @Observable for AppState, how would you then write out the AppState properties to persistent storage as using @AppStorage with @Observable does not seem to work?

@yourbestsail - 03.08.2023 23:29

In the first example it should be more correct to use @Bindable instead of @State, according to the WWDC apple presentation of the Observation framework. Isn’t it?

@gamersarki124 - 26.06.2023 16:21

Watching from Pakistan..💕
