A Complete Guide to Resistances in Path of Exile

A Complete Guide to Resistances in Path of Exile


1 год назад

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Maubert Wilfrid
Maubert Wilfrid - 19.09.2023 10:39

Hello i have a question please my character start with -60% all and when I put lightning res it don’t up more than 4% I’m wrong with something ?

lee mattox
lee mattox - 16.08.2023 13:06

Some beginners would soak this up like a sponge but i might have to watch this video another two or three times , i thought i was bossing the game until i started getting leach or bleed proc's on me 🤣🤣🤦‍♂🤦‍♂

Ar-Raver - 12.07.2023 10:09

Too big camera for that what happening to the game thats my opinion

EarlGrey - 17.06.2023 18:21

Why 75% when i can get 89%..

75 is rookie numbers :P

LordMRDOM - 26.05.2023 02:19

Wat if I have 74 ?

HavingFun - 07.05.2023 23:30

For melding of the flesh can the ele res be determined by the chaos res?

MrRob - 24.04.2023 23:40

hey ,why do i have 0 on all resistances even if i have gear with resistances? i am in act 4 :( ... omg nevermind , i found why, i had a helmet which gave me all resistancez zero , lool im dumb af

KazZOoie - 19.04.2023 00:39

lol no wonder im dying left and right

Mikhail Tsarev
Mikhail Tsarev - 03.04.2023 01:02

Thank you very much for the detailed and clear explanation!

Samuel Hernandez
Samuel Hernandez - 24.03.2023 05:31

For anyone wondering, you chaos resistance goes down 30% after act 5 and then another 30% later. It's because of the acts not your build.

DruffilaX - 21.03.2023 21:01

i don't get enough resistance for the story after act 5 and they wipe the floor with my ass lol

Tiagocf2 - 09.02.2023 22:10

please do more episodes

CeeTruth - 28.01.2023 00:52

Do you recommend buffing your resistances using passive skills from the tree, or solely from gear? I don't want to mess my build up, but the resistance buffs on the passive tree are very tempting.

Nate Turk
Nate Turk - 10.01.2023 05:01

This is my first season playing RF...and playing jugg. I'm lvl 80 right now and my resistances are crap. Should I sacrifice a bit of damage on gear to up then or just rely on purity of elements?

TR LaValley
TR LaValley - 30.12.2022 02:55

TY, that explains why I needed 118% Electrical Resistance to defeat Dominus; but it does seem very misleading to indicate to players that Resistance is capped at 75% when in fact you need far more than 75% and the real number of your resistance is the (118%) and the 75% is basically fictional. I know your not a Dev, and are in no way responsible for that bit of Brain Pollution, but I do thank you for flushing it out of my head.

Missionary of the Adepta Sororitas
Missionary of the Adepta Sororitas - 18.12.2022 09:02

Question: If you have multiple multiplicative reductions and increases, how does the game resolve this?

Devy - 08.12.2022 20:35

That one sentence makes everything else click into place. GGG Balances the game and damage enemies do, based off everyone having 75% resist. Thank you so much!

jared muzingo
jared muzingo - 28.09.2022 18:51

Great job with video. In another video would you beable to add on brief explanation of X damage taken as another damage type. Why or when you want to have these type of bonuses. Example 5 lightning taken as physical .

Logicalfear - 18.08.2022 03:23

you need 75 or you'll die. basic

That Guy, B-rad!
That Guy, B-rad! - 15.08.2022 10:54

I now understand why you always do voice-overs, instead of live video. That curtain is hideous.

Intergalactic Koala
Intergalactic Koala - 13.08.2022 09:41

How does incandecent heart + CI works if you have 75% elemental resist? Does that mean you are immune to 25% of the monsters elemental damage?

Aaron S
Aaron S - 12.08.2022 12:34

When is it worth a passive point to increase max res by 1%? I don't know whether this is a good deal.

UnseamlyTangent - 12.08.2022 11:06

I'd love to understand how endurance charges and the juggernaut works with mitigation of elemental damage

pokeminus -
pokeminus - - 12.08.2022 01:09

Pog vid

Ekqo - 11.08.2022 07:34

it might be an interesting video idea to speak to a new player about poe to get a better sense of their struggles. i've watched plenty of guides by now but they tend to focus around the same few things, maybe im not searching the right terms or dont know the right terms to search, but there is still some fundamental knowledge that i believe i am lacking in

Aaron Boyd
Aaron Boyd - 08.08.2022 21:56

Is it recommended to take nodes for additional resistances and/or over-capping resistance nodes as a general rule early on when gear is insufficient? Should getting to 75+ be #1 priority?

Rob Bennett
Rob Bennett - 08.08.2022 01:33

Hi I appreciate these videos, I only started in Archnemesis first levelling experience was rough without knowing about resistances :) Do you think you could do a video in this series about how to know what bases are worth picking up depending on your build? It feels confusing as to what items can roll what stats or atleast it feels like that. I find that one of the most confusing things when building gear, I tried making my own filter and have just been playing SSF to try figure more things out by playing slowly and not relying on trading which I struggle to get currency for anyway haha

Tim - 07.08.2022 19:24

Let's stop talking about resistances. The face reveal was the biggest thing this video :D.
This channel is one of the best Poe channels out there. Thank you very much.

feupeu - 07.08.2022 16:11

Additional graphics when doing math like this would really help the clarity of the video.

Jakub Fijak
Jakub Fijak - 07.08.2022 13:04

If I may recommend something, it would be so that feed with your face was smaller or placed somewhere else (maybe top right corner?) - for whatever reason, combination of size and positioning made it very distracting (for me at least). Are you going to make a similar video on armour?

D. K.
D. K. - 07.08.2022 12:53

Why you sound like a girl bro, I can see you are not, it's so confusing

AncientReach - 07.08.2022 06:28

Spelling out the fact that a 1000 damage fireball is set as 4000 damage in game, therefore a 25% reduction is equal to double damage. I actually didn't understand that basic fact the entire time I've been playing the game..... TY and I am so dumb lol.

Andrew Holman
Andrew Holman - 07.08.2022 05:31

Huge fan of your content and your approaching to teaching and explaining this game. Fantastic voice also.

Rikki Rikk
Rikki Rikk - 07.08.2022 04:10

imo 75% is just not enough anymore with how hard the game has gotten over the past few leagues

Shadowjack - 07.08.2022 03:43

GGG should hire you to do an POE education series. Please keep going!

fibonacci112358s - 07.08.2022 02:54

WAIT!! This video says nothing about the resistances that monsters have! Specifically:
- Say there's a spell X that deals 100 physical damage, and another spell Y that deals 100 fire damage.
- Would I be better off using Spell X and casting Vulnerability? Or should I use spell Y, and cast flammability???

KizzaGaming - 07.08.2022 02:14

Great job mate, well presented. New players are going to appreciate your help a lot

sfbops - 07.08.2022 02:05

I get my resistance. I’ve seen what the impact is when I don’t have enough. My problem is the monsters resistance. My Tooltips, RF 189k / Fire trap 239k. Elemental weakness curse and wave of conviction exposure. When this hits an enemy that “resists fire” it appears that it means immune to fire. I can stand in their face and drop 10+ traps right on them and they take damage like I’m a level 1 and they are Thanos. Gold and blue monsters are just roaming bosses it seems. Maybe one day I will figure it out.

ResidentRumDrinker - 07.08.2022 01:50

Some really great info in the guide here, very well done. There are a number of times where your script could use a little tweaking to make it more new player friendly though. I feel like it has a habit of going on a tangent and talking about late-game items or specific abilities. It's useful to note these but they are brought up in places that are aimed at new players so a bit superfluous. Would love to go over your script and make a few tweaks.

abed al razzak alaywi
abed al razzak alaywi - 07.08.2022 00:52

excellent work doing these educational series! im looking forward to see a video about how can a character solve the issues of : reflected damage, unaffected by curses, can not be stunned, ailment immunity,reduced/no extra damage from critical strikes, maim,hinder,silence, bleeding,corrupted blood... pre acquiring mageblood is a very annoying time period.i understand that we can not have all of em, most high quant maps will have - max res, cursed by ele weakness, mobs have inc crit multi,chance, can not regen. archenemies and zappers made those mobs feel like bosses. what i just said might need like 10 videos, just giving you feedback from a somewhat new player wanting to enjoy poe but find myself playing builds that are able to solve most of the issues mentioned above. thanks for your effort of making content man. cheers

Tommy Guzman
Tommy Guzman - 06.08.2022 23:22

“Things POE doesn’t want you to know” the series

Taiwan is a country
Taiwan is a country - 06.08.2022 23:11

Cool series. I am going to make a boss immortal build next league and I might make my very first video about it, showing off the unused mechanics that can make that happen.
Is that being hit by both both double flameblast from Uber atziri in the feared, 0 damage taken.

enzo matos
enzo matos - 06.08.2022 21:11

At this point i'm just craving poe content, i'm Glad tenki is churning these out everyday

Profetu Rulz
Profetu Rulz - 06.08.2022 21:00

"Why you need 90 resistence and spell block or suppresion on top of it"

SA Greer
SA Greer - 06.08.2022 20:50

Fantastic video.....keep this up....learned a ton of information. BRAVO <3

Michael Maier
Michael Maier - 06.08.2022 20:30

Just what i was looking for, the perfect lecture for the next and all upcoming leagues, thank u Tenkei.

yaythereal - 06.08.2022 19:46

Ground effects not being able to penetrate resistances is correct but it's definitely worth noting that they CAN apply debuffs that lower your resistances or maximum resistances, for example the Sirus ground effect "Desolation of the Awakener" makes you take fire, physical. lightning and chaos damage over time but also reduces the maximum of those resistances by I believe 10%, which effectively is 10% penetration

Chris Meirose
Chris Meirose - 06.08.2022 19:27

Great series Tenkiei. Yet another auto-thumbs up.

CowPimp - 06.08.2022 19:12

I like watching this kind of content, even with a lot of time in the game, and with a solid understanding of these concepts (I've made content on the topic). However, I still often pick up little tidbits. For example, I didn't know there was a hard cap of -200 resistance to a given element. Cheers!
