Nobel Prize: Paabo wins award for medicine for discoveries involving human evolution | DW News

Nobel Prize: Paabo wins award for medicine for discoveries involving human evolution | DW News

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Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Lenin - 17.08.2023 21:51

Fun fact:
2022's nobel prize for medicine is awarded for neanderthal genome project

Chao Jiang
Chao Jiang - 23.10.2022 22:45

I am very want to know, how bible explain this.

keerthana egalapati
keerthana egalapati - 20.10.2022 07:56

Congratulations to Svante Paabo

Warren Dew
Warren Dew - 11.10.2022 21:26

Good for the Nobel committee. Paabo has been doing key sequencing work in the field over a decade now.

Darlene Farmer
Darlene Farmer - 11.10.2022 02:55

Big CONGRATS to Dr. Svante Paabo! I am a Neanderthal DNA descendant.

matt matty
matt matty - 09.10.2022 10:36

Neanderthal DNA not us sapiens ok. That proves religions are a scam unless you want to believe in 3 Noahs, ECT ECT ECT. Time to move on from an invisible magic god floating above this planet.

Coronavirus is a COMMUNIST CHINESE Bioweapon
Coronavirus is a COMMUNIST CHINESE Bioweapon - 08.10.2022 18:57

Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier says that coronavirus is a Chinese bioweapon

Gary Suplee
Gary Suplee - 08.10.2022 18:48

Thank You for Identifying the Canaanites, and beyond.
Science has nothing to offer after the flesh dies.
If you don't believe, you don't receive.
Evolution, is a lie.
I know this is not popular, I have to say .

Jester Flint
Jester Flint - 07.10.2022 17:07

Didn't God create us all? Isn't our purpose to care for other animals, the plants and the world?

Marty Smith
Marty Smith - 06.10.2022 17:27

I'm pretty sure I must have come in second.

deka anyways
deka anyways - 06.10.2022 12:10

Mr. Williams, you deserve DW prize for your contribution for the covid19 crisis here
and thanks for sharing your excitement about this news
i expect more stuffs from you

Mohamed Ebrahim
Mohamed Ebrahim - 06.10.2022 05:40

Is that discovery conflict with the Evolution Theory?

Anthony Bernal
Anthony Bernal - 06.10.2022 03:33

That don't prove nothing

C. T
C. T - 05.10.2022 21:40

Finally! Congratulations. This will provide the first step for many more steps towards progress for all sciences.

Alter Man
Alter Man - 05.10.2022 21:17

I wonder how his military talent could be.

Hehe haha
Hehe haha - 05.10.2022 19:41

As a physical anthropologist im so happy with this discovery

Frank Wang
Frank Wang - 05.10.2022 18:29

This is actually so groundbreaking if you think about it. What they are saying is that current civilization is genetically only one-step away from cave men, and Paabo discovered a way for us to figure out what that one genetic step is. Intuitively I would say that the genetic difference has to deal with brain structure, but I also wouldn't be surprised if the genetic difference is in something very obscure.

alp - 05.10.2022 17:30

Homo Sapiens made superior tools compared to Neanderthals and drove them into extinction. Europeans also conquered the world in the last few centuries with superior technologies but they didn't gas chamber all the other races even though they could have easily done it. If they did, all humans in the world would only be racially European, all other races extinct.

Big Tiddy Goth Girlfriend
Big Tiddy Goth Girlfriend - 05.10.2022 14:03

Creationists so mad😂

Zuzanna Wisniewska
Zuzanna Wisniewska - 05.10.2022 09:20

Thanks to the discoveries of Svante Pääbo, we now understand that the archaic gene sequences of our extinct relatives influence the physiology of modern humans .

Ozymandias - 04.10.2022 22:06

Surprising or not, this is a richly deserved honour for a brilliant scientist, who has shone a bright light on our ancestry, and revealed our common humanity.

KAHENS - 04.10.2022 20:35

what a cleaver lies.

Lars Gsänger
Lars Gsänger - 04.10.2022 18:47

What A complete fraud🐑

Ezzouaoui A.R
Ezzouaoui A.R - 04.10.2022 17:26

Extinguished species refuse to evolve due to their "fear" from challenging the unknown also stupidity and inability to understand or apply new concepts or change old ones is also contributing reason to vanishment of rigid species, submission to old norms and avoiding to risk.

jason grace
jason grace - 04.10.2022 15:52

Very cool, but for medicine? How does this help medicine?

Tommaso Turek
Tommaso Turek - 04.10.2022 14:27

Different story from human ets. This race claims to be 24M years ahead in some fields and to have common ancestry with many here.. From them..humankind in this Great Time of 211.04T years, into which we are approx 70T years, in this sector of the Dern Universe, was 'created' in the Sagittarius Galaxy approx 12 billion years ago. Open, write in reverse, moc.ylfyeht. Homo sapiens came from the 4 corners of this Universe. In Earth's mainstream human anthropology, homo sapiens lived parallel to ancient man evolving here, who slowly died out. That's why Dr Leakey in Kenya/Tanganyika couldn't find the 'missing link', although et did tell there was some experimental interbreeding.

Rev Zone
Rev Zone - 04.10.2022 14:16

Tarzan was a monkey humper..

Wittha dave
Wittha dave - 04.10.2022 13:25

The discovery might be a wake-up call to us that human extiction links closely to our genes and their environment.

Magnus Olofsson
Magnus Olofsson - 04.10.2022 13:10


Anurag Shende
Anurag Shende - 04.10.2022 12:39

This proves religion should be put in dustbin. It is no longer needed to carry that garbage. It is nothing and it cannot do anything.

Denis Heath
Denis Heath - 04.10.2022 08:58

YaHoVaH created all life only about 6000 years ago. As usual, smug scientists like this guy get things badly wrong, and risk the Eternal Life of gullible billions, with their evolution nonsense. 😒

leonard johnson
leonard johnson - 04.10.2022 08:57

The Worlds Collective Scientists cant make ONE single Cell organism or make ONE permanent atom (the only true perpetual machines Science Denies) perpetuating the FRAUD of Evolution. The Second LAW of Thermodynamics - there is NONE evolution. Theres also NONE intermediate Fossils, NONE missing Links, Delusional Science.

Tony BrownEyed
Tony BrownEyed - 04.10.2022 06:32

Paabo´s prize is well deserved. I only don´t know why David Reich didn´t share it with him.

Enckidoo Falling
Enckidoo Falling - 04.10.2022 06:12

They owe my dad for heparin

action_potential - 04.10.2022 05:44

Nobel prizes don't mean anything anymore. Obviously, a Nobel prize for medicine should be awarded to a remarkable discovery in medicine, something that can help cure/treat illnesses. But now a days it's given to people promoting the half-assed theory of evolution, not getting us anywhere close to the mystery of our origins anyhow.

FSH - 04.10.2022 05:42

And then you have some 'newbies' winning the Nobel prize for PEACE. And will be known as Nobel Laureates together with Paabo.

Ron The  Christ Follower
Ron The Christ Follower - 04.10.2022 05:38

Hey !!! can see these extinct people at Walmart after 10 pm shopping..........maybe they are hunting and gathering.....I wonder if they'll send me a Nobel Prize for discovering them..... 1 Timothy 6:20, 21 2 Timothy 3:1-7 KJV ....😂😂😂😂

Joseph Thinn
Joseph Thinn - 04.10.2022 04:30

The Fairytale of Evolutionism is a Religion for Atheists

Hernandez-Yanez Bold Voyagers of Zion
Hernandez-Yanez Bold Voyagers of Zion - 04.10.2022 02:30

he is nuts!

zapfanzapfan - 04.10.2022 01:58

Well deserved! Learning more about where we came from.

Drew Russell
Drew Russell - 04.10.2022 01:54

Congratulations sir. Thank you.

Majeed 🪬
Majeed 🪬 - 04.10.2022 01:29

Material world

Shariful Islam Hiran
Shariful Islam Hiran - 04.10.2022 00:01

World most criticised award

Lee Wagstaff
Lee Wagstaff - 03.10.2022 22:59

Thé wisdom of men is foolish with God.

Kevin Chantal van de Bek
Kevin Chantal van de Bek - 03.10.2022 22:56

There was no evolution. God created the earth and the universe 6000 years ago. There are 7500 fullfilled prophecies that prove the bible and in addition to that we got the gospels and their accounts. Those accounts are eye witness testimony but I know atheists do not accept that. They are just sad and angry that s because without purpose in life nothing is important.

c. t.
c. t. - 03.10.2022 22:55

i thought this Nobel would go to the first doctor who would prove that MEN TOO CAN HAVE BABIES🤣🤣i was sure

New Moon
New Moon - 03.10.2022 22:34

It's equally as important to compare ancient Human DNA to modern Humans since we were culturally very similar until about 50k years ago & it coincides with a lot of major ecological changes that came after that.

Imagination, the ability to hold ever more complex ideas in our thoughts, seems to have expanded in Homo Sapiens & it's the single most interesting thing that has ever happened to us, something that I believe is still evolving to this day...

Free Human
Free Human - 03.10.2022 22:29

congrats , amazing results and contributions

Eric Bentzen
Eric Bentzen - 03.10.2022 21:39

Well deserved. Amazing work by Paabo and his team.

Peli Mies
Peli Mies - 03.10.2022 21:15

Con grats to Svante.

Det glider in!
