What to Expect: Low-Risk Prostate Cancer

What to Expect: Low-Risk Prostate Cancer

IU Health

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@randipikington3603 - 29.12.2020 09:35

This is a warning to all prostate cancer sufferers. I was diagnosed with invasive prostate cancer in 2016. I was given 3 options for the cancer and the best treatment option was given to me. The options were removal, radiotherapy, or brachytherapy, which if chosen would set me back personally around USD 15,000. I decided on the third option as it was made out to be the discovery of the century. We sold off a lot of items to raise the money for the procedure. What a bad decision! I had the procedure, paid my money up front, and since then my life has been ruined by this treatment. First I had to use a catheter for 7 months, 4 times a day, then I went down for a cystoscopy, and contracted a dangerous bug in my bladder that went to my blood stream. The next day I went down, actually died, as my breathing stopped due to collapsed lungs. Lucky my son lives two streets from a hospital, as I was pronounced dead on arrival, as my lungs and heart had stopped from the effects of the bug. Since then I have been hospitalized, with a recurrence of the same bug. And I have just been diagnosed with a wrecked bladder and wrecked urethra, all due to this brachytherapy radiation. So people, be very careful if ever offered that option. They never warned me of the after effects, just the good things. I hope this helps someone, even one person from that awful treatment life was very dangerous and hard for me until i met an old friend of mine in the hospital who told me about DR HARVEY and how he cures different people with various diseases with his natural herbs and roots and i requested for his contact information and contacted him purchased the herbal medicine he gave me instructions on how to administer it and i believed him and followed his instructions after 2 weeks of consumption i went to the hospital the fourth week and carried out a test and behold I'm totally healed and cured I'm forever grateful to DR HARVEY you are a blessing to this world thanks for all you do sir..
You can contact DR HARVEY VIA EMAIL:[[email protected]]

@24hourgmtchannel64 - 10.09.2021 16:43

While I understand the concept of Active surveillance, I still fells very dangerous. They say spread is almost non existent with G6 yet you hear stories of Gleason 6 metastasizing. Maybe those had missed 7's idk. The whole argument against a RP seems kind of nonsensical. You are choosing not to deal with loss of sexual function and some incontinence over living with a ticking time bomb in you pelvis? What am I missing?

@jimjohngirard - 27.02.2023 04:53

just diagnosed with PC.......3+4=7 Gleason score, low PSA....3.1.....small acenocarcinoma in left Apex. My concern, what is the best approach for treatment with the Apex is so close to the Urogenital Diaphragm. I'm concerned about irreversible incontinence or leakage. So, I have yet discussed this with the radiologist, which is scheduled in a month. Any ideas you have that would be of benefit to discuss with him would be appreciated. My urologist said that I'm very curable....but, at what price when it comes to leakage. Thanks

@catfish24 - 09.10.2023 03:53

Everyone talks about robotic surgery what about regular open surgery where I live they don't have robotic surgery they both have risk robotic surgery has less risk of bleeding but it has other risk also the one controlling the robotic arms better know what he is doing open surgery gives more room to to see the prostate and the surrounding area. I have Gleason 6 and my urologist wants to just do active surveillance for now but I am still deciding what to do. It's a hard decision to make.

@timshelburn7158 - 14.04.2024 03:53

I was diagnosed with PC Gleason 6 in 2021. I've been doing active surveillance and in no way feel that it's a ticking timebomb. The odd and science are in my favor that Gleason 6 I have a better quality of line and the same life expectancy than doing a radical prostatectomy and risking impotence and inconstancy. Studies and science back this up!
