TRANSFORMERS UNITED UN-27 Windcharger Vs. Wipe-Out Review

TRANSFORMERS UNITED UN-27 Windcharger Vs. Wipe-Out Review

Toy Spotlite

54 года назад

1,113 Просмотров

Transformers United in Japan has given us many cool versions of Transformers, and this set is NO exception. We have their version of the Reveal the Shield Windcharger versus the Decepticon Wipe-Out. A cool set that introduces, kind of, a new Decepticon (sometimes also known as Necro), this was a surprise find. Captain Kyle reviews these two figures to see if they would be good for your collection.

The Autobot Windcharger was first introduced in 1984 with the first series of Generation One toys. A mini-bot with magnetic charm, he was a valuable part of Optimus Prime’s team, even using his magnetic abilities to help him and his fellow Autobots become a fake Menasor. This Japanese Exclusive Transformers United pack features his Reveal the Shield Windcharger form, with slight deco changes, and the Decepticon Wipe-Out, who stans for Trypticon. Captain Kyle checks out these two bots to see if you might want them in your collection.

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