The Purpose of Twin Flames | Twin Flame Union | Specific Person

The Purpose of Twin Flames | Twin Flame Union | Specific Person

Twin Flame Expert

1 год назад

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Twin Flame Expert
Twin Flame Expert - 05.01.2023 22:41

What is the purpose of twin flames?

Starla Briggs
Starla Briggs - 30.04.2023 07:58

David Scott
David Scott - 19.03.2023 22:25

Inner union is the journey that spirit is leading me to undertake.

Trudi Harper
Trudi Harper - 19.03.2023 05:47


Trudi Harper
Trudi Harper - 19.03.2023 04:17

YES i feel you sweet suga!!! you were saying that you didn’t know where the emotions were coming from, seems like that’s the story of an empath & the divine feminine twinflame’s life.😩 maybe this part of your soul retrieval is healing an aspect from a mother wound & finding more compassion for your mother & integrating the divine feminine softness within yourcellf vs disconnecting & not wanting to be like her. however, i’ve never felt disconnected from you, personally. no matter where you’re at on your journey, it’s given me the information & language for what i was experiencing, that only my soul knew how to communicate to me, in the sense of a knowing, so that i could go to the next level of my ascension. like you’ve said many times, there are so many levels, as i randomly spiral deeper into these aspects, after thinking that i’ve moved past a level, only to experience something in life that triggers something else, that causes me to question mycellf, from a 3d perspective. even tho i innerstand that i’m a soul & not the mind & that my twinflame & i are the same soul, in 2 different bodies & to not focus on my other cellf. it takes me following the innergy & unctions in my soul, to get to certain understandings, which is how i retrieved my soul, not ever having realized that it wasn’t all the way in my body, until something clicked one day, maybe 2 wks ago, when my inner being, or my body innerstood that my twinflame is me, but the minute my body got it, even tho my mind already understood that, i felt my soul literally coming back into my body & i got dizzy & had to lay down for about 3 hrs. i was at the stage where i’ve been living my life, have been working on my mission, sometimes feeling happy, not feeling mad, abandoned, or sad, although i can always feel my twinflame & finally learned the difference btwn my emotions & his, but the 3rd innergy, or the holy trinity as some call it, still felt annoying to me. i had stopped trying to pull away from it, realizing that was making me the runner, but i just didn’t want to feel like i had an innergetic siamese twin living inside me anymore. after that, i realized that in order to balance the innergy, i needed to stop acting like he wasn’t there & so when i felt him feeling difft things, this is how i began trusting my intuition completely, bcus it was my intuition that even caused me to meet him in the 1st place. so, i was at the point where i was in so deep & there was no turning back. here is when i began to trust our telepathy & intuition, seeking to neutralize our shared space & come into union. on the day that my soul came all the way back in my body, i dozed off into a deep sleep & woke up innerstanding that my innergy was only pulling toward mycellf, bcus my twinflame & i are the same person & that was the moment, my soul began coming back into my body, bcus i realized i had been chasing mycellf, during the painful part of the “separation” & even after that i realized there was no need to keep my mind on the 3d person bcus it’s just an illusion, bcus he & i are the same cellf, since the real cellf is our soul. i realized more that it was in my childhood, where i became hypervigilant & why my soul was detached from my body, in the 1st place, which was in alignment with why my twinflame raised his voice 6 months ago & said you’re disconnected. he wanted me to feel what he was saying & i didn’t agree. however, that moment was like a silver lining with a message, bcus it came back to me, bcus i never agreed with him & felt very connected, but after my soul came back into my body, that moment was etched in my mind, in order to come back to my remembrance, as a guidepost, to help me innerstand what happened to me, when my soul was coming all the way back into my body. does this make sense to you?

Cecilia Noblia
Cecilia Noblia - 19.02.2023 12:49

I am on board! Thank you 🙏❤️

Queenconsciousness 22
Queenconsciousness 22 - 11.02.2023 16:45

Hi Dr. Harmony! I'm on board... please let me know more information. Kind regards 🙏🏽😊

Angela Tricker
Angela Tricker - 07.02.2023 14:12

I'm going to follow you on this journey to inner union ❤



Zoe Petrovic
Zoe Petrovic - 15.01.2023 04:37

I did feel a disconnect—and now I feel more realigned with you than ever! I’m on board with you 🥰💞on this collective shift.

Cherie Markham
Cherie Markham - 09.01.2023 17:19

I have to say something.... I have known you almost all of my life, approximately 45ish years. I have always loved you, Harmony! I absolutely agree with you on this disconnect thing that has been happening in the last 2 years. Your message hasn't changed but my understanding has. I can not tell you how much your teachings have helped me! You have been there with me through so many life changing events! And through them all, you are my constant ray of Love and Support!

Robert Brozewicz
Robert Brozewicz - 09.01.2023 08:38

Actually what is happening is that you or me just wants energy balance and harmony. Harmony is dynamic balance. Because of feeling of unbalance you start looking for lacking balance footprint. Inside you and outside.. Just because all is one in fact. You need to allow yourself, unconditionally, that is called love, to experience what you need. Also do an exercise. Start feeling gratitude for something. You will feel light and energy. Feeling depressed is lack of light and energy. Your thoughts can influence everything around them, so be careful. Twin flame means you and other energy center are kind of synchronized. That is why you feel attracted but also you may feel challenged...Avoid creating blocks. They are useful initially but they are just for temporary measure..Be relaxed. All is under control. Soft, flowing, loving control...

James Lenox
James Lenox - 07.01.2023 03:33

Hi Harmony, an inner union to heal yourself and become whole, complete, and the highest version of your True Self. To Love yourself and become the One so you can call your True Love in. I am on board with your alignment. To be in the correct appropriate positions. Harmony Latin for Harmonia joining or Concord, an agreement or Harmony between people or groups. So Harmony is in the correct relative position to join people or groups in an agreement to be in Harmony in the correct relative position between those groups or people. A harmonious alignment of groups or people to find their True Selves by finding their pieces by being triggered by their mirror and healing their pain and trauma and having an inner union to Love their True Selves so they can become the ONE within their True Selves, ready to Love their True Love who has become ONE within Their True Selves so they can surrender to the process of finding their Soul Purpose to complete the contract or agreement and find their God or Divine Given purpose with the Free Will to decide to do it together or with someone else that has done the same. In harmonious alignment. Full Circle?? Did I miss anything? It has taken me 5 and a half months with one quantum realignment with you to become as close as I am able to be to love light one the ONE. It's like contracts or agreements from past lives are being rewritten. Mirroring themselves into this ONE. I wrote this..
From lack into Abundance, from limited to Limitless, if I come again will We win at this, this time? From Our past into ONENESS I like for things I right re right and write to at least Rhyme.. 💭 Thoughts Harmony??

Tiffany Palacio
Tiffany Palacio - 06.01.2023 19:21


L - 06.01.2023 17:28

I’m onboard with you on finding my own self love

sulvia gania
sulvia gania - 06.01.2023 02:32

Inner union is so important to know how we can achieve it ❤

sulvia gania
sulvia gania - 06.01.2023 02:31

Yes we wanna see 😊

Michael Vin
Michael Vin - 05.01.2023 23:56

I would be interested in the series.

Inked - 05.01.2023 23:55

I think introverts understand this very well as they are comfortable with themselves and their own company. They do not need 'others' for their lives to feel rich.

ShannonAshley7 - 05.01.2023 23:09

This is so needed.. I have felt lost for 3 years.. constantly healing and growing... but still ... my heart is not full ...
