GVIDO Product Review (Digital Music Score Reader)

GVIDO Product Review (Digital Music Score Reader)


5 лет назад

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Daniel Larsen
Daniel Larsen - 29.04.2023 23:06

Unfortunately, it is now discontinued 😢

Filip Mcbrsk
Filip Mcbrsk - 07.12.2022 18:40

Doesn't matter how much you think GVIDO is great DON'T BUY IT. It's a great concept but nothing else. I bought it and it was just waste of money. It's slow, it freezes quite often. And after a year it was useless. Contacted with customer service and I've waited over 3 months for a reply. At the end they've send me a new device which did't last 6 months.

Nhaze - 05.06.2022 17:38

A sponsored video is never a review.

Robert Hopkins
Robert Hopkins - 13.03.2022 13:34

They went out of business... Oh well.

Mario Vallejo
Mario Vallejo - 25.11.2021 07:33

Add color to highlight music

Esteban Outeiral Dias
Esteban Outeiral Dias - 10.10.2021 01:07

I'll wait like... 10 years so the technology gets faster and better

Opera MX
Opera MX - 25.09.2021 12:52

For $1.6 K just get an ipad pro.

Es Pr
Es Pr - 27.08.2021 20:45

Pen sucks, easily lost, price is ridiculous☹👎👎👎

Link Thai
Link Thai - 02.08.2021 07:24

e-ink unfortunately still a really expensive technology, it's good for book but sheet music require such a large screen that is impossible for most. I hope the price would come down in a few years when the techs develop enough to be cheaper and faster.

Reece Griffith
Reece Griffith - 16.07.2021 08:33

Lol. I was saying to myself "huh... this is really neat... I'll get it if it's cheaper than the kindle."
Lol, it's $1,600, +$300 for the foot switch which was my main attraction.

Tritone - 04.06.2021 20:00

They are absolutely crazy £1.5k

Tiny-Tunes - 22.05.2021 00:52

too expensive

therkels1 - 12.03.2021 17:10

Me: Oh, that seems so handy! I hate having paper floating around...
Also me: fuck that! I wouldnt spend £1500 on it if i was swimming in paper!!

beem bob
beem bob - 10.03.2021 19:28

frikin expensive, tablet is colored do more things and cheaper

Fernanda McCormack
Fernanda McCormack - 29.01.2021 23:32

At this price is only for few... ive just got a digital piano for half of this price! I will keep my paper for sure.

Brad Hottub
Brad Hottub - 29.12.2020 05:11

So a Kindle (basically a smaller version of the same thing) is $80 ???

Julian Arenas
Julian Arenas - 27.12.2020 00:01

for that money one can get 3 ipads pro

Sarah Javea
Sarah Javea - 13.11.2020 03:29

Hi has anyone bought one yet? Does anyone know how quick it would skip pages to play a refrain for example ?

Frank Grasso
Frank Grasso - 22.06.2020 23:56

How do you switch from page 5 back to page 2 with one flip?

Edelplastic - 22.06.2020 18:36

Great.. two Tablets with Greyscale Screen for 1600 bucks...

elisa naufel
elisa naufel - 28.05.2020 15:41

I'm a musician, I obviously can't afford this

nottyash100 - 12.03.2020 22:05

For say $600 I would go for it, but for $1600 no way. Come on nerds come up with a cheaper version.

Milos Zivkovic
Milos Zivkovic - 13.02.2020 13:34

The issue is not the GVIDO but e-ink display company that basically has a monopoly on e-ink displays. Even thou the tech exists for 20 years the screens are criminally expensive

QuickQuips - 01.02.2020 18:54

Outside of the side by side notetaking I imagine a Bluetooth pedal and a android music sheet app on a decent 10+ inch eReader like high end Likebook or Onyx Boox could be around an iPad price.

michael scholz
michael scholz - 21.01.2020 10:55

This is exactly, what I was looking for for quite some time.
But the price exceeds my budget by far.
I guess the technical device justifies the price, but not its purpose.

Jenny P
Jenny P - 30.10.2019 07:09

looks good but way too expensive

Pablo Villa
Pablo Villa - 28.10.2019 13:42

I will get one, when a company sets a realistic price to it. 1.6k Dollars for a device this slow to open a PDF file is ridiculous

Jayvee Aurea
Jayvee Aurea - 23.10.2019 08:04

Too overpriced and way too far to even getting close to practical.

Carlo Pocklington
Carlo Pocklington - 22.10.2019 16:26

Or buy an iPad pro and use the App Forscore where you can also notate on it or have it turn pages for you according to the tempo you select

Albert Lin
Albert Lin - 02.10.2019 20:19

this product is utter crap.

as with any device that uses e-ink, there is a severe lag when transitioning during page turns. you won't be able to see anything clearly for about half a second to a second.

you could easily get an ipad-pro or 2, and use it as a digital sheet music reader. a

현쮸니 - 13.09.2019 01:23

가격 쫌만 더 저렴하면 좋겠다 ㅠ.ㅠ

autobotsNdecepticons - 01.06.2019 09:09

It's cool, but $1,600? HA HA HA HA HA. No thanks. There are numerous other ways to solve the same problem for a tiny fraction of that price.

8T8Keyz - 29.04.2019 23:19

An iPad, INDOORS, is GREAT. However - outdoors??? The iPad is completely useless. Yes - this system is fairly expensive. However, it is actually 2 devices ($800 or so each). You technically could just purchase 1, and use it. However - the luxury of having left & right side visible, is more natural - and of course, more convenient - and there is a cost to that.

HSAL04 - 16.01.2019 12:00


Brian Cullen
Brian Cullen - 16.12.2018 04:44

How many scores could you actually buy for $2,300! That's 23 concertos, 100 + individual scores, 135 book sets! Would set you up for musical life.
Wayyyyy too expensive, I'll stick with perfect to view paper.
Only 13" too, that's tiny compared to the already small A4 paper standard. I've been making my scores A3 by enlarging suitable prints, or cut and pasting (analog) paper like my part from duets etc. , Sibelius editing scores in good print with my markings only plus I fit more bars per page and can organise systems and repeats to the perfect page turning structures, plus I use colour markers and pens for easy ID of repeat markers on the paper or on Windows pdf. There is a great pdf music viewer called mobile sheets, the scores look great (better than pdf standard viewers).
A3 paper is luxurious.

That $300 floor pedal is a bad joke, I have a USB A floor pedal from 8 years ago with led light for dark stages that is just awesome, I also have the airturn BT which is very good for travel and has been reliable.
I've been waiting for something like Gvido, only I expected it to out class my current gear at half the price they are asking.
I hope their greed teaches them a lesson about stupidity.

Andrew Collins
Andrew Collins - 30.10.2018 15:44

It's a great product but £1,500 PLUS VAT is the cost of a high-end keyboard. I would have to choose between the two and the keyboard would be the winner.

Juliette Faraco
Juliette Faraco - 12.10.2018 02:01

Nice review. FYI “Gvido” is a little music nerd joke. Guido d’Arezzo was the guy that introduced lines into musical notation. Before that, the notes went spatially up and down but you needed to already know the pitch. With lines, it became possible to play music you’d never heard before. So ... early musical notation advance, and futuristic notation. Whatever.

knight eagle
knight eagle - 28.09.2018 01:33

i like to listen to your piano music,because i learn alot.

J B - 26.09.2018 08:40


Eleonor England
Eleonor England - 26.09.2018 05:53

Also, what’s the biggest pdf you can load in there? Like can ya load in your whole fakebook pdf or do you need to break it down to 500 songs or whatever?

Eleonor England
Eleonor England - 26.09.2018 05:51

Does this thing have like colour options for the pen markings so you can, like, highlight any codas or signas or whatever? Man I lovve this thing.

Beep Boop
Beep Boop - 15.09.2018 04:00

That is definitely perfect for any musician. I can imagine a lot of college professors who would love it.

verdodragon - 14.09.2018 18:59

That price is criminal

Peyton Cali
Peyton Cali - 14.09.2018 18:19

Every played take five? It is really fun and jazzy

Alex T
Alex T - 14.09.2018 17:49

Jesus, the product is so nice but the price is ridiculous. Maybe someday when e-ink screens are more affordable

Chris Bull
Chris Bull - 14.09.2018 16:54

I have used an iPad and Piascore for several years and I can download music from an assortment of sources. Perhaps I would upgrade to a 12.9 inch screen. I did see the gvido in Japan several months ago and it did look slick, but not for the price they are asking, I.e. the iPad can so so much more.

Jim Cheseborough
Jim Cheseborough - 14.09.2018 16:37

Only $1600.

Jim Cheseborough
Jim Cheseborough - 14.09.2018 16:36

Can you save your edits to Windows?
