Create a Microservice with Symfony 6 Part 5: Symfony Serializer

Create a Microservice with Symfony 6 Part 5: Symfony Serializer

Gary Clarke

2 года назад

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Карина Рогозная
Карина Рогозная - 08.01.2023 14:12

thank you so much for your work!! I've never seen such an awesome free tutorials . Keep going )

Toma Tomov
Toma Tomov - 01.10.2022 00:12

This is the most clean, proper, well explained tutorial about symfony microservices. You deserve millions of followers...

R4GEFORME - 01.06.2022 11:25

quick question:
Why not use json_encode function?

Ste - 03.05.2022 19:15

I can only echo what the other comments have mentioned - you have a top notch delivery method of explaining. I'm really enjoying listening and learning. The pace and quantity of information is perfect

Absolute kudos to you

Dawid S
Dawid S - 28.04.2022 02:55

Use JMSSerializerBundle - it's very easy to config there camel/snake case.

Bikal Basnet
Bikal Basnet - 21.04.2022 15:19

That's a nice way to use custom serializer. I needed exactly this. Thanks

Andrii - 21.04.2022 10:59

Thank you

ramo012032 - 19.04.2022 23:25

Hi gary, thanks for the tuto.

I don't think its the best way to go about it, because there's no dependency injection, probably you should use a service declaration in service.yaml if you can't take advantage of Symfony autowiring.

Or you can just configure the Symfony default serializer.

controvi - 19.04.2022 21:53

thanks yet again for the content.
You are starting to change my way of thinking about coding.
Normally I would always hang my self when starting a project beginning at the database and thinking "what data am I going to need, how is it named in the DB" (you can tell I don't usually work a lot of setting up Databases for projects :P )

You already converted me into thinking what data I want and just throw it in a function and return it so I have the data I need to work with and build my application based on that.
Tweak the data where needed and eventually when the application is nearing its front end completion, I start thinking about the database.

Thanks for that ^_^
It is helping a lot.

Meikel - 19.04.2022 12:02

You derserve a way more follower...I love your Videos, super explanations, best practise, real world examples...PERFECT!!!!!
