Why iCloud Photos is the BEST Cloud Backup Solution | Google Photos vs. iCloud Photo Library

Why iCloud Photos is the BEST Cloud Backup Solution | Google Photos vs. iCloud Photo Library

Craylor Tech

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Cat guy
Cat guy - 08.02.2022 18:25

icloud only offering 1GB of free storage is extremely off-putting for me. They're basically saying you have to pay for the service without even trying it. Google photos gives you 15GB for free, so at least that's enough storage to store a bigger bunch of content and see if you like it.
But yeah, anything less than 6GB of free cloud storage is very anti-consumer and a bad buisness move. Google still does what Apple doesn't!

Fibonacci - 19.10.2021 18:16

Apple is doing the same practice though

Rob Brogan
Rob Brogan - 24.09.2021 16:35

This aged well, now that Google Photos no longer has an "unlimited" option.
Next step for me is to make sure I don't have duplicates as I merge all those google photos with my apple library lol

antorezzz - 29.06.2021 11:31

if anone just wants to back up their photos just use google photos i have a iphone i still use googles app....

Atin Singhal
Atin Singhal - 02.08.2020 21:15

Google photos does allow manual backup. Get your facts right!

Atin Singhal
Atin Singhal - 02.08.2020 21:13

Well if you don’t delete unnecessary photos, that’s an issue with you as a person imo. If you get 200GB/2TB from iCloud or Google or even get a 2TB HDD, you won’t look at them and delete unnecessary photos unless you are running out of storage or maybe you’ll give up and pay for more storage if you don’t feel like deleting photos

Kim Madsen
Kim Madsen - 27.07.2020 19:28

So youre saying that Apple is not spying on people also?, Only Google?. Like to see that statement from Apple saying: We'll not use your data in any matter. Lol

Alejandro Guerrero
Alejandro Guerrero - 12.07.2020 03:23

You are an idiot. Dont thank me

Janraff Lim
Janraff Lim - 09.05.2020 00:42

iPhone won't allow google photo to run on the background but if you're using android phone, google photo backed up automatically.

Justin Hamilton
Justin Hamilton - 20.04.2020 01:01

I see you're like me Craylor... Still have not gone to the new MacBook Pro yet... I just am not ready to loose the SD Card Reader.

Anon Bin Anon
Anon Bin Anon - 15.04.2020 15:47

Apple and privacy, really? if I were you I'd probably check on that claim, and research deeper than the marketing blabber. Read about PRISM and dive deeper from there. You want security and privacy create your own cloud storage, there are open source solutions like Owncloud. Anyway I came here thinking there is a legitimate feature or ground breaking tip, guess not. BTW You could always disable location permissions from the camera app. I'm not defending anyone here, but if privacy is your concern, you should probably use Hardened Linux, Hardened Android, no Google services, setup your own cloud, VPN, firewall, etc .. My point is Apple does collect your data. Read their privacy policy.

Oh yeah Google in 2019 paid Apple 12 Billion USD to allow Google search to be the default search engine on Safari, 9 Billion USD in the previous year. That's hypocrisy at best, if they wanted privacy they won't allow Google to be their default search engine. Apple didn't even allow custom search engines in their browser previously, like for example the privacy focused DuckDuckGo, that happened only recently.

I hope this has been insightful. Cheers.

Alexandr Vasiliev
Alexandr Vasiliev - 30.03.2020 17:56

You will switch very soon to gphotos ))

Thiago Felix
Thiago Felix - 28.03.2020 21:32

Congratulations man! Greetings from Rio de Janeiro - Brazil!

Jimmie Le
Jimmie Le - 08.03.2020 18:20

Great video and good pointers I never knew. Thank u, I feel well informed now

chad - 25.12.2019 22:01

you are dumb

GAMERS个GHOST全 - 27.08.2019 06:06

Can you plz tell me how to transfer all of my google photos to iCloud I have about 60k in my library

Calvin Walker
Calvin Walker - 03.07.2019 07:03

Google photos doesn't store them in their original format like iCloud. I guess "minimal compression" isn't too bad though. When it comes down to it you get what you pay for. Also you can turn off adding GPS location in iOS.

EL JEFE REVIEWS - 03.07.2019 06:18

If I were still on iOS I'd definitely switch over. Google Photos owns me. Awesome video CT!

Yours Truly, Chris
Yours Truly, Chris - 03.07.2019 02:31

The first shall be better
