HARVARD: Red Meat Raises Diabetes Risk 62%. INTERNET: Nope.

HARVARD: Red Meat Raises Diabetes Risk 62%. INTERNET: Nope.

Plant Chompers

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@realhi-fihelplarry8047 - 03.02.2024 07:27

What is hard to understand about not killing bacteria (red meat) creates bad bacteria in your body? (diabetes)
It the same like not washing your hands and sharing an oven with 1million other people while the oven never gets washed, of course itś going to be bad for your health in terms of any disease.

@brianash1080 - 03.02.2024 07:05

You say you are a retired scientist in an effort to add credence to what you say about nutrition but the reality is you are geophysicist. You are a hobbyist when it comes to nutrition.

@abel78750 - 03.02.2024 07:04

This study is just dumb. Isnt meat a "free" food for diabetics because it doesnt raise blood sugar levels the way carbs do? I remember getting a list of free foods from my Dr. This study is crap. Most Americans are eating a truckload of bread ie carbs with meals in the form of fast, processed, junk and fried foods. America is a fast food nation! Morons!

@marjorieferrer9520 - 03.02.2024 05:27

People still believe in Harvard? 🤔

@johnwalterhanna - 03.02.2024 05:11

Is there still an increased risk when you stratify by carb intake? Do carnivore or nearly carnivore eaters have this same risk? I did not see how they confirm Type 2 diabetics vs late onset Type I? I was diagnosed as a Type 2 diabetic and it took me 12+ years to find the real truth that I am late onset Type I. A large percentage of those diagnosed as type 2 could actually be late onset Type I and require insulin. I had to convince the doctors to give me the correct tests only after ending up in the hospital and they still not were getting it right and giving me the wrong drugs.

@paolomartini150 - 03.02.2024 01:49


@rebeccaboudreau7589 - 03.02.2024 01:29

Thank you for doing this! I’m tired of seeing aggressive carnivores and keto pro beef dieters. I think it’s not just their rebellion against being told a high red meat diet is unhealthy, but it also seems to be a way for conservative males to flex their old fashioned power against modernity that they don’t like

@AtheistEve - 03.02.2024 01:25

Obviously people can develop diabetes 2 even if they are vegetarian non-alcohol drinkers. Would that be because of the increased reliance on dairy and eggs? Plus sugary puddings and cordials?

@PatrickMcMunn - 03.02.2024 01:19

I find it amusing that the phrase "diet tribe" sounds so much like "diatribe". It's a fitting coincidence.

@mrmaxcarter2306 - 03.02.2024 01:18

Ken Berry hates himself..

@grayman7208 - 03.02.2024 01:05

fake news.
but, keep trying

@jarrodhockley - 03.02.2024 00:45

The mechanism, is likely Gluconeogensis, e.g if you have a plate of food where its got a large portion of meat along with a large portion carbohydrates. you are going to have a high carb/glucose load as the window of digestion plays out. if you go over your genetic limit for protein absorption (utilization), your body will deal with it by trying to convert it to a storable form aka glycerol (fat) this process involves insulin and hence the relationship with meat and insulin resistance etc.. so this is not meat = bad, this is over consumption beyond genetic limits of ones own digestive ability.. any diet tribe that does not settle on omnivore, will loose over the long term on a total health basis, in our species. the game in the middle is the human experiment to find out the outcomes of approaches.. tradeoffs..

@malcolmchapman3032 - 03.02.2024 00:32

A classic case of you find what ever you are looking for.....if you actually looked at , for example, wheat consumption, you I suspect would have found a greater correlation......Which actually begs the question, Why were they looking for a correlation between red meat in the first place?........the answer is quite obvious......Because they were desperate to find it

@WFPB_4_Life - 03.02.2024 00:32


@ilfaitfroid9739 - 02.02.2024 23:06

Such a fascinating conversation - thanks for the deep dive on this one

@qpom2336 - 02.02.2024 22:59

It is a horrible study. Come on Harvard, you need to do better.

@rebeccabriggs2982 - 02.02.2024 22:46

Wee problem... hundreds, thousands... of carnivores are getting off all diabetes meds. It's the excess of carbs WITH the meat that's the problem.

@niwoh - 02.02.2024 22:11

This is off-topic as hell but why is his skin SO reflective? It's distracting me hard lol

@procraft - 02.02.2024 21:44

Haha epidemiology "science", total fools thinking of themself as nuanced.

@poppyseed6487 - 02.02.2024 21:35

Quality content! How have you not got a million subscribers yet, I don't know.

@JennifertxCarnivore - 02.02.2024 21:32

Loads of people who eat plants have heart attacks. The SAD/Western diet is practically vegan and yet heart attacks have escalated! It is not meat causing it, it is the plants.

@joeblow2183 - 02.02.2024 21:12

The problem is the censoring and conning that has happened in science. Harvard president was a con artist who plagiarized 40 times and has turned Harvard’s rep as a left wing church. Covid studies in the Lancet were fraudulent and had to be retracted. Science conned us during Covid censoring science that didn’t agree with the message. The next time people will say cried wolf next virus. Then this video says people love marbled meat. Not me. I’m eating wild meat. I hate fat and trim all fat and refuse to eat marbled meat. I eat super healthy and build in vegan days during the week. I eat a ton of veggies and little processed foods. Until a study comes out following my eating habits I have a hard time agreeing with The Message!

@deanramsey95 - 02.02.2024 20:03

Great video

@captaindrywall - 02.02.2024 19:56

Even I am smart enough to check what else beef eaters eat that would lead to diabetes since beef alone has nothing in it to trigger the pancreas. How do none beefed stimulate the heart mitochondria

@michaelbarry8373 - 02.02.2024 19:46

Only with the SAD. Carb dominate. Reduce those carbs and sugar all day long. then red meat is not a problem.

@johntatman9168 - 02.02.2024 19:24

I've been watching countless videos from PHD scientists in the metebolic field and could not be more confused. How could science put a man on the moon decades ago, build a space station and a deep space telescope and when it comes to human nutrition be so completely lost. These people are worse then politicians. You take a room full of them outside and they wouldn't agree if the sun was or was not shinning. It is shameful and pathetic. Billions of dollars spent collectively on their research and they appear to be clueless. Either that or they want to intentionally confuse the lay person.

@whoisdkm - 02.02.2024 19:22

Thank you, again, I love you.

@Hillbilly333 - 02.02.2024 18:39

What a load of rubbish,if you believe this nonsense you’ll believe anything,eat what you want

@songmlf - 02.02.2024 18:00

Another fabulous video video from Chris. I love ❤️ plantchompers.

@BluegillGreg - 02.02.2024 17:05

"I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals. I'm a vegetarian because I hate plants." - A. Whitney Brown
Not only food but also humor was more wholesome back when...

@trias418 - 02.02.2024 16:37

This study is absolute garbage. The study didn't distinguish between a person eating at McDonalds twice a day, drinking 100oz of soda and eating 1000 excess sugar calories a day versus someone eating a no-sugar carnivore diet. BMI as a 'mediator' is not enough. You need actual controls on other dietary factors which obviously influence diabetes - like, obviously, sugar intake. Laughably poor controls on confounders in diet, to the point where it has to be intentional malfeasance. You know who on average eats a lot of meat in America? Hint, it's not lion-diet enthusiasts, it's people that eat a lot of fast food.

@athalsteinn3745 - 02.02.2024 16:16

Another great video, cheers :-)

@KevinSamuelsKid - 02.02.2024 15:03

Man you guys have got to stop this. It does matter if you have even an r = 1 association, it will never mean cause-and-effect. What are you all seeing that nobody else does?

@skorpers - 02.02.2024 14:26

Because Harvard has frequently done nothing but release unbiased and accurate information regarding diet. Of course.

@eightofhearts - 02.02.2024 13:52

I got goosebumps from this interview. Wow. Thankful for the internet that i get the chance of getting all this knowledge. There’s no way i could have come across this knowledge living where i’m at. Thank you PlantChompers, your eloquence is just amusing must come from reading all those books and your association with all those great people.

@harishujic3502 - 02.02.2024 13:46

pure bs..from all that data to subtract that red meat is the only factor to influence the risk of T2D is insane..caloric surplus maybe?, seed oils maybe?, inflammation?

@MarkDurbin - 02.02.2024 13:41

Very impressive and thought provoking video, I thought your interviewee handled himself exceptionally well. Thanks!

@aeronhong4998 - 02.02.2024 13:02

Thanks, Chris. Another 5 star video.🙏🙏

@juha7830 - 02.02.2024 10:55

Epidemiology =theology

@xanxus8272 - 02.02.2024 10:44

That is one young looking doctor. 😀

@MaryMueller-we9lp - 02.02.2024 09:02

What a treat !! Thanks for all your hard work!

@terryelizabeth2841 - 02.02.2024 08:15

Wow, I really enjoyed hearing the information directly from the author’s mouth. I loved all the questions and I loved the back-and-forth between the two of you.

@DannyB.-wq3wp - 02.02.2024 04:25

What is the red meat compared to? I’m sorry about being impatient, I’m struggling to find it.

@joemastriano9338 - 02.02.2024 03:10

Red meat is the best. Just took delivery of 1/8 of a cow that was grass fed and grass finished on a family farm that just raises cows for sale. The elites are trying to get us to eat processed crap and YT suppresses keto and others who have had the most excellent health from eating meat. Look it up. Start with Jorden Peterson and ask how his daughter did after going to Dr's who couldn't help her, and then got well from eating red meat.

@strider_hiryu850 - 02.02.2024 02:02

was anyone else distracted the entire time by how pretty Dr. Xiao Gu is?

@oldbiker9739 - 02.02.2024 01:42

Ill go with DR. Fung .

@oldbiker9739 - 02.02.2024 01:41

