Blue Zone Analysis: Reviewing the longevity journey of Chef Niklas Ekstedt

Blue Zone Analysis: Reviewing the longevity journey of Chef Niklas Ekstedt

Triarius Project

2 года назад

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Todd A. Beck, Capt., CHHP
Todd A. Beck, Capt., CHHP - 12.11.2023 02:35

One thing ALL overlook and that all 5 Blue Zoner's have in common, high antifungal/anti-mycotoxic intakes from clean oxygen rich air to olive oil, fish oil, fresh veggies and more. Without fungus...we die. With too much and their mycotoxins, we die. What finally brings us from ashes to ashes and dust to dust? Fungus. See you at 120. T :)

Jo Var
Jo Var - 21.10.2023 00:39

I have to note that most live in an oceanic climate with mountainous terrain. Oceanic climate is more mild in summer and warmer in winter. So you dont have as much fluctuation. Most of the zones were in areas with a lot of sun important for vitamin D production. When light hits water at an angle of 30 degree or lower the reflection factor called albedo is around 60-70%, reflecting more light at dawn and sunrise. This is healthy i would argue, because of vitamin D and higher red light concentration at this time, which boosts mitochondrea ATP-Protuction. The Sea-Land-Windsystem and the mountain-valley-windsystem generate natural airflow threw convection, because the mountain heats faster than the water and the valley, creating a natural breeze. I dont have an argument why that could be helpful. If had to guess I would say that moving air prevents trapped heat and one of the most dangerous factors in old age are heat strokes.

Elaba - 18.10.2023 15:53

Travel to all the blue zones by foot and you'll have enough time in your life to get there.

Bob - 15.10.2023 20:49

Loma Linda is quite literally nowhere remotely close to Los Angeles. It’s in San Bernardino. Do even just a little bit of research before making these videos.

R Cris
R Cris - 08.10.2023 23:55

Actually, Okinawan diet is alot of meat. I gave up veges and I'm detoxifying from lectins and oxalates.

Annie Coetzee
Annie Coetzee - 08.10.2023 14:08

Amazing. Fantastic. I will be a voice for you here in South.

Zoé Dupouy
Zoé Dupouy - 02.10.2023 13:05

There is a huge bias in these observations. As you study communities you will find conclusions about communities. If you observe very old individuals spilled in any country, you will automatically find that living with no big social life is a parameter of their long life.

George AUSTRALIA - 01.10.2023 05:05


Chuck Lee Zodiac
Chuck Lee Zodiac - 16.09.2023 15:00

no. Blue Zoners live long healthy lives because of Veganism. this video is full of lies.

Mariana Lötter
Mariana Lötter - 12.09.2023 14:03

Great Work! One thing I feel was not addressed is the effect of pollution.

bruce mattingly
bruce mattingly - 12.09.2023 06:52

Amen... Great summary, insights, wisdom to live by..!

Beautiful rainbow trout at end... I've caught and eaten many from Big Bear lake in Southern California, now reside past 48 years in Phoenix AZ outskirts beside beautiful open Sonoran desert... 😌 🏜

I have wonderful Christian Farmer parents that raised me with horse sense... and I try to practice the wisdom in your video..., but of course there's always room for improvement..!

Blessings 🙏🙌💞

Joven Villablanca
Joven Villablanca - 01.09.2023 11:57

They donot have adviser adviser what to eat in Okinawa, no diabetic patient

Joven Villablanca
Joven Villablanca - 01.09.2023 11:54

Health care and financial support centenarians until they die.

Sam Gold
Sam Gold - 27.08.2023 21:08

Can you provide?

Transporting vegetarian vegetables of Okinawa Japan Diet and meals to Grants Pass Oregon USA.

They are Purple Sweet Potato, Seaweed, Kelp, Radish, Bitter Melon, Cabbage, Carrots, Pumpkin, Papaya, Mushrooms, & more Vegetables

Of Okinawan Japanese Individuals Meals and Drinks

Vegetarian or Vegan Eating or and Drinking

New Okinawan Japanese Dieting Shoping in Grants Pass Oregon USA.

New Okinawan Japanese Dieting Restaurant in Grants Pass Oregon USA.

New Okinawan Japanese Dieting Online Service in Grants Pass Oregon USA.

On July 1, 2028 to Start having services and new types of foods Grants Pass Oregon USA dieting

Nat Lewis
Nat Lewis - 06.08.2023 10:32

'They consume olive oil, although not in the same quantities as the rest of the country'
Proceeds to pour half a litre of olive oil into a salad

Happy Hero
Happy Hero - 17.02.2023 22:42

This is exceptionally brilliant! Weldone

Rob - 24.01.2023 00:19

The so-called health crisis in the US, to me, is overblown. I used to be a weight lifter, and doctors said I was overweight despite having perfect blood pressure and other biometrics. I'm still counted as overweight even though I'm perfectly healthy. Also, I've traveled enough to know that it isn't just an American problem.

Magnus Solberg
Magnus Solberg - 12.01.2023 13:51

Wow. Thank you for this excellent video. Incredibly informative and also very funny, especially the part about Okinawa. Made me laugh out loud. Also, it’s just incredible that even longevity has been politicized, and that what these people actually eat is rarely reported.

Thanks again!

Dr. DeStress
Dr. DeStress - 30.10.2022 00:15

You can live anywhere in the world. The environment will work as if it were actually in a blue zone. Once the brain and body are working as they once did as a young child. All that is going on around us is perfectly fine. To know yourself to the point of understanding what you're really capable of doing, and the level of tolerance enables you to be in a calm place. You are in control, you don't have to say to yourself, you don't have to act it, there is no ego. "If, your hands and feet could speak. What would they say about your adventures" We are the most advanced recording device on Earth. And an amazing body. Our body serves the brain. It is not in charge. Before the mind knew, the brain new first. The body is waiting on directions.
A really cool things came out of that day I nearly drowned, I came to three days later in the hospital. When I got home I walked out the front door of our home. Stepping into the world of the unknown. Whatever memory was there before is gone. My psychological state is somewhere between a newborn and One year old. My parents had no clue of this. They saw a Six years old boy walking out the front door to a fenced in yard. They didn't know about the baby walking out the front door. The summer ended, I attended First grade for one day. The next day a psychiatrist diagnosed me, Mentally Retarded.
How I got raised lowed me to hold in to this free flowing state. From age 6 to 13, it was like being raised by silent monks. Observe me to learn. What I took away was this deep peace. A sense of joy looked to be in all they did. They showed the same behavior with difficult, hard work,as they did with easy work. The few times I heard them talk. There was no negativity.

Dr. DeStress
Dr. DeStress - 29.10.2022 23:55

The Blue Zone Project101 One day at lunch. A close friend. Looked at me. What are you doing? Looks like your getting younger! Why does a president age so much in four years? Do the opposite that a president does and reverse your aging. Could cortisol speed up aging? I don't know! Could stress speed up aging? I don't know! Of all the things I changed, finding peace once again was what did it for me. What you eat is important. Sleep is important. Socializing is important. But, who would think being creative is important? But it is. In our youth we were highly creative. We had fun with it. And there's the word, fun. Are you having fun with everything you do? There is no need for chasing sensations, alcohol, tobacco, food-sweets, entertainment...etc Our life is entertaining.
Are you a monk? A doctor in India had been reading my post. I couldn't answer the question. I'm still learning about who I am. How I got this way. Fortunately, I have lived two lives. The first 30 something very much like a Buddhist monk. Who has .mastered how to silence the mind. And does not reflect in the past, unless,a question is asked. Each day I woke up to accept whatever I would encounter. There was no awareness of what was to come. Because I lived moment to moment. Once I had a destination. A place where I am to go. I didn't think while I was journeying there. So, there are no expectations of what is to come. You're always in a peaceful state. Accepting whatever, whomever or what is happening in the moment. It is not negative or positive. What is happening isn't what's important. What you do with what's happening, is what's important. Do not take anything you do serious, instead, give a hundred percent to all that you do and finish what ever you start. Slow down, there will be times when a hundred percent means breaking a heavy sweat. Then, it's back to taking it easy, then it's back to sweating and you just never know. You don't know, so, how can you know what is easy a d what is difficult to do. How did you come to know that? I learned about that in my second life. Where this monk in me took on some bad practices, mimicking those around me. What I started doing through my 40s, was making me sick. At 50 I'm on a number of medications. I have psychological and physical issues. My life was like billions live around the world. Which is what? Waking up to what, who and thing to like and dislike. Is that where you're at? At 50, I had enough. I went to work on finding that answer to the doctor's question. Long evening walks. Every night for two years I studied my past. Recalling every experience I had from the day a near drowning would leave me in a monk state of being. I discovered that up to age 14, I did not know I exist. I've never seen myself, saw a picture of myself, my parents never talked to me or even show affection. There was no tv, no toys, no Holiday celebrations, no birthdays and no friends. While my siblings attended public school. My schooling up to age 13 took place in nature. I looked for foods I ate, I looked at my sleep, socializing, play, school, jobs, all my achievements and accomplishments, since I'm new to words, these two seem to be very much alike. How I connected to people. How I handled stressful moments in my personal life a well as at work.
Its a fascinating observation of the world. To be completely open to it. What ever it brings. To be at peace with it. It is not right,not is it wrong. An experience, good or bad, is not to become a like or a dislike. It is only an experience that we take something from it, so, that we can continue to grow in information, knowledge , wisdom and new skills.

Kaypee - 29.06.2022 04:55

Very informative.... must be the clean air in Sardinia.... no pollution...♥️🇺🇸

Artur Grabowski
Artur Grabowski - 24.06.2022 12:42

Thank You for Your work!
