Should you sell ESO materials, or craft something with them?  Elder Scrolls Online Gold Guide

Should you sell ESO materials, or craft something with them? Elder Scrolls Online Gold Guide


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Gabriel Rivera
Gabriel Rivera - 21.08.2023 03:16


Jan Daniel Nel
Jan Daniel Nel - 24.07.2023 19:06

Hi Artea, I must say that due to your sound PROFESSIONAL trading advice I now had to install an addon to collect my sales in mail as i nolonger have time pressing all those buttons to collect and delete so I can be more efficient spending more time LOOKING for deal lol. It is amazing the things I see I never would have realized can make megs $ and the thing people do to make $ including clicking on buying for example tomatoes from a npc 200 times to sell at inflated price, lol i fell for that once, so thank you. I regard your work as a masterpiece and is greatly appreciated

daro l
daro l - 23.07.2023 07:45

what addon are you using to select your guild store?

Captain Buzzkill
Captain Buzzkill - 19.07.2023 04:08

Im hell bent on learning all research. Its rare i find any nirnhoned items though. Any suggestions on a good guild who sells a lot of nirnhoned stuff?

Marvelous Patches
Marvelous Patches - 13.07.2023 19:49

As a trader of goods in real life I can honestly say that everything in this video is very well said and thought out. As a supplier, you need to meet demands at the time and what brings the most profit in the long run. If you need to make quick money that's no problem, but knowing your goods and where and when to sell them is of most importance. And I think this video did a very good job at explaining in a quick way, just how useful knowing your product can really be. Amazing video.

LionSinGaming - 12.07.2023 15:54

I know this is a trading video, but I have a question. To give context, I used to play Eso before and stopped halfway to lvl 50 on my first character because I was clueless on the game. I'm now back and made a warden and I'm in the champion ranks and done main storyline. I'm wondering where I can find a guide or build for my warden to lvl from Cp 1 to 160. My current setup isn't the greatest, and every video I see, they all have gold gear and Cp 160 gear. I'm currently struggling in some content to get my cp ranks up. I know I'm bad at the game, but I'm asking for a point in the right direction.

HeroGrayHero - 11.07.2023 14:59

Sounds like a pc/na inflation problem 🫠

japzy76 - 11.07.2023 13:39

can you give me gold?

David Maclean
David Maclean - 11.07.2023 03:05

Another thing to consider when selling crafted items. Is if they are not being sold could be cuze no one is buying

BBRocker75 - 10.07.2023 08:39

I hoard crafting materials cuz like a crafter, i know is really ez make dissapear 1000 heartwoods or mundane runes in a crafting session for a new house project.

Brad Andrews
Brad Andrews - 10.07.2023 06:24

Too bad ZOS doesn't really care about their players. I might still be playing if so.

I just piled up resources when playing, for the most part. I used a bunch in crafting dailies, but not much else.

MidnightOfRain - 10.07.2023 05:06


Murat aka FuzzyFireFly
Murat aka FuzzyFireFly - 10.07.2023 04:23

lovely 🥰 guide again @arttea
Your calm voice is so relaxing.
Thanks a lot

IBeTehNinja - 10.07.2023 02:59

Dan Grimes
Dan Grimes - 10.07.2023 01:54

Don't EVER gold out a piece of jewelry for resale, at least on console. I've seen people do it with VD, MS, war maidens, etc. Our cost in justgold plates is about 80-90k each, so 320-360k total to just move from purple to gold. U can buy the same gold jewels for 70-100k in traders. Your upgraded piece will either never sell, or lose you money.

Lynkhart - 10.07.2023 01:34

Are Aetherial Dusts still selling well anywhere on PS4? I''m not into PVP at all and managed to find two in all my wanderings, but any time I've tried to sell them (going by the TTC averages) I've had no luck, and as a perpetually thrifty player who's saving all her gold to buy a nice house, it's so frustrating having a potential gold mine just sitting in my inventory T.T

belfastclrq - 10.07.2023 00:35

I started selling nirn and other mats. Then I started buying chest motifs for cheap and reselling them. Eventually I moved onto seasonal motifs (like sovngarde, legion zero, and monster helm-shoulder motifs). Seasonal stuff just goes up in price over time, sometimes x10.

alden encluna
alden encluna - 10.07.2023 00:25


Seth Bearden
Seth Bearden - 09.07.2023 23:11

Great and informative video as always, Arttea!!!

xX.D3DP00L_Xx - 09.07.2023 22:31

I'm still using mats I bought before inflation on pcna........every time I use a potent for a build , I smile knowing I paid 5k gold for it.

Jay Are
Jay Are - 09.07.2023 22:29

Great advice as always. I need to get better tapped in to what equip/ sets are trending at any given time.

Anti Hero
Anti Hero - 09.07.2023 22:08


Mister Nerdy
Mister Nerdy - 09.07.2023 22:08

If it comes to Buff-Food, don't craft it to sell, it's always cheaper than the ingridients... The only thing, that makes it profitable to sell, is, if you gathered the ingridients yourself and you want to sell quick, because Buff-Food sells quicker than the ingridients like perfect roe.

When i was new, i really thought, i would make the most money with Cooking and Alchemy, because everyone needs Food and Drinks :D but mostly, if i would buy the materials, i would lose money.

Damien Gagné
Damien Gagné - 09.07.2023 21:38

Me who keeps hoarding and have 216 chromium platings, 201 zircon platings, 1633 kuta runes, 1819 dreugh wax, 1682 tempering alloy, 2123 rosin, 1.2k+ of each dragon alchemy material:
"but what if I need them later?"

This is why I'm almost more often than not "poor" by most standards but idc cuz I'm still having fun with the game being self-sufficient.

Also guildmates are always surprised when I craft them wahtever crafted sets they request in purple "my brother in christ I will never run out of these mats".

Euphonia - 09.07.2023 21:27

Me watching trading videos while not having sold a single item in months being like "yes, this will definitely take my gold making to the next level"

Cyberwolf - 09.07.2023 21:19

I will sell mats due to the quick turn around. Since I can’t run by a node and just ignore it, I have more mats of every type than I can ever use. I sell excess mats when the mood strikes me and in lots I believe won’t price too many people out of the market. Generally, gold mats I tend to sell in lots of 10, Purple in lots of 50, others in lots of 200. Those 30 guild store slots can be extremely productive when what you list is moving in 24 hours or less.

I have to be in the mood to be bothered though since I also hoard gold and don’t really need more except to show off how much gold I have in a screenshot from time to time.

ashyams - 09.07.2023 21:05

Don't care too much about trading, etc as I'm too new to care - I just love to listen to you and your sense of humour and editing. ^^ One of the few ESO content creators I enjoy!

Salt N. Pepper
Salt N. Pepper - 09.07.2023 20:41

when in doubt, sell dreugh wax. as a filthy roleplayer, i don't need golded armour anyways 😊

Lucht - 09.07.2023 20:03

true true, i agree with your statement

kristopher irizarry
kristopher irizarry - 09.07.2023 19:52

As a player with not a lot of time but a LOT of gold, I’m 100% a buyer only. This video totally makes sense from my perspective as I have NEVER bought a crafted item but have purchased an embarrassing amount of mats (to make/upgrade all manner of sets I might not even like lol).

Kaisers Game Bunker
Kaisers Game Bunker - 09.07.2023 19:52

I had always considered this question, that's definitely a lot to think about 🤔

Definitely, will be passing this video to some friends, they tend to sell their mats to those zone merchants promising quick money but it is always at a loss to the seller

Fights-For-Hist - 09.07.2023 19:52

Your videos are amazing thatnks for your great advice

Bumpin88 - 09.07.2023 19:47

Solid advice. It's funny how some items sell. I was selling Shadowfen overland sets as fast as I could list them a month ago, now they do not sell. Same thing with some Motif chapters. But mats always sell fast, especially Nirncrux.

epic-buttkkr - 09.07.2023 19:37


CadeAid - 09.07.2023 19:34

New Arttea video poggies 🥳
