Plastic Recycling is an Actual Scam | Climate Town

Plastic Recycling is an Actual Scam | Climate Town

Climate Town

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G Dessario
G Dessario - 29.09.2023 09:55

Wow, I like the way you presented this I learned quite a bit but holy cow, never knew half the stuff so I'm a little worried!

Lobbying should be against the law, politicians should only get reelected on performance basis.

Kel Kelly
Kel Kelly - 28.09.2023 16:51

Why would he stll promote recycling plastic when it is harmful to the environment?

Xineohpinakc - 28.09.2023 15:17

My dad worked at a recycling firm and PET, PVC, and HDPE can be partially recycled with subsidies. The other plastics have no value past the one time use and are usually incinerated or sold to small countries illegally where they are burned in pits.

Mod Quad
Mod Quad - 26.09.2023 22:15

Grind that shit up and add it to asphalt, concrete and baby food.

Maksim Fedenev
Maksim Fedenev - 25.09.2023 12:40

Plastic can't be melted or even properly washed, material gets damaged irreversibly in the process. The only 'recycling' is properly burning it at 3000+ degrees in a furnace with staged chambers and filters.

TheLobsterCopter5000 - 25.09.2023 00:30

I really don't see how banning plastics is going to work. Are we just supposed to put everything in glass?

N - 24.09.2023 00:08

What would be the plan for the single use plastic used in healthcare? I'm all for another option, but I don't hear a lot of solutions. Would love to hear some realistic solutions

Josh Howard
Josh Howard - 23.09.2023 12:40

The sad part is everyone involved knows they are part of a con job and say nothing. It is a well known secret/scam.

Josh Howard
Josh Howard - 23.09.2023 12:38

There are no bigger liars than “recycle centers”, but they are happy to take your taxes so you can virtue signal.

Bikes Hikes Likes
Bikes Hikes Likes - 22.09.2023 14:30

“Don’t recommend channel” clicked👋🏼

Matt N.
Matt N. - 22.09.2023 10:04

This was the first video I watched from this channel. At first Climate Town's content scared me so much I almost didn't believe it lol. Now I've watched them all and am dying for more information and to get involved :)

kbm blizz
kbm blizz - 22.09.2023 04:04

Very simple solution. Make plastic beverage containers crv $0.25 each. You bet ppl will not toss them in the trash. Put a hefty 🌍 redemption fee for using virgin petroleum based plastics for new things. Of course our leaders have no balls nor guts, so it won't happen. 😢

Sin Vilà
Sin Vilà - 21.09.2023 03:38

Plastics (♻️ 1 to 6) are recyclable. There are many examples worldwide to prove it. The problem is that we are not putting adequate systems in place to make it happen.

E=qual - 20.09.2023 13:13

Camera-ready war. Lol.

challism - 19.09.2023 21:54

Downvoting this for the slam against libertarians.

George Tsiros
George Tsiros - 18.09.2023 01:39

Ah. We're fuckedfucked.

Patriot1994 - 17.09.2023 08:41

Wait, hold on! Our cars have lots of plastic panels on the interior! So, how do we ban single use plastics! What do we do with cars plastics once the car has served its life? And how do we build new car panel plastics

Pepperoni290 - 15.09.2023 13:12

Something about your face reminds me of Joel Haver

PlasticCharlie - 14.09.2023 17:57

Okay, to be clear the US fucked the entire world. Because this culture now dominates the world...

STR4nG3 - 13.09.2023 02:28

Well, fuck capitalism

MarkLRandall - 12.09.2023 20:14

I always suspected as much, being cynical. But like I always say, if you're not cynical, you're not paying attention. Sad to learn the truth though.

Lisa Nidog
Lisa Nidog - 12.09.2023 17:39

My recycling is used for my art hobby. Plastic jugs hold supplies. Junk mail shredded as stuffing for my cans and empty baking sodas boxes. Glass jars I stuff with paper and put aside for a future project. Plastic dishwashing liquid are washed out and saved as a base. Plastic TV dinner plates they make good bases for centerpieces. Paper tubes from aluminum foil I cut up for smaller bases for animal stickers. Bill envelopes I either shred or paper punch and scraps go into my stuffing bags. I have a big collection of metal empty air freshener cans which will become art. Packaging I use. Endless supply of cardboard and thinner cardboard. Empty acrylic paint bottles are washed out and used as a base. Empty TP rolls turn into art. Empty plastic glue bottles become a base. Their tops become an embellishment. There’s very little I need to recycle. Empty ribbon spools am figuring out how to use those in my art. I have recycling built up for years to come for dozens of new art projects. Endless supply. Even my scraps are encorporated. Get creative!

BASIC Programmer
BASIC Programmer - 12.09.2023 16:39

Downtown Chicago: "They" put out blue cans and black cans, side by side. The blue can is marked "Reycling".

Guess what the sanitation workers do? They put ALL of it in the same dump.

WHY on earth are Chicagoans paying 10X for recycling?

Star Ship
Star Ship - 12.09.2023 15:50

I work for a waste management company. I see mountains of plastics all day from companies who pride themselves on recycling and being green. It all ends up at the landfill. Complete joke.

stevia99 - 11.09.2023 21:24

So the EPA 2023 plan on plastics is focusing on reducing pollution caused during plastic production (but not reducing plastic production), and recycling programs—focusing on the least important things :((( unfortunately the period for public comment closed, I hope people will convince them into revising it

Lisa Nidog
Lisa Nidog - 11.09.2023 20:57

Where I am, and we’re in houses, things changed. At first we just put garbage bags out. Nothing was sorted. Then we were given a tall plastic garbage can with a green top and we had to find here clear bluish bags for recycling. It was a pain as the city didn’t sell them. Now we all have the green topped tall garbage can, a yellow topped garbage can for recycles and I we used to get a calendar that said when the recycle can would be put out with the regular can. No I watch others. If it’s not recycle day they’ll empty your regular can and won’t touch the recycle can. I don’t ever have much in my recycle garbage can as use cans and bottles for my art. I had to learn that styrofoam isn’t for recycle. It’s regular. But I keep mine slow to use in my hobby art. I don’t toss the paper junk mail. I keep it and shred it for stuffing I need. I keep cardboard from packaging for my hobby art. I refill plastic squeeze bottles of dishwashing liquid dividing among many or use the containers for my art. They don’t get much recycle from me. I even reuse for my art empty TO rolls and aluminum foil rolls and empty wrapping paper rolls. It’s fun to recycle recycles and turn them into art. Or use cans and plastic jugs to store art supplies.

Johnson Stone
Johnson Stone - 11.09.2023 20:09

GREAT video! I knew that the numerical code identified the type of material, but I did not know that only the 1 and 2 types had any real chance of being recycled. I think that point alone would dramatically improve the average person's understanding of the recycling scam.

Jacob Wrona
Jacob Wrona - 11.09.2023 03:27

You sound like a guy trying to do the wrong thing for all the right reasons.
Some food for thought, turning plastic into electricity is still recycling even if it isn't spending its second life as another plastic bottle.
Grass becomes cow crap, cow crap becomes nutrients for soil to grow your tomatoes, tomatoes help fuel your well intentioned but misguided crusade. Watch the Lion King if you need a simplified explanation. The bottom line is if we are using discarded plastic for anything other than fluff in a landfill then that's great, no need to ban single use plastic which would be nearly all plastics that you interact with, setting us back as a species decades in manufacturing and adding nearly 100 percent price increase to the plastic free analogs of said products. I'm sure there are plenty of people willing to pay the increase if they can afford to do so but most simply cannot in the age of inflation. Cruelty free lab grown beef sounds great too until you see a $130 price tag on one rib eye steak.

Rob Price
Rob Price - 11.09.2023 02:28


Lineage Unknown
Lineage Unknown - 10.09.2023 21:05

It can be turned back into Gasoline/Petrol but they don't want to do that.

Bill f
Bill f - 10.09.2023 18:38

This video is nice, but the whole recycling process isn't new news in respect. Recycling has been more expensive than just making a new plastic bottle from the start. However, people just don't care that much to begin with. So this whole recycle idea is pretty much a wishful lie to make people feel better.

Ricardo Santos
Ricardo Santos - 10.09.2023 17:37

So, libertarians like to throw garbage on the ground?

Captain Kirk
Captain Kirk - 09.09.2023 23:03

Hi, I'm German and just came home from a US trip a week ago. I keep telling my fellow German friends how I was having breakfast at hotels where everything (plate, fork, knife, cup) was single use paper and plastic. They are like: "Typical Americans". But then i tell them that the cups where individually wrapped in plastic and even so were the apples. And everyone is so speechless, I'm giving them secondary trauma.

I'm an environmentalist in Germany knowing we are far behind being a climate and environmental friendly country. But damn... it's like: "How bad and in how many ways can you harm the planet?" And the US is like "YES!"

JaySee5 - 09.09.2023 18:52

You don't ban plastic, you tax the shit out of it based on ACTUAL environmental cost to clean it up (which is astronomically expensive). You then take those taxes and distribute it to cleaners and recyclers based on volume. TADA! Recycling is viable and single-use plastics are not. There's your Libertarian solution.

Joshua Ward
Joshua Ward - 09.09.2023 18:02

I saw this first hand working in the garbage industry. Most recycling went straight to the dump. My location would take tens of thousands of kilograms of recycled material a week to the dump and my city only has about 350,000 people. I worked for one of 3 big companies with lots of smaller companies.

JerryFacts - 09.09.2023 17:10

We are being scammed in many directions starting from the reason for climate change, battery chemical recycling, and materials recycling. All based on politics, making money from publishing conspiracy theories, and getting votes.

Slack Wellman
Slack Wellman - 09.09.2023 13:41

Might want to blur the republic services logo. They take recycling seriously and have a large legal dept.

Lisa Nidog
Lisa Nidog - 09.09.2023 07:57

I solved my recycling. Junk mail is shredded and put in as filler in my art pieces. I use cleaned out sardine cans, soup cans, empty baking soda boxes. Plastic dishwashing liquid bottles I put in a box for a future base in my art, or refill with new dish liquid so ai always have a supply. Plastic food trays I collect for any future centerpieces. Pizza box, frozen food box paper I use as toppers and bottomers. I paper punch the rest. Any scraps go into my garbage bag of shredded paper for my filler. Plastic jugs I have I put art supplies in. Jars, beer and soda cans stuffed with shredded paper and ready to be turned into animal art or storage for art supplies. Envelopes I use the paper. Empty glue plastic bottles are new bases. I find a way to turn their caps into embellishments. My recycle bin is mostly empty. The plastic for my stickers used up I reuse for bits of scrap to be used later. My art hobby recycles. And oh by the way. No one forces anyone to buy things. Reuse them for other things!

Bucie Sprawy
Bucie Sprawy - 08.09.2023 21:29

You don’t have to put those random loud music clips to make video funnier, did you know that? ~ Headphones user

spanky leatherlips
spanky leatherlips - 08.09.2023 02:39

bring back paper sacks

ravenlorans - 07.09.2023 22:18

In the Philippines, there is Plastic Trash Everywhere! In The Walking Tour Videos of Cities, Towns, Slums, You can see people throwing it out and just don't care.. then you also see those TRYING To Sort it all out... You also See a Lot of Burnable Shit over there...
Burn the Shit that Can be Burned to Melt all the Plastics ( together as one kind ) and use that plastic to make Roofing, Siding, or Other building Materials they so Desperately need over there... Even Maybe be able to Melt the Meltable Metals to do the same thing.. All the Glass, Crush that and use it in Concrete Mixes or Fillers for other things... But No One Listens to me and me posting these Ideas on those Channels and in their videos gets Deleted...

No music RC
No music RC - 07.09.2023 07:47

I actually thought that symbol meant it was recyclable I wonder how many kinds of plastics there are since the 7th one just says other

John Steel
John Steel - 06.09.2023 19:06

This is why petrol based plastics need to be banned

Spike Reynolds
Spike Reynolds - 06.09.2023 16:58

As a guy with 13 years in plastics, i kind of hate that you're at least 90% right. Certain thermoplastics can be recycled pretty readily. Polyethylene, polypropylene, and TPO, just to name a couple, can be near infinitely recycled and reprocessed. Without getting into too much shop talk, though, it does bring additional difficulties with processing it into something useable.

Max Almonte
Max Almonte - 06.09.2023 01:27

I didn't even know about this at all but always said it was a legislation problem and not a consumer problem, forcing all the consumers to find kindness in their hearts, make conscious decisions, and recycle all the plastic they get was just not a very brilliant idea.

Gunderson Flooring and Design _
Gunderson Flooring and Design _ - 05.09.2023 22:20

People also like to say population is not a problem. Okay well if that's the case. Have 100 people over for Thanksgiving instead of two.😮 Tell me how they take up the same amount of space, eat the same amount of food, drink the same amount of water, make the same amount of waste. It'll become pretty obvious

tjd1956 - 05.09.2023 22:00

Do you have a solution?

wn8 vux
wn8 vux - 05.09.2023 17:34

Recycling in the USA is largely a facade. We don't actually recycle, if we did, we'd not have landfills.

Look at Japan: NO LANDFILLS, they have no room for them. EVERYTHING is recycled, other than some paper and cardboard - which is burned and the heat is used to generate electricity.

Landfills are not necessary, Japan has proven that. BUt, go ahead, keep "recycling" if it makes you feel better. Just know that our landfills are filling faster now than ever, and no one cares, because they see recycling trucks and THINK we are doing better than, say, 50 years ago.

We are not.

Miko Of the North
Miko Of the North - 01.09.2023 07:04

Duck the paper straw
