COMPLEXITY COMPARISON of heroes between League Of Legends and Dota 2. (=/= difficulty)

COMPLEXITY COMPARISON of heroes between League Of Legends and Dota 2. (=/= difficulty)


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@EuryxLiSA - 10.12.2023 06:57

I play dota most of the time and league from time to time, but i find league very difficult, i mean it could be because I am not that familiar yet with most of the champs but mostly maybe because it is to fast paced for me. ,like every other minute there's a clash so I guess I don't have any reflex for that anymore, in dota it is almost always slow, like sometimes you need to camp out for a number of minutes even without doin anything

@ricacorales1008 - 03.12.2023 12:45

Is it true that old Invoker version has a 27 skills? Sorry, I only started playing DoTA recently and never played that hero, not even the tutorial, lol.

@viktor7258 - 02.12.2023 00:02

My dude really put Yuumi in a complexity video

@mightbenight5139 - 28.11.2023 21:03

dude no way u put naga and mag in middle they are super hard champs to play at least some what effective u don't consider some things in ur thought process IMO take for example sion/malphite while their abilities are considered skill shots after buying items or even at lvl18 no items comparison to another champ like twitch they can tank way more and are more likely to be played better bye worse players where as twitch needs a bit of mechanical skill in auto attacking and .... altho u should consider champion kits and their abilities u should also factor in the way they champion is meant to be played, sorry if reading this feels confusing cuz I usually what I wrote 2 sentences ago . and also I'm 4.5k dota and like high plat in league so I consider my opinion somewhat valid and would be representing like 60%+ percent of ppl.

@vietnammg - 28.11.2023 20:40

League of Legends devs: let's acutally try balance the game and keep the game reasonably friendly to new players

Dota 2 devs: Let's fuck shit up

@slaynealbus6156 - 26.11.2023 02:12

With the Dance Dance revolution Draven, CoD Aphelios, and RTS Chen. I wonder what game genre mechanic are DotA and LoL gonna add in their game.

I'm sold to which ever can add an Ace Combat and Armored Core mechanic in their game.

@R0dx457 - 24.11.2023 23:43

my brother in christ. May i ask for the background music at the end of the video? It is for peruvian research

@NihilusDarthNihilus - 23.11.2023 06:07

League players: "we have aphelios, we can be complex too!!!!!! Also league popularity shits on dota 2, F all of u nerds!"

Dota players: "oh my god I am such a chad for not playing league. I am like higher being level brains for being able to play invoker without whiffing every 5 seconds. Jeezus I am such a genius, I am such a Sherlock Holmes, I am playing so strategical and complex, oh my lord, oh geez, oh darn. I bet I could write the Quran myself right now. Oh duuuude"

@rockybalboa1929 - 20.11.2023 16:11

Last 5 hero of dota only play by the smurf and pro player

@krazysamurai - 19.11.2023 22:24

ogres ult is a chance to multicast, not a chance for spells to crit

@NHBGames - 19.11.2023 15:53

Them you play invomer with 13 spells and get yourself with 7 itrms with active abilities, not fun😢

@disrrpt8546 - 19.11.2023 03:27

you also forgot about tinker, the spirit heroes (yes all four), Terrorblade (a good terrorblade is 100% up there on the complexity chart) and many others, but still this video was extremely enjoyable to watch!

@EBlade1395 - 17.11.2023 19:23

Dude you missed Morphling 😢

@thuraoo2295 - 16.11.2023 20:34

U didn't include the items. Some spells may seem simple in dota but to reach their full potential, u have to play really good in dota.

@nekoteru24 - 16.11.2023 14:23

Great vid, been playing dota and was curious about lol but i never rlly liked how there werent as many active abilities or items in the game, and thw fact tht champs were locked behind a paywall

Rlly wished u covered a lot more of the heroes/champions tho, but in the end it was still nice

@AngeryCrow - 14.11.2023 10:47

12 years DOTA 2 veteran here....Micro in this game is not fun, it's a purgatory that you consent to it. Also, i played LoL too, but only 5 years. It's fun but i have hard time pulling items build more than DOTA 2.

@yvjz8912 - 12.11.2023 05:42

Dota is more complex believe or not, LOL is so easy to play and rank up, dota is another level, LOL just can keep spam one hero entire match but dota can't cause the counter is so big in Dota that you can't keep pick same hero over and over, unlike LOL you just need to master one hero and good to go

For those think LOL more harder, it's like you think tricycle is more harder then unicycle, LOL is like tricycle ez as shit when compare to dota

@ChadKakashi - 10.11.2023 19:00

Invoker is also known as Arsenal Magus. I think you now know the reason why.

@ChadKakashi - 10.11.2023 17:11

This video is a little outdated for Dota now. Innate abilities are a thing now for Dota heroes but they’re rare. Not that it changes much.

I disagree with summoner spells being counted for champion complexity. You can pick 2 from a pool of abilities I believe. They’re essentially no different from items. You wouldn’t play a dota hero without active items 99% of the time. I think you should’ve kept summoner spells out of the discussion.

@bachkhoahuynh9110 - 09.11.2023 10:50

Some heroes such as Tinker, Arc Warden, Morphling, Oracle, and Rubick are much harder than the hardest champions of LoL even though they don't strongly rely on the micromanagement system.

@jakebuckley4059 - 08.11.2023 01:16

i think i get it. dota 2 has a lower floor and higher ceiling

@loledssdafd3429 - 07.11.2023 22:32

Are you a LoL player? you look a little biased

@rafaelfigfigueiredo2988 - 06.11.2023 03:22

League is an simplified Dota.
Dota is an overcomplex League
Both are fun

Coming from Dota to League can be quite funny because there's a DR with CC in her kit and there's a free tp when going base
Coming from League to Dota is a nightmare. Not because of "game bad" but because people see Axe and think Darius then get a teemo mine firld that deals 1/3 of their health and they haven't bought any item without being dead

@supersaiyanjin2199 - 05.11.2023 15:10

You forget to mention tinker as one of the hardest to master...blink dagger and all his 3 damage skills and rearm takes mastery of positioning in order to make damage while unseen in the map (making use of the surrounding trees)

@ragingtomato14 - 02.11.2023 18:40

all heroes in dota can be much harder tgan league's if you considered items 😂

@menishi98 - 01.11.2023 20:31

I played both dota and league for 5 years +, and even tought Dota is way more complex than league, I think that micro wise league is generally always harder, from the simple basis that it is a skill shot based game. Always trying to bait out skills or dodge them brings a whole new perspective to the game.
When i started playing league it was pretty interesting to think the amount of characters in dota that have all point and click abilities or really large, almost undodgeable skillshots

@r3sx - 01.11.2023 15:40

LOL is dota for those who have bad PC or brain.

@farhanalhaadi1901 - 30.10.2023 17:35

I think Dota2 is an rts game LOL.

@eeeeee-nk7ts - 29.10.2023 16:11

Wait, were you using bolivian music at the end of the video?

@kendge - 29.10.2023 15:53

Dota 2 treads switching is crazy already

@JetFiiire - 28.10.2023 15:59

Did this guy really say Sett and Gwen are more "complex" than Naga Siren???!?!?!!!
I stopped the video right there, complete garbage.
Also, considering summoners spells because they add mechanical difficulties, even tho every champs has them, but leaving out items, even tho every champ/hero uses them but they are 10000 times more mechanical in Dota, is KINDA convenient isnt it?? Also leaving out aghanim and shard for the same reason.

Call the video "which game is more complex if we take naked level 1 champions/heroes and we are heavily biased towards League", suits better.

@lee2win - 27.10.2023 11:19

I feel like excluding Aghs and Shard when you dont exclude summoner spells isnt exactly fair.
Most heroes in Dota will grab their shard and some farm to directly get their aghs because its important to their kit.
Summoner spells are just pick 2 things everyone can, just you get early.

@valkyriun - 27.10.2023 09:26

Then you add the active items from Dota without forgetting the extra ability added by Aghan Scepter.

@i.h.khanmishkat9351 - 27.10.2023 08:11

With proper item skill management even the most simplest Dota hero will be the more complex than champs in LoL

@callumengland6395 - 27.10.2023 01:08

What about Viego and Sylas?

@rises889 - 26.10.2023 19:31

There was never a contest :) most of all these braindead 1 click heroes ( that are not many.. only a few in the 124hero pool ) are designed to be heavy farmers ..and in Dota you need to know the farming patterns that change almost in every patch.... that of course apply to most of the heroes. And all players should know them (so they know were the enemies might farm ) . There is no debate here.....DOTA is.......GOD like tier and is not for anxious/average braindead kid/cosplay/Sunday players/1time beer in his life/woke/transgender player...

@leopoldgrundling1538 - 26.10.2023 17:18

I have to actully disagree with wraith King being the lowest cause he has some skill sceiling once you discover that you can direct the movement of the skelletons once you understand what they attack

@ChrizHose - 25.10.2023 15:28

dota has innate passives now, just 2 but they are there
Medusa and Ogre rework

@jorgea.coronado4389 - 23.10.2023 23:51

I think viego and Rubick/morphing deserve some honorable mentions for difficult to play. Seeing as you need to have a wide knowledge of hero abilities to play them to their full potential. But good video nonetheless.

@MrJagad123 - 23.10.2023 01:03

i would say rubick is more dificult than invoker

@BangaWangaTschanga - 22.10.2023 16:26

Just saying: if you want to farm and push efficiently with WK sceletons, when and where you summon them isn't that easy

@kkebin7 - 21.10.2023 19:49

Draven doesn’t dance he juggles

@eclipsamyrtenaster6418 - 21.10.2023 17:18

Idk man. Some Riot/Valve employee literally just write a needlessly long ability description for a champ and the only thing it does is the most basic shit in the world

@neilp.villacarlos9357 - 21.10.2023 02:54

I main league before, and i also play dota 2. But i only played dota 2 if there's someone interested of playing with me. But someone who only plays league, i can only manage to play bounty hunter as a all-purpose hero before. Can be a supp, what I've experienced to him is just by buying dagon and ult marking. I mainly play winter wyvern and skywraith mage before but bounty is more fun.

@ayhcenkard2965 - 20.10.2023 20:39

If dota item need to explain how it works differently in different scenarios (fuking new bkb) it's more complex

@lamvutran9345 - 20.10.2023 20:04

What about the talents? If you include summoners and passive, should they be taken into consideration as well? It's part of every Dota heroes kit after all, and it sometimes give heroes legit new depth to how they approach the game.

@be_zero5528 - 20.10.2023 18:40

I think it's unfair to compare the complexity of the character's spells and abilities without taking into account the greater complexity of the game in which they are and consequentially of how they are played. You put Naga as below average, but a good naga player has to farm both lanes as well as jungle. I don't think that's less complex than having to trigger combos using your spells while your camera is set on your lane and your 1-2 opponents for most of the time.

@ajdndbdjbdj - 20.10.2023 17:29

Bro !
Wheres arc warden !!!

@nichlashansen2289 - 20.10.2023 16:51

ItS nOt HeRoEs In LeAGue Of LegEnDs ItS ChAmPiOnS!

@yuhan4469 - 20.10.2023 16:01

as a fan of both, it’s refreshing to see a video about dota and league comparisons without having the comments be a battleground
