The Most Effective Way to Deadlift for Muscle and Strength (Sumo Technique Explained)

The Most Effective Way to Deadlift for Muscle and Strength (Sumo Technique Explained)

Jeff Nippard

5 лет назад

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Jeff Nippard
Jeff Nippard - 12.02.2019 20:36

So guys this is Part 1 of the 3-part deadlift mini-series I'll be running for the rest of February on Tuesdays. The deadlift is so technical that I think it deserves 3 episodes to be covered reasonably well. The same can probably be said for the squat and bench press, so I may follow up on those with another dedicated "errors" video and/or videos on specific modifications for different bodytypes (height, arm lengths, etc) and maybe yet another on their variations. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy Part 1 and I'll be back next week with Part 2 on the conventional deadlift. Peace!

Wilson Echevarria II
Wilson Echevarria II - 22.09.2023 06:47

I saw a meme of Ronnie Colman with someone asking him, "How did you get so big?" to which his reply was, " I never ever ever pull summo!"

Noor King
Noor King - 08.08.2023 03:06

My favorite deadlift is the one where you lay flat on a bench and push the weight away from your chest I forget what it's called but that ones the best by far

Aname - 30.07.2023 23:33

Need more money for more weights. Not crippled enough.

Aname - 30.07.2023 23:24

Ss stretchy

Petr Roháček
Petr Roháček - 29.07.2023 20:44

Just a note: if you have hip arthritis, sumo DL is your friend :) much safer & painless.

David McNabb
David McNabb - 03.07.2023 09:26

Im new to dead lifting and i got a bad back this video has help alot thank you

Cody - 29.06.2023 13:21

Wow, you didn't even mention chalk for grip. Don't use alternating grip just put chalk on your hands and do double over hand or at most use straps. Over/under definitely puts you a great risk of bicep tear. Jeff may have not seen it himself but it happens a lot and the alternating grip is usually the culprit.

Ashley - 27.06.2023 09:24

Thank you for this!!

Abe Fromen
Abe Fromen - 25.06.2023 02:42

i do sumo because im 6ftt 3

B C - 03.06.2023 19:41

So I'm struggling with this because when I see your sumo squat you have still great range of motion but fuck I'll see people move 40-60% of the rom of deadlift otherwise and it just seems like bullshit

bob joe
bob joe - 03.05.2023 10:05

This guy fucks am I right

Capture Outdoor Media
Capture Outdoor Media - 01.05.2023 09:39

Was always scared to try deadlift in fear of messing up my back. I’ve been watching your technique videos and decided sumo feels most comfortable to be. I’ve been practicing and filming myself with a broom to gain confidence. Tried deadlift for the first time today and maxed out at an even 300. Thank you Jeff, this has been very helpful!

Brandon Fox
Brandon Fox - 24.04.2023 20:17

Sumo is cheating

Daddy Joel
Daddy Joel - 21.04.2023 23:10

Always love watching this guy after my workout.

Boots - 11.04.2023 19:35

New sub! Started recently by finding Athlean X, Gregg, D. and then Dr. Mike. Honestly, after finding out the drama, shilling and outright fraudery some of these channels traffic in, I'm glad to see this level of education is available. I also like Scott Herman. Looking forward to working through all you vids, and very pleased that you seem to take the time to recognize that a lot of us are either returning to the gym long after HS/college, or just new.

Pat Collins
Pat Collins - 13.03.2023 02:49

i legit would prefer to do deadlifts any day of the week, but squats are just too mental. I think it's the psychological aspect that if you can't get the last rep your about to make yourself look like a baffoon infront of all the cute girls.

Ophelia - 08.03.2023 01:23


DJ Nick Hodgkins
DJ Nick Hodgkins - 25.02.2023 19:30

Liked - esp due to the final seconds )))

Henryk John
Henryk John - 20.02.2023 00:30

Errrrr, you don't have to do mixed grip if you are using the hook technique

30T Oakes
30T Oakes - 17.02.2023 22:54

The bar be hitting my Pp

Enrique Nunez
Enrique Nunez - 15.02.2023 23:39

Into the berrr
Grab the berrr

Ali Salami
Ali Salami - 11.02.2023 11:43

Steve Buscemi doing voice overs now?

Max FarAway Max DeLashmutt
Max FarAway Max DeLashmutt - 06.02.2023 07:44

Genuine question: why do people wear those long socks?

Sjaak Lent
Sjaak Lent - 04.02.2023 23:57

Jeff i love your videos, please make a video diving deep into hex bar deadlift. Love from Amsterdam.

Harman Hundal
Harman Hundal - 29.01.2023 10:20

No more than 1-5 reps, No more than 1-2 workouts per week
Use flat shoes and long socks
Approach the bar and stand with your shins about half an inch behind the bar. Bar should be roughly centred on the tongue of your shoe.
Move your feet as far out laterally as they can go while having the heels in line with the knees
Flare your feet out by 30-40 degrees such that the feet point towards the frontmost point of the plates
Get your hands down to the bar by pushing your hips back and hinging. When you can hinge no more move your knees slightly forwards and outwards towards the toes to let the hands reach the bar
Arms should hang down straight at shoulder width. But you can be flexible around this.
You can use double overhand or alternate hand grip. Dig the bar into the base of the hand. Drive your pinky finger into the bar.
Pack your lats by thinking of pulling the bar close and tight to your shins. This also prevents the bar from drifting in front of you when you lift.
Pull your back into a neutral of flat position creating a stretch in your hamstrings. Maintain this flatness throughout the lift.
Take a deep breath and lean your body a slightly in front of the bar. In this position the Scapula, The Bar and the Middle of the foot should be in a straight line.
Pull the slack out of the bar by applying slight upward tension. Such that the bar raises about 1 mm pushing against the weight plate hole.
Lead with your chest and pull the bar of the floor explosively. While keeping the chest up, Thrust your hips forward and drive your feet into the ground. But take care to not let the hips shoot up. Focus more on keeping your chest up while thrusting your hips forward.
Keep tightness or an Isometric contraction in 3 areas as you lift - Lumbar spine(Don’t let it round), Shoulder blades (retract them), Shoulders (pull the bar tight towards your leg). Left the bar in a straight line over the midfoot dragging it against the shins.
Finish the lift by locking out your knees by straightening your legs, hips by squeezing your glutes and shoulders by simply lifting your chest up.
Don’t resist the negative too much but guide it to the starting position to maintain consistency in starting position.
Lower the bar by setting your hips back till the bar is just about to clear your knees then allow the knees to bend. This may vary from person to person

Jatt👑 - 22.01.2023 21:55

I feel kinda confused when ppl say never bend yor back when lifting weights, but when i see these deadlifts i see waist flexing forward and then getting straight, looks like it bends and lift as well along with leg muscles!! Can someone explain

Ban - 15.01.2023 22:39

A sumo deadlift PR cannot lift the same weight under conventional conditions so that is like cheating to me

Ironsvillage - 17.12.2022 20:44

I'm still struggling to keep my ass down, but rewatching this video every now and then helps to improve my technique and I already more than doubled what I could deadlift over the last 2-3 months thanks to you!

I am human
I am human - 14.12.2022 08:15

who uses a mixed hook grip ?

E Razco
E Razco - 01.12.2022 04:38

I prefer the double over hand sumo style

Cankles - 19.11.2022 21:47

After deadlifts conventional for 5 years, I’m about to go pull sumo for the first time. I actually messed around with it yesterday just working on form, I couldn’t believe how easy 3 plates was. I’m absolutely gonna be able to pull more.

Jumpkut - 03.11.2022 15:20

I find squats to be twice as physically and mentally demanding as the deadlift (sumo). I lift a lot more weight on my deadlift as well, my squat is much weaker. Is this a sign that im doing squats wrong or could it just be my body proportions that make it this way for me (short manlet long arms)

Luc - 21.10.2022 22:09

Would you recommend Sumo for long leged individuals?

oa - 05.10.2022 16:00

Does the 1-2 times per week include Romanian and other forms of deadlift too? I do the Romanian in the 6-8 rep range.

Vietzsche Allagard
Vietzsche Allagard - 03.10.2022 06:16

Mixed grip? Goodbye biceps

Moltran - 18.09.2022 19:44

Even the best tutorial on how to do it properly can't outmatch someone giving you directions face to face as you do it by yoursef.
Although great job💪🏻

Enigma's Books N More
Enigma's Books N More - 15.09.2022 01:38

How do I get the bar off the ground? Do I use my back or use my back?

Thunder god 7
Thunder god 7 - 29.08.2022 03:00

How do you know if you are better suited for conventional or sumo
I feel comfortable with conventional but I don’t know

Zechariah Smith
Zechariah Smith - 26.08.2022 23:04

I am curious what your thoughts are on trap bar deadlifting....

Eynak - 25.08.2022 08:22

Thank you soooo much bro,I'm use to conventional but now I'm keen to sumo with your tips and experience again thank you

Thomas Dippel
Thomas Dippel - 22.08.2022 20:54

This video sucked I was too distracted by how massive his back was.

Preston Gilbert
Preston Gilbert - 16.08.2022 03:19

My man’s got hips the size of a pencil and lats the size of a semi truck

Mikeyavelli - 09.08.2022 20:42

I prefer a wide stance, but I didn't know there were different stances. I may try alternating each week. Thank you

Higgs Prime
Higgs Prime - 08.08.2022 01:51

I just started deadlifts. But I don't get it why do 1or 2 p/w ?

I do deadlift 4sets of 10reps starting from 30kg till 50kg on last set everyday + same for back squat. I have no problem accept sweet ache on back, ham and glute. It's been 2 weeks my aim to get to 80-100kg. Again why 2-3 per week ?
