The 21st Century Crisis Nobody Talks About: Demographic Ageing

The 21st Century Crisis Nobody Talks About: Demographic Ageing

Novara Media

3 года назад

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@matt96920 - 31.12.2023 23:09

It now feels like a lot of people are talking about this, and I think I speak for a lot of the people in the comments when I say that I'm super happy about it. This is the biggest problem of our lifetimes.

@DoctorMindbender - 13.03.2023 19:21

Funny that we are supposedly having this demographic crisis at the same time as our fearless leaders institute inflation, austerity, and de-growth policies under the auspices of climate crisis. Meanwhile, Elon Musk will sell you a car on par with a $35K Ford Taurus for double the price. No one sees these events as related?

@killallrobots2001 - 17.02.2023 19:05

Well, Europe, you had a really good run.

@MemasMaklas - 15.02.2023 01:08

It's likely normal situation right now for all countries who move from industrial to post industrial era. Life expectancy growth, and people have lesser children because of all economic, social and political problems. Also rich countries like USA and Germany can live with this problem as long as they can pay minimum wage for foreigners.

@logmonkeyr32vr7 - 06.01.2023 10:40

Gov solutions for government made problems. Genius!

@davidbest8912 - 22.11.2022 13:02

Robots to fill the gap 🤔

@davidbest8912 - 22.11.2022 12:57

Japan fell of a demographic cliff back in 1980’s, three lost decades and counting. Now Europe is faced with the same dilemma.

@davidbest8912 - 22.11.2022 12:50

We face decades of deflation..

@pakistaniraveasylum1396 - 07.11.2022 17:41

Back to eden

@SuperTonyony - 06.11.2022 02:08

When heat and drought make it impossible to grow grains at scale, billions of people will die. Eventually wet bulb temps will make life impossible for mammals. Every discussion about “the end of the 21st century” fails to recognize that humans will be extinct by 2080 at the latest.

@menguardingtheirownwallets6791 - 21.07.2022 08:51

Remember what going to university was like: You had a small room at your Dorm, and you had a 'food plan', where you would go to the cafeteria to eat pre-made food, twice a day (lunch and dinner). The food was cheap and really good. The room was cramped, but it was close to everything and it gave you the basics of what you needed. That is what the elderly will need, but instead of a dormatory at a university, it will be a dorm beside a hospital.

@drseuss5407 - 15.07.2022 23:36

65 percent of the planet would take a synthetic opioid drink by the 10,000 gallon vat and say thanks, 1/3 off the world is starving to death, 5 percent need bones they can't or don't want to get replaced, 5 percent need organs they can't or don't want to get replaced, 5 percent are terminally ill 5 percent comic pain, 5-10 percent never wanted to be here anyway, and everyone else will have a peaceful way to go when they want. Guy saves 1M in state aid, paid 600k in social security, doesn't have to die every day, just gets to leave before suffering. The guy with the kids gets 800 k from Uncle Sam in life insurance he never signed up for and Uncle Sam keeps the other 800k. Free euthanasia. Cut inflation by more than half, more than doubled available resources. Have a job by a company which pays all the taxes and picks up grass clippings M-S to take it to fields now with cows on it, 4x your US cattle with lawn mower clippings from every years, save 2500 on property taxes and make sure your clippings are out in your neighborhood on Tuesdays

Dig out 10 ' of river bed and cast and set two 10' pipelines to being Atlantic ocean water to every house, use steam distiller for sale free disinfected water at the kitchen sink, dump waste water into sealed pipelines. It took a turn 2 years to dig out 10' of riverbed, everyone could be back to work working in every town and we'd be at with new infrastructure. Don't put salt in your water, have more salt for more roads in the winter. Use electrolysis for energy from salt water. At the very least, feed rivers with desal water immediately to overcome drought shortages, no problem

Make a grass and corn crop that grows in ocean water hybrid with say, oceanic grass root structures, best generic corn crop growing in salt water in Texas and Arizona while you solar desalinate more oxygen and hydrogen into the air in a 24/7/365 grow season with ocean water and no weeds growing in salt water cross, full your swimming pool with ocean water and water your karma with salt water, dint out salt in your what salt water put it in the roads, use a small steam distiller makes it glass and stainless to get disinfected and salt water free water for cooking and drinking, maybe an ocean let for your pool, were have to deal with ocean water rise, how about a Dolphin?

@renanbp - 24.04.2022 15:53

I have the feeling at some point in the future we’ll start looking at death with different eyes, people will no longer wish to live as long as possible, we’ll normalize euthanasia as a human right (as much as abortion), maybe even religion will shift on that sense of embracing death as part of life and pushing people to accept it. Of course, that whole process will also be heavily influenced by the decline of economies and collapsing pension systems making older people feel more and more like a burden, so dying would be a way to “leave a better world for your grandchildren”. It sounds very creepy, but I wouldn’t be surprised if things turned out like that.

@flyaway6646 - 22.04.2022 12:48

Don't worry we are gonna change human labour with AI controlled robots.

@mrD66M - 30.03.2022 01:51

Less births is not necessarily a bad thing. Sure it will affect economies, but it's good for scarcer resources especially in light of climate change

@geoffreyharris5931 - 21.02.2022 20:17

not nobody, just a few

@chairmanxijinpooh8392 - 15.02.2022 22:02

All these thanks to the govt and elites for making housing/renting and cars really expensive...

@starcityrc3298 - 01.02.2022 00:27

You are going to have to confront the obvious.

The only way to fix this.

Outlaw all Birth Control and Abortion.

Sex is and has always been for procreation

@gytispranskunas4984 - 25.01.2022 05:48

Age is just a number. At 60 years old, you can be perfectly healthy and feel like in your 35s. It all comes down to nutrition. Nutrition is the key to solving biggest problem that waste most of money: Healthcare. Nobody would need health care if NOBODY WAS SICK. It's a world wide problem. Faster you realize how food causes 99% diseases that by media is promoted as "age related diseases" sorry to disappoint but media is dogshit. If you want to know how you can cure almost all diseases that your doctor told you it's "incurable" ... Follow Dr Ken Berry and Dr Rob Cywes.

@NoobToobJamarMemes - 24.01.2022 18:47

You know what might happen, Europe *fixes its demographic crisis by somehow upping the birth rate. I hear Viktor Orban is paying women to have children, and I am sure other countries will/are following suit. If I'm not mistaken, Sweden offers some incentives for child baring as well.
*(as in some countries fix theirs)

@montumeroe9593 - 29.12.2021 12:16

Don't worry Africa will end up looking after everyone and paying for their care, even everyone despises Africans and Africa, the youngest continent on the planet.

@23cla69 - 27.12.2021 11:40

The ageing population is a big problem in the North East and South East of the United States. The younger population is located in the West Coast, but even then, the West Coast will start ageing about the same in about two decades. It will place enormous pressure for states like Florida to develop their economy when you have about 40% of your population over the age of 55. As a consumer economy, the economy on the east coast will start to contract and increase healthcare costs, lack of sales taxes, and eventually the exit of younger people. But as this video demonstrates, the ageing population is increasing world wide which will also stunt the world economies.

@Mark-hb9xy - 22.12.2021 02:06

Socialist claptrap. We need to raise the age of the state pension, cut pension credit, bring in user charges for healthcare, and abolish National Insurance.

@Spamhero - 22.11.2021 14:06

I'm 68 and all you guys can pay my pension too bad!

@Lola-zf9bj - 20.09.2021 10:50

you just wrote my school essay for me thanks

@dantemarotta356 - 15.09.2021 19:04

AI and the increase in border security everywhere and the older cohorts having more political power is going to transform the world with regards to immigration reception etc

@dantemarotta356 - 15.09.2021 19:00

A pleasure to watch

@mam0lechinookclan607 - 07.08.2021 02:59

a crisis probably as big, as the climate crisis

@malicant123 - 29.07.2021 13:47

Having watched my recently deceased grand-father linger in a nursing home for the last five years in near constant pain whilst tolerating the humiliating inability to preform even basic tasks, I can only say that I have no desire whatsoever to live to such an age. I would rather live to 50 and use those years well than continue to 90+ and spend my last few decades as a wreck.

@danutasordyl7339 - 20.07.2021 19:11

ageing population is not problem at all problem is overpopulation espescially in porest countries poor people and countries destroy peace and welth of World they produce unwanted and unproductive children

@michaelgreenfield4253 - 18.07.2021 15:02

Covid shots will drop the elderly population world wide by at least 10 percent. Now do you understand why governments want us to take the shots?

@raphlvlogs271 - 15.07.2021 16:12

encouraging migrations can cause the introduction of various cultural invasive species.

@raphlvlogs271 - 15.07.2021 15:33

we need to figure out beneficial ways to encourage people to have more children.

@raphlvlogs271 - 15.07.2021 15:30

life expectancies were low in the past mainly because of the high infant mortality rate, not because people died young.

@nickanderson8597 - 28.06.2021 07:30

Big winner 👉 the environment 🌱

@kinnish5267 - 25.06.2021 06:51

The NHS is for poor people, the American healthcare is for people with money.
One is like a public bus; the other is a private Mercedes

@kinnish5267 - 25.06.2021 06:47


@jetsetradio7715 - 28.05.2021 11:51

Women choosing careers over starting a family really helped create this situation. There are other factors to, I know some people don't want to have kids that will just end up miserable wage slaves like them.

@jetsetradio7715 - 28.05.2021 11:44

The amount of single moms I run into makes me doubt this to a certain degree.

@matthewjackson9615 - 16.05.2021 23:43

Here's something else that I find rather disturbing. If mankind can't solve this problem then mother Nature will. And perhaps in a rather vulgar way.

@cmsacademy1673 - 05.05.2021 10:27

So we need a sort of Logan’s run solution

@devondevon4366 - 05.05.2021 07:27

It is an important issue many leaders are still ignoring while focusing mainly on nuclear, biological, and chemical weapon proliferation, climate change, superviruses, terrorism, a global financial crisis, and other issues. Not that these are not important but aging and a shrinking population, particularly in the developed country could have an equally important impact on our future.
This certainly will affect GDP due to fewer workers per retiree, and consequently will have geopolitical implications as the US and its allies try to contain other rising powers. The US less so due to immigration, but the EU and Japan are facing a demographic crisis as their populations are projected to plummet dramatically by the mid-century.

@everythingisfine9988 - 03.05.2021 21:25

This is happening globally. Just at different rates. Let's face it, you don't need a large family in a city or suburb. An 8-year-old can help on a simple farm. That help translates to money. But an 8-year-old cannot do your taxes, or repair your car or anything that earns money in a modern economy. The reality of the world has changed and we just haven't acknowledged it.

@anmolpatel793 - 24.04.2021 23:09

A big chunk of population being old people will also lead to stagnation in technological and societal progress as old people resist change heavily

@ashabisht8051 - 20.04.2021 00:44

You need more fund for R&D to cure ageing. Age is just a number

@puneetmaurya3094 - 26.03.2021 08:26

I can't see any population reduction or ageing around me

@AjayTiwari-en9nz - 09.03.2021 07:44

Taxing unmarried people/ people with less than 2 kids can work and that's coming from a 32 year old single guy.

@mariusbleek - 04.03.2021 07:03

It's almost as if the idea of perpetual economic growth is unsustainable....

@aliahmadi3016 - 21.02.2021 10:44

I think we we as humans should not be too much worry about this because big companies have plans for it 🤖🤖🤖🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣look what we done to ourselves but unfortunately 😂😂😂

@MaskedMageYT - 19.02.2021 08:54

no way im gonna support these old people that ruined our country and planet. Its their direct choices that led us to the shithole of a planet that we live in today.
