Get sales right after Etsy vacation mode by doing it this way!

Get sales right after Etsy vacation mode by doing it this way!

Kara Buntin

2 года назад

6,103 Просмотров

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@kathyharding1113 - 08.09.2022 15:53

Perfect timing for this video! I'm having eye surgery next week and will need to put my shop on vacation for a week. Thanks for the helpful advice!

@amymanganaro4243 - 08.09.2022 16:39

Like Kathy mentioned, I am also having major surgery in October and will need to use vacation mode for the first time since I opened 3 years ago. Thanks for the great tips!

@RachellesCrafts - 08.09.2022 17:19

I’m currently in vacation mode because I’m moving out of state.
One important thing to note is that going into vacation mode via mobile app might not be reliable. I’ve used the app (iOS) before with no problem but this last time it didn’t stick and I got an order so it’s worth double checking if using the app or just use desktop to be sure.

I’m trying to keep the time my shop is on vacation to a minimum and I’m actually counting on the natural slowdown after vacation mode to get a few things done.

@omfug7148 - 08.09.2022 18:38

Perfect timing, I am having serious medical issues and depending on the outcome of testing next week I probably will take some time off.

@trishoconnor2169 - 08.09.2022 20:14

The "vacation mode or not vacation mode" question is a little different for me as a digital seller, because there's no reason people can't keep buying instant downloads while I'm offline for a camping trip, spiritual retreat, or, for that matter, my stem cell transplant several years ago. But I do deactivate my made-to-order listings like text critiques, ghostwriting, and custom word search puzzles, change my shop announcement to give the date they will be available again, and put an automatic reply on the convo/message system. Last time, I made sure to make a list before I left of things to undo when I got back. It works reasonably well, especially for a relatively short trip. One thing I do wish is that Etsy would not be so stingy on the time period for autoreplies. Five days is not enough to take even a full week off. Right now, I am debating whether a longer camping trip might be more restful to me than a short one (because it feels as if I just finished pitching camp when I have to take it all down again, and both are huge tasks for me right now). If I do stretch it to a week to ten days, I probably will have to consider vacation mode.

@KatiaRicci - 09.09.2022 14:14

Kara, if one listing Is republished as a new one instead of being renewed it will lose all "hearts", is it really ok. I thought that "hearts"matter in Etsy optimization!

@mmystic2 - 09.09.2022 17:23

Very helpful video. Thanks Kara!

@mrs.quills7061 - 09.09.2022 18:48

I wouldn’t want to extend processing times too as my stuff is already made before I list it and keep inventory.

as a customer I would be turned off to purchase something that isn’t like customized or something. I ordered my wedding ring from an Etsy seller to fit a speciality ring shape and it took about a month, but I understand that and wasn’t expecting it to be done right away. But a sticker or something shouldn’t take that long lol.

I actually went into vacation mode when I was on vacation, never thought about doing a banner update that’s super smart. I sort of just did it no warning lol 😂 I did have vacation messaging set up though!

@tammy5926 - 09.09.2022 20:19

This was helpful. I've wanted to do vacation mode but nervous about how it would play out.
A question off topic, I asked you a week or two ago about the email from Etsy regarding verifying banking information for Plaid, after a lot of hoops I had to jump through I finally got the process completed and got paid. I'm now concerned about having to input my banking password when I did this process. Do you suggest changing your banking password after this? I haven't done it yet because now I'm afraid it will affect future payments I receive. Do you know if Etsy uses that banking password each time they send payment?

@tinaindina7032 - 10.09.2022 16:53

I wonder if the idea of copying an old listing that has not sold, instead of renewing it, also makes sense for vintage? any thoughts on that?

@jano5531 - 18.09.2022 23:00

Very helpful, thank you. Thinking I'm going to have to close for 3 weeks or so soon

@moniixqt1014 - 22.12.2022 15:19

I started selling on Etsy 2 days ago and I made my first sell this morning but when I log in on the actual app of Etsy to view my listing it says I’m on holiday mode and I tried to turn it off but it won’t pls help

@maksoodkhan8658 - 21.07.2023 14:19

may etsy accaunt holiday mood from etsy plz solutions

@garylsorrell - 21.09.2023 05:12

Thanks Kara. My wife and I are on our first cruise next week and needed this.

@LM86- - 03.03.2024 10:55

I need to go on maternity leave. Any advise? My shop does very well and has been open since 2020.
