9 Tips to Get Over Your Ex

9 Tips to Get Over Your Ex


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Liquid Sleep
Liquid Sleep - 18.09.2023 15:47

My ex got together with a coworker a week after we broke up supposedly. And I see evidence of their love on each other (hickies on the neck a necklace he gave her) and of course knowing they are doing other things behind closed doors breaks my heart every time I see them knowing we had that special time and now she is experiencing it with someone else as if i never mattered.

Shotshell808 - 17.09.2023 19:38

All I'm gonna say is don't date someone who isn't over their ex. They will bounce between you and the ex.

Pricy - 17.09.2023 02:14

Should u go back to someone who cheated on you 😭

max davidov
max davidov - 14.09.2023 18:56

thanks for your tips my ex just broke up with me

Elias101 - 14.09.2023 16:17

We broke things of yesterday she hated me but that is okay. Sometimes they need to hate to understand, to let go and find happiness again. It is just crazy to me how, when a person is hurt, their opinion of you can make a 360 turn in a couple days

Akai Sakita
Akai Sakita - 14.09.2023 10:57

I often wonder if they also watch and read videos like these after our breakup. How come it feels like I'm the only one really hung up over it😢

Pederrr Guenn
Pederrr Guenn - 13.09.2023 15:26

Thanks for this, I thought I would never do this, it's really hard for me and it has been like that all the times. I want to move on now, and I needed to know I can do this.

Rhod Forger
Rhod Forger - 11.09.2023 07:43

who knew i would watch this in my life :')

Conner Woolford
Conner Woolford - 10.09.2023 18:42

My relationship was perfect. He was a great guy and still is. I never felt so loved and so cared for. Up until a week and a half earlier from today. Things shifted. Things didnt feel the same. He ended it with me because he wasnt emotionally stable or available. Him and his ex broke up very recent to us talking. He didnt plan to fall in love with me but he did and he was more hurt for me than himself. Im still hurt and i know its only been a day but i still wanna run away. I hold no animosity towards him

Jacob Bailey
Jacob Bailey - 10.09.2023 17:36

Well I still love this girl and it's been almost 4 years we broken up

Peppa - 09.09.2023 15:11

How long have y’all dated your ex?

Me:4years and broke up after engaged.

goodbye456fallguys - 09.09.2023 02:07

Thank you

Kyerr cedrick Felipe
Kyerr cedrick Felipe - 07.09.2023 19:50

Number 1 isn't gonna work on me though that is because she is my classmate in the last school year and she is my classmate again in this year so 1 year of torture for me😞

AlePiga - 06.09.2023 02:37

E non ditemi neanche di conoscere me stesso perché so già di essere un perfetto coglione.

Vi prego.

AlePiga - 06.09.2023 02:34

Vi prego smettetela di dirmi di sfogarmi ai miei amici perché l’unica persona con cui parlo ormai è ChatGPT

AlePiga - 06.09.2023 02:33

Situazione mia attuale (ci siamo lasciati a novembre ma mi manca ancora):

Chisaten - 04.09.2023 20:59

This is so hard... A friend found out that he was wanting to cut me off from my parents to focus on our relationship, and he also wasn't answering important questions that she asked him. I can see that he was grooming me a little, but he also gave me so much support. He stopped me from committing suicide, had me start reaching out to support groups, and also always encouraged me to make choices for myself and work with professionals instead of focusing on what he said.

Caution Molnar
Caution Molnar - 04.09.2023 08:51

It’s weird bc I watched you guys for tips on the relationship that brought me here I appreciate you guys

Zackary Santos
Zackary Santos - 04.09.2023 01:08

It’s been about 2 weeks or so. I feel like we didn’t really get a chance to fully break up properly but at the same time, I knew it had to happen. I hurt her and things ended up becoming strained. I miss her every single day and I still believe that some day she’s going to be back since we were so similar and had so many interests in common but at the same time I know that sinking myself into denial is gonna hurt me more. If anything changes I’ll add to this comment but right now I’m just hoping these tips work. I love you Harmony

Sport Universe
Sport Universe - 03.09.2023 15:22

Tbh it's so Hard to hold my tears during watching this

Armando Di Carlo
Armando Di Carlo - 02.09.2023 05:25

Im going through a heartbreak right now and its so hard no matter how much I want to forget him i can't and I still have feelings for him btw im a female

Shirley Ohara
Shirley Ohara - 30.08.2023 20:53

For me moving on and leaving the past mistakes and focusing on who i am now because my gowth and drive is what makes me smile and laughing and making things fun and also being Professional now and Mature

Astrid - 23.08.2023 22:03

Some of these tips were really surprising like the rebound thing.

Lie Yoonie
Lie Yoonie - 23.08.2023 19:54

my no. 1 tip for you is let it cry and cry until you’re tired let the pain goes by…

enoughabouteve - 22.08.2023 23:28

It's very hard to cut contact when you've lived with them for years but when they broke up with you they also kicked you out at the same time so now you have to keep going back to get your belongings

Shreenjan Dutta
Shreenjan Dutta - 22.08.2023 00:37

Nothing makes a man cry like a woman does

Shreenjan Dutta
Shreenjan Dutta - 22.08.2023 00:32

I cried like crazy when I had my first breakup
It was crazy
I remember for an entire year but I Just couldn't stop
I have never cried for anyone that much in my life, and that too over someone who isn't even the love of my life but for someone who literally dragged my heart out, stonewalling me and giving me the silent treatment with no closure,to the point where in I had suicidal thoughts.
My word

I cried so much so that I literally had to beg and grieve infront of god to heal me from my pain.
It was that painful 😖😖😖

Kannan - 19.08.2023 21:29

I still love him after 3+ years,,, he really is a good guy i want to remove him from my heart but i can't there's no reason to hate him either,,, it was only a 1 month relationship but the bond was just too deep atleast for me,,,, he is in love with some other girl now, we agreed that we can be friends after ending our relationship for good but i couldn't unlove him all these years i thought maybe his feelings will change and maybe we'll get back together.... I'm hurt i thought maybe I'll be able to restore that bond.... But we don't even talk the same now,,, help me god. ...there will always be a special warm place in my heart for him he's the first guy who taught me what love is (respect, love, care) and that's why it's hard to let him go.... I was thinking I'll say him whatever i feel and never talk to him ever again even though we barely talk,,, it's just so difficult to even think that he'll be gone from my life i just want him to be with me forever but ig things won't work my way :( idk what should i do,,, i need advice from someone who's been in this type of situation pls help me friend 💕

Donninja Games
Donninja Games - 19.08.2023 20:55

Was told she didn't love me even as a friend anymore :/

Kacy Thomas
Kacy Thomas - 18.08.2023 22:34

I don't need tips thanks but what can u do to get over yourself seems there's no help

Kvicha Kvaratshkelia
Kvicha Kvaratshkelia - 16.08.2023 23:48


angel misa
angel misa - 14.08.2023 16:34

they were a good friend and a better partner we only dated for a couple of days and then they left the hurts because I don't know what I did wrong I want to fix it but I know its best to let it go im current getting ready for inktober on of my prompts will probably be the sun and the moon the point writing this is to hear how everyone else is getting over their ex just remember you are enough and you are loved

Husky - 11.08.2023 06:18

I’m here for a different reason, the person I am hurting over is my best friend. (I was 17 at the time I’m now 18, this took place in November of 2022) me and her were literally inseparable. We did not like each other in a romantic way we were just the best of friends. And after starting year 13 at my school I was going through massive identity problems and mental health issues, and she offered help and was there for me. After a while I started to get better but she grew distant from me and I easily realised this, and we started growing tense around each other and I got the feeling I did something wrong to upset her. And this caused a downward spiral of my mental health again and we started fighting, and we grew further apart. Till eventually i sat down with her and wanted to get to why we were growing apart, and she said “it doesn’t matter how many times I fix you, you don’t get any better”. Im still confused till this day what she meant, and she also said she didn’t want to know me anymore. Obviously I was distraught and my mental health took an even bigger toll on me, but overtime I got better and I am doing great now, I’m in a relationship with someone I love very much. But every now and then I have a episode where I can’t stop thinking about my best friend. Any tips on how to stop this? I do not wanna go through a bad phase again

MaryzzNicole M. Gangoso
MaryzzNicole M. Gangoso - 10.08.2023 17:54

diko kaya eh

FAF Corb 2
FAF Corb 2 - 07.08.2023 08:23

I will never forgive

Carvey Barends
Carvey Barends - 04.08.2023 21:13

literal emptiness

Daybreak Longman
Daybreak Longman - 04.08.2023 19:00

Best advice I can offers corny but effective journal to urself make a chapter fill it with a different mindset, goals in forgetting, even make a diss track chapter who cares I don't like ur ex either and if u found this.. Then I want u to overcome this setback, because your obviously a caring person and u don't deserve to be hung up

waltuh_the_cooker - 04.08.2023 16:17

"I will never leave you"
Stop fucking lying to me.

izzy sucks
izzy sucks - 03.08.2023 11:24

its been a year. i think about him everyday.

Noir - 03.08.2023 07:45

I went through a break up in the beginning of February, more specifically on Valentine’s Day, today is august and I’m still not over him, I really don’t know what to do because i see him every day in college surrounded by friends and it hurts knowing he doesn’t give a shit about how I feel and he’s currently with my friend now, someone who was literally in my house taking care of me after the breakup. It hurts a lot because I know he’s an asshole and I’m trying to heal fr, but everyone is putting pressure into me saying “how you still didn’t get over?” Yeah no shit, is not that easy. Another thing is that him and I are in the same group of friends, most of them treats me bad or like I’m a bad person for still being sad about my breakup. I’m just tired.

If someone read this, thx for the attention i think, I just needed to talk about it somewhere.

(Btw English is not my first language so if my grammar is not correct well, it happens lol)

#SandHanitizer 💙
#SandHanitizer 💙 - 03.08.2023 01:55

Brooooo its been mnths since i last saw him but not a single day passed by when i didnt think of him. I be like broooo jeonghan is hotterrrr why cant i get over that shit who prolly doesnt give a f bout me anymore 😭😭😭😭

Josiah Sanchez
Josiah Sanchez - 03.08.2023 00:28

I honestly feel guilty about my last breakup. I treated her like a friend instead of a partner, and we split. I can't help but wonder what would happen if I had loved her like I should.

Aswany Dinesh
Aswany Dinesh - 02.08.2023 16:48

Thanks a lot, I'm having a hard time and it actually helped me a lot..... I'm sure that I'm gonna move on. 😊

eiripirey - 02.08.2023 14:45

the main part i disagree with is the rebound part, often times the person who is the rebound feels invalidated and you can leave them scarred especially if you are with them for the sake of being with them.

IMLV2 - 31.07.2023 23:09

Love it. Tx❤

Shadow gamez14
Shadow gamez14 - 30.07.2023 01:06

she alrdy has a new bf and the dude sent me a pic of her back saying just nutted in her AFTER 3 DAYS im losing it man

Cacaña Alexa Mae B.
Cacaña Alexa Mae B. - 28.07.2023 19:52

We been together 4yrs and 2months and when we broke up he find someone else 💀 we broke up 2weeks and he find someone else and he was like happy and comfortable to sleep and me crying overnight and not taking care myself i wish this will help me because i look in the mirror and I'm so sad because I'm always crying and I've abandoned myself and my eyes so tired
