ASIO Audio Directly in OBS

ASIO Audio Directly in OBS

Composing Gloves

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@danilpeers - 30.03.2023 16:14

FUkkk UUU It\s not work

@jesuschristimsoblueallthetime - 23.12.2022 15:40

i installed the plugin and it doesn't appear in obs :/ i don't get it

@lushvisuals - 12.09.2022 21:39

Im getting an error saying the plugin failed to load, it says I have to update or remove the plugin, even though I have the latest version

@melechhaarayot9273 - 25.02.2022 09:00

Thank You

@gigimorello - 08.02.2022 14:58

THANK YOU BRO! You saved my life

@DudeMcGuybro - 10.01.2022 23:28

No ASIO toolbar at the top, nothing is the same. Update this video cause this shit isn't helping.

@silas_h - 08.01.2022 20:49

How useless (for me), you cant record the sound of your daw and give it to obs. Kinda clickbait titel

@valhalla8140 - 04.12.2021 23:52

I don't have an asio tab, the only tabs I got is file, edit, view, profile, scene selection, tools, help. Any advice? I'm running OBS 27.1.364bit with asio plugin v3.1.0(juce version) with mixer soundcraft signature 22

@havidzable - 05.11.2021 18:13

No audio capture record sound Bias FX2? Please

@kover_undercover - 24.10.2021 16:23

not work anymore(

@cacauceluque - 14.09.2021 05:15

Unfortunately I could get it working on Cakewalk and Focusrite Scarlet2! Audio output from Cakewalk is not captured in OBS? Any Help? Thx

@EngineMusic - 29.08.2021 06:22

had a good look into it and apparently, it only works with input, as opposed to output, which is what i am looking for. such a shame, really. thank you for the video! it didnt solve my problems, but it's helping me learn what my problems truly are and where i should look.

@balince_media2754 - 15.08.2021 23:38

Yup. Since 2015 people. Since 2015. I'm ashamed of myself. Thank you for providing the shoulder my dude. I have sacrificed 2 mice, a keyboard and several monitors because of ASIO. No, th FUCKING ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASSAJEFFJFSBEDHX. FF........did not help.

@zaoma679 - 14.08.2021 09:02

still doesn't work anything, and now when I open obs it crashes, can't believe it...

@adwind3055 - 01.08.2021 17:14

Hi, This would be of ultimate help as this is bugging me for ages. However, with the actual OBS 27 version and the newest 1.3 obs-asio version it simply does not work anymore. Really sad.

@VirgilGuitar - 15.07.2021 21:06

Uggghh I downloaded the latest OBS-ASIO plugin and it's not showing up in OBS (The ASIO Tab you mentioned)

@Jack-ib2up - 12.07.2021 10:03

Asio is a software only used for windows, apple use something else but I can’t remember the name to save my life

@Bowling4GeezersYT - 18.06.2021 17:27

I don't know why it just doesn't pick it up from desktop audio it's fuckin stupid you have to jump thru hoops

@dancedj400 - 31.05.2021 23:09

aiso doesnt appear in OBS

@dannyraizonbeats - 11.05.2021 06:14

Hey bro! thank you very much for this video! but i got a problem ((
i tuned all channels and the sound still doesn't go to OBS. what could be the problem? (Focusrite Skarlett Solo)

@dannyraizonbeats - 08.05.2021 17:49

Hey bro! thank you very much for this video! but i got a problem ((
i tuned all channels and the sound still doesn't go to OBS. what could be the problem? (Focusrite Skarlett Solo)

@mikeyj7045 - 04.05.2021 20:11

bro which version of the focusrite drivers u using?

@joemcdonaldmusic - 03.05.2021 16:34

What about for Mac!?!? Having issues getting it working on my Mac. Tried Audio Hijack with sound flower but it doesn't seem to wanna work...

@Buzz9530 - 28.04.2021 17:44

I've tried this, and still can not get OBS to pull the actual sounds from Ableton, like my midi channels and stuff. good video though.

@NotrapiPhone - 13.04.2021 03:41

thanks fam bro the amount of tutorials ive watched and no producer has ever mentioned about this plugin FACEPALM

@ladyelusive8414 - 12.04.2021 14:07

Is the same for live streaming please?

@DaDarkHamster - 09.04.2021 15:21

i still cant get it to work

@eduardosobral4599 - 05.02.2021 23:44

Hey dude!!! Thank you so much, it solved my problem.

@soundboy605 - 27.01.2021 03:33

Ok dude great video but have you checked your link lately it does not look like what you showed us in the video please amend

@DonaldMcRoland - 16.01.2021 00:29

everyone's talking about obs, but why isn't he just rapping his explanation to make it fit the music?

@nicholasmass3125 - 09.01.2021 02:25

Dude you're the best this problem has been messing with me literally all day lol

@Table-Top - 28.11.2020 18:18

helpful vid but...
incredibly annoying background music

@sueetpiano5737 - 04.11.2020 01:51

I tried this... It ended up ruining my audio drivers for my focusrite USB system.. Had to delete and reinstall all my drivers for it and restart my computer. Was kind of a mess. Just a warning for anyone why wants to try this, if your audio gets extremely poppy and wont stop and your regular audio for your audio device/driver stops working, uninstall and reinstall your drivers, when you do that make sure to restart your computer when told to do so by a prompt that'll pop up

@kristinehopearenas4852 - 07.10.2020 10:02

Hi! Is this also applicable if I'm using an Allen and Heath digital mixer via Adobe Audition to feed OBS? Since Asio driver is not compatible with OBS, I just downloaded a "Virtual Cable Output" as an alternative but It only reads the MME driver on my computer, not the ASIO which is why I can't use all the channels from my mixer. Any thoughts? Thank you! :)

@Astrovic1 - 25.09.2020 21:53

how to "ASIO Output Recording" in obs?

@deadsteadysound8903 - 15.09.2020 00:05

Any solutions for Mac?

@beatsbyfirstya5847 - 10.09.2020 20:56

dude why the music whenyou talking

@gurbur711 - 10.09.2020 00:17

Sweet thanks! Fixed my UAD Console from crackling/sample rate problem. BTW ASIO doesn't show up at top for newer version. It will show up as a ASIO Input Capture in OBS and then you can select interface and settings desired!

@nathnaelbekele3409 - 05.09.2020 18:06

That's great. Really helpful. BTW, there are newer version of the plugin. Setup is a bit different. It works though. Thanks again.

@SirAustin - 14.08.2020 23:20

Thank you so much! I bought an audio interface and a 400 dollar mic and was beginning to freak out that I couldn't use it.

@josealcantaramarino3149 - 08.08.2020 07:37

I installed that plugin but OBS doesnt show me ASIO in the OBS

@stuileblank - 07.07.2020 04:07

installed and asio doesnt appear, help

@annonomowz4903 - 07.07.2020 02:27

Thanks for the helpful guide!

@spencerdavis3935 - 05.07.2020 00:24

If you're trying for ASIO output then you should take a cable and route it from your output to one of your inputs. This will make it possible for you to record your output.

@ahillesandolini4422 - 16.06.2020 00:26

you are the best!

@Suigintou92 - 05.06.2020 01:41

I have the same Windows system but the ASIO Tab didn´t appear :(

@JReaLBiz86 - 02.06.2020 16:46

Bro, thank you! I just started live streaming mixes on OBS, and I immediately wished there was a way to stream the audio through ASIO. I did a search and this popped up! Really helpful video, man, thanks for the upload!

@Rakonsai - 01.06.2020 18:25

if i change the buffer size in obs, than crash the whole system!!!
