People who think One Piece is the best anime

People who think One Piece is the best anime


4 года назад

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@LongBeachGriffy - 19.06.2020 19:29

One Piece is the greatest Anime of all time!

@Falsecat59 - 28.11.2023 18:05

I don't like One Piece anymore because of it.

@bimapriyoanugerah363 - 23.11.2023 08:06

Let's see are other anime can really achieve what One Piece did all these years, if they can't then it's case closed

@saiky4686 - 21.11.2023 02:55

Nah bro JJk is the best anime!....

Oh, wait my door bell hm strange I didnt expect anyone today. Right after my strange

@morlanepoincy5600 - 20.11.2023 08:52

They move they slow just to waist time

@Nexus_The_Divine - 13.11.2023 01:18

The fact that he put one piece soundtracks makes it so much better

@lazylonewolf - 06.11.2023 13:52

Manga? Yes.
But the anime? Ehhhhh after the timeskip.

@orionparsons7631 - 05.11.2023 08:55

Pacing is better in the manga ive heard

@evoids_ - 31.10.2023 04:18

One Piece is the best manga of all time, idk about anime

@ethannguyen2754 - 30.10.2023 15:03

One Piece is one of if not the greatest anime in my opinion. With that being said, there have absolutely been huge sections I needed to skip because of how slow it is.

@koraboinaneelaveni7147 - 28.10.2023 14:04

I don't think one piece anime is best because toei animations pacing sucks but imo it's the best manga people can have different opinions and it's totally fine if others don't think it's the best

@qrzone8167 - 25.10.2023 01:30

Unlike anime that have seasons, One Piece suffers from the issue that all the "eternally" ongoing weekly anime run into. Running out of source material. Action is EXTREMELY drawn out, 2-3 minutes of recap in each episode, and extra scenes that nobody asked for are added all in the effort of increasing the amount of episodes per arc so that they don't have to do the dreaded 'non-canon filler episode' which still ends up happening a few times and are by far the worst episodes of one piece.

If you want to get into One Piece, I HIGHLY suggest you watch "One Pace" instead. It's a fan edit of One Piece that sticks true to the pacing of the manga and cuts ALL useless filler. Underneath the glacial pacing is an absolutely amazing story, I mean there is a reason why One Piece pulls more viewers on it's 1000th+ episode than most anime get when they debut their first episode. It is genuinely good, but it just takes forever for the story to move forward if you are watching the anime.

@HerculesOfHate - 23.10.2023 17:25

If you got pacing issues then heres your tissues. Go read the manga. Toei has to extend episode moments to fit it to a anime format, every anime that isnt seasonal has this issue. They could easily solve the problem but people love One Piece to much to wait that long for episodes, not to mention they make shit tons of money off it NOT being seasonal.

@Plotbunnyhunter - 22.10.2023 11:36

Now, if we're talking about perfect anime, may I recommend Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood--

@Plotbunnyhunter - 22.10.2023 11:35

they adapt one 20 page chapter per 20 minute episode, of course they gonna stretch what they got harder than Luffy.

@Lord_Goat999 - 22.10.2023 04:21

Think big 3 is mad overrated think bleach is best but still dont like bleach too much

@LFG247 - 18.10.2023 21:21

Reminds me of aokiji saving smoker from doflamingo and that theme song comes on just for doffy to walk away lol

@bob45142 - 14.10.2023 16:01


@The_One_Piece_Plug - 12.10.2023 04:30

Vro recorded my convo I had with my friend and thought I wouldn’t notice 😪

@UtavMc - 11.10.2023 06:22

it’s best manga not best anime imo

@scelocool6973 - 08.10.2023 13:51

One piece is the best anime

@PokeTheMostest - 05.10.2023 01:28

one piece the goat

@yurichtube1162 - 03.10.2023 23:19

Manga is better with one piece

@louded - 03.10.2023 21:40

I won't lie, i was that type of op fan who thinks one piece is the best
But now i changed my prespective a bit, ngl its hard to even say that a specific anime is the "best"
Like, every anime has hes own good points and bad points and ain't nobody changing my mind
There is no "best" or "perfect" anime out there
And if there is, i wanna watch that shit

@DarkAlkaiser - 02.10.2023 20:46

One Piece has pacing issues quite a few times. I love it, by far my favorite long anime, but things like, the Katakuri fight did not need to be so many episodes, and it definitely didn't need the entirely pointless interlude of his fatbottomed sister cheating in his favor and him being upset about it.

@kyleco9149 - 29.09.2023 13:39

Ngl the purest way to experience something like this is reading the manga, its way faster and easier than watching the anime tbh

@calebcrafted - 25.09.2023 15:54

One piece has the best mangaka

@darealkiawe - 21.09.2023 11:45

cuz it is

@foxyloxymoxy - 21.09.2023 03:14

dont trust anyone who has time for watching anything longer than 24 episodes

@hadiabbas536 - 20.09.2023 13:22

Honestly the people that hate on one piece are usually normies that only watch jjk demon slayer or mha. They are fake anime fans and are an absolute embarrassment to the anime community that think they can hate on a masterpiece called one piece.

@MelodyYoung - 17.09.2023 13:55

"At Least we Don't got filler"

Bro I've been watching One Piece for the first time and lemme just say the show went on a mult-episode detour to have buggy the clown go on like a random little side adventure getting his crew back and the payoff for that was that he showed up for like 5 seconds in loguetown and then disappeared again. is that not filler? You could've cut that entire thing out and just had buggy appear and nobody would've questioned anything.

@clover9725 - 17.09.2023 02:20

1075 something episode luffy is literally taking 2 whole episodes now to charge up 1 punch. kaido been looking at his punch not moving the entire time


@miliIguess - 16.09.2023 16:00

I like how all the chill one piece fans just vibe with how accurate it is without being butthurt.
I’m saying that as a one piece enjoyer myself lol

@okk847 - 15.09.2023 16:24

Actually ur right its not the best anime ever it’s the best piece of fiction ever

@dylanpurnell7480 - 15.09.2023 12:18

One Piece is tied with Naruto: Shippuden, Dragon Ball Super, AOT (if you understand what the fuck is happening 💀), Demon Slayer and Jujutsu Kaisen. They are all the best in their own rights, there are others that are close, but not quite on their level... y'know?

@BurningWaterpark - 14.09.2023 20:35

Not the greatest anime but the greatest story ever told

@ffgnikhilgaming9621 - 12.09.2023 13:41

Naruto is best anime

@bernie4366 - 12.09.2023 05:35

One Piece is the greatest anime of all time. Period. End of story. Fight me.

@iconixtv - 11.09.2023 14:25

Honestly, it is.

@ffgnikhilgaming9621 - 10.09.2023 11:26

Fr One Piece is mid
But still it's in my top 13

@Realmidboss - 08.09.2023 02:17

"Just read the manga"
I don't have the time even for that.

@sleepingalligator - 07.09.2023 23:25

the manga is better

@legendaryrababa - 05.09.2023 14:44

op is the goat

@jonathanjames7625 - 05.09.2023 13:47

I need someone to tell me... what's better than one piece. Name any movie, show, or anime.... I'll wait

@saimahmed4131 - 04.09.2023 05:40

This me fr

@legatobluesummers1994 - 02.09.2023 21:44

5 minute opening 5 minute ending maybe 5 minutes of actual content per episode the rest is people traveling or Zorro getting lost and maybe 3-5 good fights per Arc😂 When something cool is about to happen BOOM! RANDOM SIDE STORY FOR A WHOLE SEASON BEFORE THE FIGHT CONTINUES.....

@ZyroUnchained - 02.09.2023 16:52

its the middest anime ever

@whiteduky8660 - 02.09.2023 09:33

Bro used the bgm of one piece 😂 😊

@slidingcoffee8113 - 01.09.2023 22:59

Don't got filler!?? Guys are turning a two page scuffle into a 10 minute fight

@shimikazeglask8283 - 01.09.2023 19:07

One piece of sh*t
