Lifetime macOS User Tries New Windows 11 for 24 Hours! Goodbye, Apple…

Lifetime macOS User Tries New Windows 11 for 24 Hours! Goodbye, Apple…

Arthur Winer

1 год назад

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Wovkon Studios
Wovkon Studios - 25.11.2023 16:08

You can have shortcut on the desktop 😂

Daniel B.
Daniel B. - 25.11.2023 11:25

I installed on windows 11 an application that I have been using non-stop since 1998 and I have had it on all editions of windows. It installs and runs natively, without an emulator, without any problem. Is this possible on MacOs?

infeltk - 22.11.2023 22:54

For me Win11 is disaster. Clunky, slow, bad text rendering, too many options. It is strange that I cannot kill some my hang processes from the admin console. Memory management is poor.
Why web browser reports out ouf memory while I have machine winth 24GB RAM and nearly 60% mem free?
Why Windows and software consumes so much memory? macOS doesn't use swap despite I have opened many chrome windows?
Why we have so many rebots due to updates?
Adding software is bad.
Powershell is ulgy.
Nearly evevry MS product is bad.
Why Visual Studio Code is working fast? it is written in ... javascript!
Why WPF XML need so much text?
Why TimeSpan struct doesn have string desc format for time slices longer that 24 hours?

Prima61 - 16.11.2023 05:15

So, again, no definitive, earth-shattering, reason to switch to MacBook.

Temirbek Nuradil
Temirbek Nuradil - 15.11.2023 10:08

If one of them was definitely better then the other in all aspects then that other would be gone already

iAfroTech - 10.11.2023 16:31

It's clear you don't use Windows a lot anymore 😉.
1️⃣Average user doesn't care about Office anymore. You use Office at work and Google Web apps on your personnal laptop or Microsoft Web apps. Those apps work with an Android device.

2️⃣Also Windows works perfectly with one of my smartphone, the Android one: things are more easy and MacOS doesn't have an equivalent of Link To Windows app.

3️⃣you can also customize your favorites apps instead of letting Microsoft choose for you: Windows lets you the choice to do what you want and change things if apps selected by Windows don’t suit you🙂

4️⃣Focus Mode is not the same as MacOS because not related to what you do on your iPhone but you can parameter it and choose notifications, prioritize apps and connect it with Microsoft To Do. It’s different.

peter hayek
peter hayek - 10.11.2023 02:59

When Does??

Prima61 - 06.11.2023 20:07

On Windows, when you're searching for an app, just type 3 or 4 characters in the search box... boom, there it is.

Raj Roy
Raj Roy - 04.11.2023 10:44

This guy will say anything the sponsor asks. Looks like windows got to his wallet.

brucecrescencio - 25.10.2023 13:59

I am a mac user and all your complains about window are sooo stupid.. are the same too?

Yahya Kemal Kocabaş
Yahya Kemal Kocabaş - 24.10.2023 02:36

I guess it's been 2 weeks since I switched to MacBook, I think that MacOS is better, because of the portability, trackpad, Touch Bar, the way having a MacBook feels, build quality, animations, minimalist design, ecosystem, being able to sign in my accounts with Touch ID, and etc. I have lots of reason why I prefer MacBooks over windows laptops. If you have any other opposite opinion, I would like to know. :)

DaWizardful - 21.10.2023 11:17

this video is a joke

DrUshanka - 19.10.2023 18:25

Wendows 11

ptboat67 - 18.10.2023 06:28

I switched a year ago and I think I regret it, Samsung to Ilphone and MacBook Pro 14. I still love my iPad Pro though

the riggy runkey plush
the riggy runkey plush - 16.10.2023 05:35

join us windows 11 users!!!!!!!!!!!

Nikoloz Suladze
Nikoloz Suladze - 09.10.2023 00:15

are you in Georgia?

Perry & Keshah Walker
Perry & Keshah Walker - 07.10.2023 02:43

I don't know if I left a comment on this channel but I have decided to go back to Windows. My main reason being the Macos. It feels very restricting and cumbersome to work with. There were two reasons why I decided to try a Mac. One of the reasons was everyone was saying that the operating system runs so much better and is much simpler to use. However after one year of using macOS I am still no further than when I first started it is so confusing. Resizing windows automatically is like pulling teeth out of a shark windows especially windows 11 does this effortlessly. The second reason why I decided to switch to Mac is that everyone was saying that Mac computers are better built and I decided to try apple silicon which I will say is revolutionary in speed and functionality however the offerings they give you for the price it's not worth it for me. I purchased the 16 gig 256 gigabyte hard drive and decided to clone a one terabyte hard drive off of the internal drive but then I found out that I could not run OS updates on the external drive because it wasn't an official Apple drive. Also I found out that if the storage on the system on the chip went bad I wouldn't be able to boot from an external drive which would render my Mac a paperweight so I decided to go back to a Windows machine. I purchased a used i7 9700 setup for 279 bucks maxed out the memory and got a two terabyte SSD M.2 2280 all for less than 450 bucks for the whole system. And honestly I can't tell the difference in performance between it and the the Mac other than when rendering video that's when the Mac my current setup with my memory and SSD upgrades. Other than that my Windows machine seems a bit Snappy are that maybe because of Windows 11. Don't get me wrong Apple makes great products however I just think that they nickel-and-dime you for everything and to get anything remotely useful of functional to the level I have with the Windows machine I would have to pay 5000 to $10,000 to get that and I just don't want to do that for just a small increase in performance. I'm using desktop systems not laptops. As far as I understand Apple laptops outshines anything Windows has to offer.

Sounde - 06.10.2023 20:30

you need dig more about windows, they have basic software, but compare price with mac, its still reasonable. and remember.... windows have tons crack.... just saying

Jeremy - 06.10.2023 13:10

I finally got fed up with Windows bullshit when it kept going downhill after XP. When I got a new laptop and dealt with the frustration of Win 8, then when I finally got that sorted and made peace with it, it force downgraded me to Win 10, I said fuck it and got into Linux. Started dual booting with Win 10 and Linux Mint. Very shortly after realized I never used Win 10 because Mint was So much better, so just deleted Win. A couple years ago I got a Mac and it's amazing. What's funny is it's a 2015 Macbook Pro. A fucking 8yr old Mac running a 2021 OS is FAR superior to Windows. It's fast, never glitches, hiccups - just keeps doing everything I want it to, without fail. I've heard they made Win better recently, but why bother? If I were a gamer I'd be using Win, or if I were so annoyed by a slight lack of customization that I'd rather run an inferior OS to gain a couple features.
Mac all day, followed by Linux. Fuck Windows and their bullshit. I don't need a laptop that comes with bloat and bullshit and doesn't come with basic office suite and other basic programs, bugs me Constantly to update it, a computer that starts getting slower after day one of ownership, that will likely only make it a few years(except Thinkpads somehow), etc, etc...

Pordon Jeterson
Pordon Jeterson - 04.10.2023 23:53

I can also say from a vast amount of experience with both very complicated livestream audio routing is better handled on Windows. Both Mac and Windows require 3rd party apps to do this well, but Windows does it better. Like for instance having a livestream with guests from a meeting up, you want the livestream guests to hear the audio output of the stream itself without a delay or hearing themselves, but then you need to output the audio from the guests and sources to the stream. This can get very complicated depending on how professional you want the production to be. Windows is the one for this. You can use Audio Loopback and Hijack on Mac, but I have found stability issues in them while streaming. On PC you would use Voicemeeter Potato, with any audio plugins without OBS. You will go further with the latter.

Burn Account #001
Burn Account #001 - 01.10.2023 21:38

I've not used widgets on Windows, since Windows 7. W7 allowed users to place widgets directly on the desktop. Without that ability, they are largely useless.

KByte - 28.09.2023 17:55

I don't want Windows to be as good as MacOS. I don't want MacOS to be as good as Windows.

They are different Operating Systems, with different philosophies. That's like saying I wish the Danish language would one day be as good as Korean language. See how absurd that sounds? While both are technically the same, the background and approach to them is completely different. And it is through this difference the users benefit from it.

I use Windows because my workflow works well on it, but colleague at work uses Mac because it works better for their workflow. Both does the job.

Mojito - 22.09.2023 17:29

Windows 'pluses' than Mac are: (out of my head, which I can remember now)
-Has lower minimum price for hardwares, so it can be more affordable
-Has better spec than equal prices Mac
-Much more Apps choices, (more so Games Apps, so it's the better choice for gaming)
-Better hardware (choice) for Games
-Much more hardware combination options
-More Customizeable
-Repairable, in relatively much cheaper cost
-Upgradeable, in relatively much cheaper cost
-Used by much more people anywhere so has advantage to have much bigger chance to get help anytime needed, etc
-Even old computer can still using the latest Windows version (although sometime has to be with some tweak)
-Even the newest computer and latest Windows version can still be use for old apps/drivers (need tweak sometimes)

Please add..
I'll add some, later when I remember

Niclas - 18.09.2023 23:45

to most of the problems you explained about windows there are solutions only a few clicks / buttons away, this video is not really good imo

Anik Sen
Anik Sen - 17.09.2023 00:47

"Mac users invest in a MacBook priced at $999, while Windows or Linux users opt for a Windows laptop at $99. Naturally, there are significant differences between the two. If you were to compare the Surface Pro and MacBook Pro, you'd quickly discover the actual distinctions.😌 New MacBook Pro starts at $1,999, whereas the recently released Surface Laptop begins at $899.99. Undoubtedly, there exist noteworthy disparities between these choices. The decision largely depends on one's financial considerations and specific business needs. that's it."😌

Tamás Bohács
Tamás Bohács - 16.09.2023 15:25

Archicad 26 2022 macOS 12.3 Windows 10 ?

vincent malchus
vincent malchus - 09.09.2023 13:03

Imma try to do the same thing to my mom as a windows user because my mom uses Mac and I think it's ok because Mac is the best choice for arts but not when it comes to multitask and business especially gaming because I'm addicted to games

Jehovah Jireh Welding Services LLC
Jehovah Jireh Welding Services LLC - 09.09.2023 00:59

Just so you know, you can add custom widget llike email, spotify, reminder, photos, etc to windows widget screen and remove the content under discover bar.

kostis xabeles
kostis xabeles - 05.09.2023 23:15

25 years using only pc’s. A month ago bought my first Mac Studio. Don’t know why it took me so long to do it. Those m1 m2 studio and mini macs are the future of computers. Don’t think I’m ever going back unless I want to play games

Jin Raigami
Jin Raigami - 17.08.2023 07:02

See you. lol

LGX2 - 13.08.2023 04:50

Windows is shite, except for gaming.

Johnny West
Johnny West - 30.07.2023 20:33

This guy is sexy a nerd. He's very attractive.

Nghia Truong
Nghia Truong - 29.07.2023 10:57

I won't switch to Windows, I'm sorry

Dan W
Dan W - 28.07.2023 20:45

Mac is a good OS. Gaming it sucks. Prices are high. I can't just buy a new video card to upgread, or CPU. Mac prices are high. I can upgread easy and cheap no thank you. I'll stick with windows. I can build a 2k pc IF i buy mac it's 5k for the same part just diffent OS.

Debajyoti Chowdhury
Debajyoti Chowdhury - 25.07.2023 22:21

No you do not have to have 2 partitions in windows. You can have just one partition. Users chose to have at least 2 partitions so that things are not cluttered. Many other facts you have mentioned are incorrect as well

Priyesh Yuvraj Singh
Priyesh Yuvraj Singh - 18.07.2023 16:20

Frankly speaking I use both the OS. But people hear me out, Windows is much easier to use, I do have my points (feel free to express your opinions). The taskbar is like all in one place as the taskbar of windows contain all the things necessary and it have a lot of things like pinned apps and recent files at the glance of one button. Many would feel the calendar in windows is trash or least integrated but maybe this was the reason why many companies prefer windows calendar as they can easily setup meeting and work deadlines in the computer of their employees. The next thing is that you cannot actually close the app entirely in mac, you have to completely quit it and it makes that opening of the same app much slower.

This is a very important story:- Once I asked my dad that why windows have so many ways just to change wallpaper or do a single things. He as an engineer head replied that while making the windows, they wanted that even a dumb person can easily use it, if a man is mission one hand or is injured or even if one way is blocked by some issue, it can be solved.

moreover the search capability maybe be limited as you may have the setting disabled but trust me it gets my work done. Moreover the search was refined since windows 10 but mac recently made this thing work in Ventura (The apple way)

On your multitasking, Windows have been pinacle of multitasking with many windows displayed at once. (trust me as an Investor and also stock trading this feature is helpful. Moreover who needs to change their desktops when your alt + tab does the work just right. If you really want to do so you can set it up using specific shortcut.

On your next point on the control panel, I truly agree with you.

So yeah, these were some points to help you out. Mac feel much more integrated and only runs necessary stuff and its programming architecture makes it faster than windows.

Have a good time with your Laptop 👍🏻👍🏻

Tathagata Mondal
Tathagata Mondal - 16.07.2023 09:44

Can't see app preview on Mac!!

DreamWeaver - 15.07.2023 09:14

You are just biased 😂 nothing else who would mees up with important os files with personal files 😂😂 of by mistake os files get deleted then the origin of error would be unknown
One thing is that mac os users are non techy they dont have simple logic about why disk partition is needed and why adminstrator permission is required 😂😂 non techy apple users 😂😂

Nyandragon - 12.07.2023 00:31

sometimes i really wonder if tech people reviewing stuff even used a pc before. ''oh i have to click this all apps button and then scroll inside a list and find a little icon of an app i need to click and'' ffs... just press windows key on your keyboard and type the name of the app you want and press enter... i havent even used the start menu of windows in like 10 years or so. You want to open photoshop? press win, type pho ..oh look there it is allready enter. boom, app open

okay interesting, i need to buy ms office to write text... only office, libre office, open office, google docs... just to name a few...

okay, i seriously cant take you serious anymore now... ''i want my phones to build well...'' imagine... a phone, wich people drop quite alot... imagine how freakin stupid it would be to cover something you drop in glass and make it weight 2kg. wouldnt that be the dumbest thing ever? its almost as if you would create a phone made of eggshells and call it premium. a plastic covered leightweight phone will withstand drops so much more, than any heavy glass brick will do. at least apple is not building cars... imagine how dumb it would be if car constructions where made off glass too. get rid of notifactions...
me: i have never used any notifactions in windows at all my entire life... thats what phones are for.

I'm Ok
I'm Ok - 08.07.2023 18:10

he blind

Hemanth P
Hemanth P - 06.07.2023 05:22

you totally forgot about the terminal in Windows 11. The new terminal is 10000x times better than windows 10 and mac . You can install all types of subsystem linux . So great that you dont have to revert back to dual boot for linux .

Jim Kanaris
Jim Kanaris - 02.07.2023 13:37

I hate that in 2023 I still need two laptops to get the best all-rounder experience, Windows for a little gaming on the side and MacOS for productivity. You can do both on a beefy Windows system but M1/M2 is so hard to beat in other, significant aspects.

Chillwave Music
Chillwave Music - 29.06.2023 22:14

First of all, we must admit that this review was objective and comprehensible
Thank to the Author!

Another aspect is a matter of habit )

Personally I am a life long Windows user and had been trying a couple of times. But for my personal purposes (work with a lot of files, documents, Chrome with more than 3 accounts, gaming a little bit) Windows is more convenient

Global Garage
Global Garage - 29.06.2023 13:58

I use both, but windows makes far more sense to me. Win11 is miles ahead from the old buggy XP days. On Mac the finder tool is just so unintuitive and clumsy. You never really know where a file is. Windows explorer will simply let you right click and do anything and always see the absolute path in the address bar.

Небылица - 26.06.2023 06:01

Microsoft always did the same thing. They add features to look comparable on paper, but most of them are poorly designed if usable at all.

Небылица - 26.06.2023 05:53

Windows 11 is terrible, I’m saving up for a Mac and I want everyone to know it 😂

Tua aut
Tua aut - 15.06.2023 22:08

I just sold my mac book pro M1 and get back to use windows laptop. I think it's more friendly with other accessories like external mouse and keyboard or second screen. The flow of using Logitech mouse is very good for windows. My job is data analyst, there are some limitations of the program I use like Tableau or Qlik sense or database like SQL server etc. I feel like windows is more flexible to use 3rd party hardware connected to. Also, to create split screen in mac isn't as smooth as windows. Until now the mac rosetta translator isn't stable to run data analysis programs. Another bad thing is that the mac storage is very expensive, 500 GB is not enough and to increase it will cost you a lot. I do recommend buying 1 TB of storage or more if you have to work with data, video editing, store photos or want to learn to build ios Apps with Xcode. Mac is good when you need silence. Most of the time, there is no fan sound coming out probably due to the M1/M2 chip and the battery life last longer then 12 hours which is very convenient to work outside.

Martinz Watcher
Martinz Watcher - 14.06.2023 13:56

There's two main reasons why Windows is better for me: setting customizability and nearly anything runs on it.
