Dauntless in 2019 | What's New & Changed Since Release

Dauntless in 2019 | What's New & Changed Since Release


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@callumb-h7950 - 04.06.2019 12:55

I just want the ability to cancel my heavy attacks, that would save me from so much pain.

@fahadazzam2589 - 05.06.2019 16:12

i would play the game if they add pvp, kinda waste of time if i keep grinding just to fight higher lvl monsters instead of other players

@djohnsveress6616 - 06.06.2019 09:50

You know whats the most annoying part... When you need a tail of a Bigger Behemot, but that son of a b*tch tail is so high up i can't fckn reach it unless if i use reapeters or chains..

@thisguy5718 - 06.06.2019 11:09

i play when before it came to epic and cross platform , man i got to tell you , they really improved the game A LOT

@koppunch - 06.06.2019 19:33

It is a lot of fun... until I get back to warframe.
I still feel the need of a defensive weapon

@EsotericDrifter - 07.06.2019 02:21

Great. A dire kharabak. As if normal wasn't annoying enough

@romariokiller - 07.06.2019 04:12

Great video, i have just started to play Dauntless and i feel i found a game that i can leave lol behind.

@heshiram1188 - 07.06.2019 04:51

Question: Is playing it solo viable

@ScythGrizz - 07.06.2019 19:53

Monster Hunter: More Fun Edition

@philipp9648 - 08.06.2019 14:32

Sadly this game has about 0 content :/

@matthewbergeron3641 - 09.06.2019 05:52

So its monster hunter with fortnite graphics?

@guynameddanko - 09.06.2019 17:01

you can also get the hunt pass for $4.99 right now w/ one of the bundles in the shop.

@HarmonyOfTheVoice - 09.06.2019 17:35

Okay so it's still a shitty hollow game good to know

@ipKonfig - 09.06.2019 22:07

Dauntless is SHIT
- Doesn't sport Left Handed players
- Favors ONLY players with low latency (near servers) due to devs not implementing ping compensation to boss reactions
- Gave in to ranged cry babies
- Dead-End game, boring gear, no rewarding at all
- One of the head guys at company applauded a high end player, with 5ping.. proving my point
These idiots behind this game need a head exam

@LightningsThunder - 10.06.2019 05:35

The mastery system is kind of lame to say the least it doesnt drive the player to play nor does the hunt pass, im at the point where ive just up and beat the game in under 2 weeks casually. Sucks when theres just nothing else to do other than keep fighting the same behes 100 plus times.. WOOOOO! good video though

@walpurgisnight7 - 10.06.2019 07:06

I'll just wait for Iceborne.

@ersincetin5886 - 10.06.2019 14:32

simple and seedy like mobile games...

@impretza9867 - 11.06.2019 16:51

I'd get it on pc, but I dont really like spyware.

@Asylus - 12.06.2019 01:10

Monster Hunter fans who are going to complain, hurry up and get the hell out of here so I don't have to correct your uneducated complaints and responses. You could have just not clicked on the fucking video.

@XxPprPxX - 12.06.2019 23:44

Will we ever see guild raids?

@Cam-rz4zd - 13.06.2019 01:48

Shock beasts can go fuck themselves

@PointyGorman - 13.06.2019 17:49

If your computer isn;'t great, performance actually got worse on the lower end and they removed the lowest quality settings, you have to play on what was before medium quality instead of low or very low.

@chrisanderson7820 - 14.06.2019 14:29

Game isn''t worth playing for now, the servers and netcode are in total dogshit mode at the moment (last 2-3 weeks). You'll spend all your time disconnecting just as you're about to kill the boss.

The game itself is fantastic but it's just unplayable for now. Until they fix the disconnecting play something else until you hear they've fixed it.

@andrewwallace5234 - 15.06.2019 15:52

Feels shamelessly like mhw I wonder how they are not in breach of some form of copyright. The boat in the hub, the slow Moving with hammer, the mechanics, and the hunting of monsters. I guess 'monster hunting' is a genre ? Well looks cool but I prefer the real version

@walidnane5785 - 16.06.2019 14:14

my problem with the game no gole 😪😪

@adamgeigerjr6995 - 16.06.2019 16:04

this game needs a Captain America shield :D

@arknpcs - 16.06.2019 20:04

did they fix the dodging yet?

@Shameu_uss - 17.06.2019 05:26

monster hunter??

@Sajgoniarz - 03.07.2019 10:48

I thought they released Monster Hunter World already. Also that grpahics makes me sad, cos it looks like remastered mmo from 2005. Polygon style, luck of any geometry, ambient light, few ground objects. Seems like mobile game to me.

@hannelierynhoud8245 - 06.07.2019 16:02

I think that the game will have so much more people playing if you could have different mounts in the game....Ice LOVE to be able to tame and ride mounts....In my opinion.. A lot of people should want to ride Giant creatures...PLEASE....SEE IF YOU CAN GET THEM TO ADD MOUNTS 😦😦😦🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

@Paul_The_Spaceman - 09.07.2019 02:57

It is addictive.

@gatdat2063 - 12.07.2019 13:10

Those mats tho 100,000+ orbs and crafting parts, I have been having orb nightmares coz I'm so low

@davados1 - 15.07.2019 12:04

Optimization is very poor GTX 1080ti and the game tries to use 2100mhz. I have it on adaptive so most games on max graphics settings rarely get it up to 2100mhz. Also by default FPS locked to 62

@HPmcDoogle - 19.07.2019 19:38

I'm new to dauntless, but i can see this game has so much to be desired. A lot of QOL stuff needs to be added or modified, like having to wait for a queue for a private hunt, no minimap for the town, or he hunts being incredibly short with no substance other than the main boss itself. This game seems extremely empty compared to something like Vindictus or Monster Hunter.

@TepidWater - 20.07.2019 00:24

Not a single negative thing said, what an unbiased review...

@jacobbrettner1995 - 21.07.2019 06:20

I also recommend watching - ohdough. If you don’t know who he is. Give him a look, videos are always on point. Nice vid mate

@eriktitchener1522 - 23.09.2019 04:54

I want to see mounts in this game

@madamcrimsononi6623 - 14.11.2019 13:49

I never heard of this game before and interested.. I did play fortnite but when they kind of changed so much in PVE ..it made it unplayable and not fun for me but this looks like it might be a nice replacement. thank you for this video

@nxk5116 - 17.11.2019 18:17

So what's else than just grinding in the game by killing same monsters over and over again?
I feel like they say, here you go, kill some monsters and that's it...

you may grind for title and stats but i'd be much more grateful if this game was an open world and just "find one monster, kill it and spawn back to the town" ...
I guess i just had a different vision of what that game was when i first watch a trailer .-.

@nxk5116 - 17.11.2019 18:24

if it was only an open world like Hunter World then it would be cool but going 5m ahead from where u spawn and fight monster for 30min and when u killed it spawn back to town just to do the same sh$t over again it get's pretty boring

I mean the problem i have here is that the game gets repetitive, no end goal and it is shallow. like you dont even get to explore the area just fight craft and again fight
i mean it is funny for first few hours but then it just sucks

@kizunadragon9 - 26.12.2019 20:06

i love the fact i can play on PC at home and then on my switch on the go on the same account.

@minecraftotalwar - 03.07.2020 05:27

and Nintendo switch

@loki.winter - 13.08.2020 10:33

So instead of ripping off Monster Hunter: World, they started ripping off Monster Hunter: Generations/ Generations Ultimate... great ._.

@McGizzleYT - 01.12.2020 14:29


@AlexD-gq4iy - 07.01.2021 06:55

Hey man check out Dust to the End, it's pretty fun!

@abimboladaramola4350 - 10.02.2021 19:18

u can pet the dog forget monster hunter where s the link to this game

@digitaldragon4518 - 28.02.2022 20:33

i love dauntless
