Space Engineers - SPRT R.U.S.T. Freighter

Space Engineers - SPRT R.U.S.T. Freighter

Pain Studios

2 года назад

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WorldsOkayestCatDad - 01.09.2023 15:25

Thanks! I had no idea how to steal ships, this gave me all the info I needed.

Whiskey Tango
Whiskey Tango - 30.08.2023 07:30

At what point on official do you become wanted enough for other players to to do bounty contracts on you?

Escaped Psycho
Escaped Psycho - 12.08.2023 01:00

lol Cry-o not Ky row. It's short for Cryogenic. Cool video though.

Jonathan Diaz
Jonathan Diaz - 02.08.2023 02:11

12 months ago 😢

Geckoram - 17.07.2023 18:06

I remember that in my first space engineers game I put a landing gear on one of those and crashed it on the moon. It was really fun and I got a ton of resources.

THE BULL DOZER - 09.07.2023 18:31

Thank you for making this video iam gonna do this

Brandon Lee
Brandon Lee - 23.06.2023 07:52

How did you place the components in the cargo without opening the UI?

Patrick shea
Patrick shea - 27.05.2023 19:02

How do you refuel it

TheDaveisNope - 21.05.2023 23:31

I turned one of these into a pocket battleship x3

pvt - 14.04.2023 18:49

Stealing all the LLC-3 ships passing by is something I can't resist even in worlds where I already have everything and more. It's some sort of hoarding lol. I believe I have over 20 modifications of this RUST Freighter in blueprints and even more in old worlds I didn't play for a long time.
This ship is the luckiest find when you start a new custom game in space pod. Capture the ship - disassemble the space pod - add backwards and down thrust to make the thing somewhat able to fly, add refineries and surv kit - done. Fastest start for vanilla. Also it always has some cobalt on board which saves so much time compared to "ok I checked 40 asteroids already, next one MUST have cobalt ore in it!!!".

Officer_Baitlyn - 17.03.2023 21:05

i always collect these and feed them to the array of big grinders mounted on my ship

Ceil Yurie
Ceil Yurie - 31.01.2023 09:41

It's way easier to capture with standard speed limit. I got one once that way. Also I'd hardly call them useless in a server with modded weapons, or if ya know hoe to make good custom turrets, they can serve as a good corvette, just will wanna remove one or two cargo boxes, and build her up. Also expected you to tern dampeners off and ion cruise until nearing your base, how I did it.

Zaƒlow Galactic
Zaƒlow Galactic - 24.01.2023 11:34

R.U.S.T. freighter: 5.6million space credits. Blowing by the moon at like 300m/s: Priceless.

Pickcomb - 12.01.2023 06:36

Christian Pods, Kairos Pods

Arlan gaming
Arlan gaming - 10.01.2023 13:21

Has to be the longest take over of a rust freighters you can remove half the steps you did

sandphoenix - 06.01.2023 03:45

I often get shot. I mount a landing leg to the front of a drop ship

TheMidnightBanshee 59
TheMidnightBanshee 59 - 01.01.2023 15:24

Bruh 3 large cargo containers and it only carries oh so little ore

The cloudBottle
The cloudBottle - 17.12.2022 23:25

I remember these ships having 2 large ion thrusters in line with its behavior of detect the player and jam the throttle. Maybe they updated it with the decorative blocks.

Нуар НекоЛис
Нуар НекоЛис - 11.12.2022 08:38

Та ля чо там тырить кроме ионок и реакторов
Крч заходим с балгаркой во внутрь
Ставим закругленный блок и с автомата или болгарки убиваем турель
Убиваем таймеры и дисту
Всё , рейд окончен
Подпиливаем реакторы и обестачиваем , отпиливаем батареи сбоку изнутри и убиваем турели
Всё , кор ваш

Mowraq - 28.11.2022 03:52

Kairo-pods. I also like to regenerate in them.

Leo Nielson
Leo Nielson - 27.11.2022 22:49

I've noticed that turrets will target easy to forget things, like gyroscopes, if you haven't hacked them.

Captain Donut
Captain Donut - 07.11.2022 15:49

Whats a kairo pod ?

Jamoke - 30.10.2022 07:45

R.U.S.T freighters are great to steal. Easiest imo. They can serve as a mobile base with the connectors and assemblers, attaching a refinery makes it complete, solar panels finish the mobile base theme. The only issue is, they suck if you fully load even one of the cargo containers and are reduced to a crawl. They also have a metric TON of components and storage. They always have a good amount of ore too.

Noise Tean
Noise Tean - 10.10.2022 19:21

I used to take over few cargo ships when I started in space. To be safe I took down turrets by removing block they were mounted on. It is better to enter through glass or armor as doors are difficult to take down. Then all you need is to hack antenna/beacon, remote control and timers and cargo boxes. Park it to asteroid and take it apart as they are generally no good to fly. You can detach batteries and used them to charge base batteries.

Zerg - 27.09.2022 21:40

Lol you mean cryo (cry oh) pod? Or you saying ky roh on purpose?

Just sayin
Just sayin - 27.09.2022 20:03

Ive been stealing, cutting and rifitting ships since i dont know how to design ships. My large grid ground cargo hauler is a combination of my design + red ship + blue ship (been cutting the blue ship away from it) , my scout rover is a refitted Shuttle ship (2 shuttle small grid ship). I had a mining large grid rover that was a disected mars base but i accidentaly deleted the BP and the save was gone. Its fun being a scavenger faction.

SparkleBurst - 03.09.2022 18:34

I just started a new SE game and stole one of those ships and made it my base. I removed one of the large cargo and put in a refinery. Currently building a mining ship that will dock with the mothership.

Domaorn - 22.08.2022 20:07

the only way i cant catch them when they are netural is a mag plate on my large grid.. if i cant tag it quick, i can never get closer than 260m for some reason lol

Donald - 17.08.2022 00:16

kYrO pod lol

Dalrethliant - 27.07.2022 09:14

i just stole one, after it destroyed my space pod, lots of room, managed to fit a refinery, in the processes of reoutffiting it, adding solar panels, adding docking ports for any mining ships, and adding a few new guns.

Dave THM
Dave THM - 24.07.2022 17:07

I was in creative just messing around and 1 flew towards me with drones and they didn't stand a chance... have you ever placed a ton of warheads on an enemy ship to make ot explode? Absolutely beautiful

LedgeCat - 15.07.2022 16:22

This was extremely helpful because I captured a ship and I had no idea where the RC was and why the thrusters where still moving

malcho1234 - 13.07.2022 06:02

One of my favorite things to do is to make some drop miners to attach to the connectors to the side and set them and the ship up with PAM before using it as a mining carrier.

Justin Wheeler
Justin Wheeler - 07.07.2022 18:03

I was just about to throw this fellow a like and then he goes and calls the cryo pod a Kyro pod.

tiemanowo - 12.06.2022 11:13

So in space engineers to capture the ship I must break and repair "all modules"? (i'm new to space engineers, so sorry for obvious question)

1953dan - 09.06.2022 00:56

It used to be that hacking a control seat was all that was needed to be done in order to take over a ship.
Needless to say that made people unhappy when their ships got stolen, so it was changed to needing to change ownership of certain key equipment.

From various bug fixes, it got a little broken. Some ships now require you to completely dismantle their equipment and replace with your own equipment.
You can see this in your video.

When grinding or welding, a information box appears to the right with a component list and more importantly OWNERSHIP information.

Every time you ground something down and welded it back up saying "It's green. It's mine." you can see in the info box that it's clearly still owned by the Space Pirates.
The easy fix is to just get rid of their stuff and replace it with your own.

Trying to take over a ship while simultaneously advancing up a tech tree, in my opinion, makes it harder than it necessarily has to be. But that's just me.

One other thing that people miss in that info box, also in the "G" terminal, is the grid size indicators.
Those still learning what blocks are large and which are small and sometimes don't understand why one doesn't connect with the other.
Example: Medium cargo container with a apparently large grid access port.

In the upper right corner of the info box is a small and large indicator.
If it's large only, example med bay, then only the large indicator is lit and the same if it's for small. Things like thrusters, gyroscopes and etc. will have both lit up.

Jamzzz - 22.05.2022 19:37

Yeah...this video makes me glad I'm not doing mods - especially a speed mod. As slow as ~100m/s is, this looks downright disaster waiting to happen.

Also, it's not a "cairo" pod, it's a "cry-o" pod...

Trent Richardson
Trent Richardson - 20.05.2022 02:13

Whats your speed mod?

Free2Play - Less Pays
Free2Play - Less Pays - 18.05.2022 22:06

its a cryopod, not a cyropod

Daniel Strain
Daniel Strain - 17.05.2022 17:22

I would say all the thruster components in those large ions is super valuable.

Hughsie28 - 17.05.2022 15:44

I always find it funny abusing the predictive shooting AI by the flight path on the way to the ship.
From the ships point of view you probably look like a really annoying bluebottle fly or something that it just swallowed trying to swat 😂🦟

JamieCracker - 14.05.2022 06:35

I'm glad I'm not the only one who repeats the "Energy Low" when she says it haha

TheWickedJester - 25.04.2022 22:05

This was super helpful after I crippled one to take it over but went a little overboard with the shooty shooty bang bang. Thanks to this video I was able to reconstruct the interior completely. Thank you

Danny Stephens
Danny Stephens - 16.04.2022 18:24

When I played starting in space, I couldn't make it work for me, but make it seem very simple, good work.

Wolfe - 15.04.2022 01:06

"I'm going to save here in case something stupid happens..."

Warhead that the developers maliciously placed in last update: Yeet


Lord Mortos
Lord Mortos - 10.04.2022 02:21

Cr io say it with me cryo. See words aren't hard

Tyson Burns
Tyson Burns - 06.04.2022 06:43

Its a CRYO chamber... not KYRO

pie Bob
pie Bob - 01.04.2022 22:40

The thrust override is done by timer blocks, stop the timers and it removes the overide

Malsheck forKSP
Malsheck forKSP - 01.04.2022 03:21

I often start a game by capping these and mounting a rotating drill head in front. Then remove the outer side thrusters and move them closer to the body. Then later swap the rear large cargo for a jump drive and refineries on the sides. Makes for a quick jump in starter mining operations.
