iOS 17 vs iOS 16 Stability and Bugs

iOS 17 vs iOS 16 Stability and Bugs


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@Tails_sweept531 - 14.01.2024 23:04

when does iPad os 18 beta release

@avenged110 - 09.01.2024 23:28

Definitely sticking with iOS 15 here. The only redesign I ever hope for is movement in the direction of iOS 6, hah. Every year everyone hopes for stability and efficiency improvements and ever year it seems as though Apple does less and less on those fronts, focusing instead on features no one asked for and political bs. Though I’m not necessarily surprised knowing the types of people who work there.

@JohnsonDaChumplie - 08.01.2024 04:34

Wall papers are not connecting.

@iOSuptodate - 07.01.2024 18:16

Nice video 🔥👍🏻

@arioktaiswara1803 - 07.01.2024 17:29

I misa ios 14 it was perfect for my iPhone 12, currently sticking on ios 16.6.1

@Raja995mh33 - 07.01.2024 16:06

For me, iOs17 has definitely been worse than even iOS16 overall or at least just as bad.
iOS17 has had a bit less bugs but not that much less but on the other hand the performance and efficiency are TERRIBLE. I have stutters everywhere. Dynamic island runs like if it's running on an iPhone 6S and stuff like this. The complain from iOS16.2 about the swipe home stutters is exactly what I have on iOS17 for months by now on my 14 PM.
Sometimes settings also randomly change on their own. Several apps changed their notifications from Temporary to Persistent from one day to another.
Apple HAS to fix this. This is not what I expect from a company like Apple with all their claims about how good everything runs and is.

Apples Ecosystem also works worse and worse. 
- My iPhone doesn't show iCloud Tabs in Safari from my Macbook
- adding a Reminder on my Apple Watch often straight up never appears on my iPhone
- notifications from Health in particular often appear minutes later on my Watch for no good reason (set a medication reminder for 11pm but on my Watch is comes up at 11:08pm for example)
- AirPods audio stutters all the time when connected to my Macbook for months by now

It's ridiculous how bad Apples software quality has gotten. iOS11 was a GODSEND in comparison...

@samckatz - 07.01.2024 05:40

Sadly I must agree that Apple has lost its shine. My iPhone 15 pro max battery absolutely sucks. Apple better get their house in order before people begin looking for alternatives

@SuiGenerisAbbie - 07.01.2024 02:08

Aaron, I asked this question of you but am awaiting a response from you.
What if I do not own a computer (a Mac) to fix any boot loop issues? Then what would I do?
Some people here on YT seem to think this can be solved by simply re-booting one's later model PC. Other people say no. You mentioned that using a computer was one's only option for getting out of this jam. But, for those of us who do not own a computer, then what would Plan B be, please?

@Farasat_Ahmad352 - 07.01.2024 02:05

iOS 17 is better because iOS 16 had some overheating issues

@PriestFH - 07.01.2024 00:40

It’s basic rule, that more stable iOS version is that come with current iPhone, so iOS 17 would never be great for iPhone 14 and older

@PoketCam - 06.01.2024 22:58

Is 17.3 is out for everyone?

@ciscocordero731 - 06.01.2024 21:35

IOS 15 was the absolute best IMO

@XFatherGod - 06.01.2024 20:58


@Shundave - 06.01.2024 20:56

One thing I noticed is during the year I used iOS 16 on my 14 Pro Max the battery health degraded fairly quickly and was down to 88% by the time iOS 17 launched. But since my phone has been on iOS 17 I have had zero battery health degradation. Still at 88% after being on iOS 17 four months.

@arski9727 - 06.01.2024 20:40

What's crazy is that Android also allows you to do more customizability with internal software systems and how things look and it manages to do this while being smooth! iOS locks most of these features and still struggling 😕

@mbwelch76 - 06.01.2024 19:53

iOS 17 has been a lot more stable and polished than 16 was!

@RAJohnson713 - 06.01.2024 19:27

Can you change the phone menu back to the old way? I hate the new one when ur on the phone.

@pickleshanks - 06.01.2024 19:16

I’M FINALLY VINDICATED WITH MY BLUETOOTH ISSUES! Ever since 16.3.1c, or one of the security updates around that time, every single Bluetooth audio device I’ve used has had frequent cutouts and occasional full disconnects requiring repairing, but I could find nothing about it online! I felt like I was the only one with the issue, so thank you for giving me this sanity check!

@marksback3126 - 06.01.2024 18:15

Hi Aaron mark from Australia I think with doing a redesign why not do all apps in apple’s logo since it’s a Apple iPhone it be something different hey and I think with the settings it’s a bit bland they should add a bit more colour to it anyway that’s my view thanks again Aaron

@lambo_greg - 06.01.2024 17:10

Never had I experienced such a poor iPhone 15 pro max 1 T with iOS 17.2.1 very jerky not fast fluid like all the past 20 + iPhones I’ve had. My iCloud messages syncing with iCloud is permanently paused talked to 4 upper pro Apple techs to no avail. Went to the Apple Store and they looked I’m a business account with 40 iPhones this is my worst experience. Last resort I’m going to try a completely new iPhone see if that helps they will have to swap me out. This could be it. Come on Apple forget about emoji’s and fix the glitches. 😤 I have better things to do. Be careful on this one.

@quadriderhonda - 06.01.2024 17:06

Great video aaron enjoyed it

@garystone4936 - 06.01.2024 16:57

I too am ready for some change with IOS. UI could be enhanced as well as adding stability to their product. I too have been an IOS user for the duration but, it appears Apple’s focus is elsewhere, not necessarily on their bread and butter product. Fingers crossed for some improvements as I truly believe their fan base is beginning to get bored with their lackluster performance.

@juniorbibhukshakya6916 - 06.01.2024 16:30

iOS 17.2.1 sucks!
When i charge my 14 pro up to 100% everything will work fine till it gets down to 40% and it starts to drain 3% at a time, ive had this issue on ios 16.2 but havent had this issue untill i updated to iOS 17.2 and 17.2.1
iOS 17.1.1 was far better than these recent updates

@Frytech - 06.01.2024 15:28

iOS 14 was probably the best in the recent memory and also macOS Mojave 10.14.6 was the best macOS in the recent years. Everything stable, quick, battery life is solid, basically no problems.

@haydenmather2328 - 06.01.2024 15:17

I was with android for over 10 years and then moved to iPhone having become fed up of fragmentation and inconsistency in the platform. While I have had a few bugs with my iPhone I would say nowhere near as bad as those I experienced with Android. The main issues that I tend to have relate to copying data between iPhone and Mac and general issues with continuity but these have been few and fixed by usually a restart. But these are features I never had on Android. I started on an iPhone 12 and moved up to a 14 Pro and I have been very happy it’s a far better experience than any I have had with Android, with my last two Android phones being a Note 10 Plus and then a OnePlus 9 Pro so not like I have come from cheap Android phones.

@Motxo88 - 06.01.2024 15:14

when i made de change from Android to iOS, i was drawn in because the stability, the ease of use, security and longevity of support on Apple devices.
2 years later, still in iOS, but disappointed because i can't see QoL improvments, like gestures, notifications, app configurations, personal customization, SIRI, among other things.
Love the device, the ease of use, the ecosystem really hooks you in, but most of the improvements, aside lock screen customization, and widget improvements (both still behind Android), are meaningless, IMO.
Oh not forgeting features available only on US, leaving EU users at bay, or features only available on the most recent models, features that can be SW available, like de 80% max charge.

@jeffhale1189 - 06.01.2024 13:49

Thanks for sharing: very helpful information. Blessings on your day!

@ZzzSss369 - 06.01.2024 13:41

Both are pathetic. Both drained battery. ios16 f---ed my 14 pro max battery and now 17 doing same with 15 promax. Why aaple is totally failed to fix bettery issue? Even they shud add skme new wallpapers in ios updates also.
1 mire thing when Bluetooth on and connected with watch and aurpod that time phone drained more faster

@GamingPIPI - 06.01.2024 12:26

All I want is multicolor light strip support for homekit. My Hue light strip really should be supported

@cpquads - 06.01.2024 11:06

Their last attempt at 17.3 beta sums up THE GRANDE APPLE … what was an what has become time to jump ship in my opinion

@SubZeroTemp11 - 06.01.2024 10:55

Stop gaslighting people, Zollo. When you say it’s nice and fast, blah blah, the comments and online users say a different story. You guys need to stop trusting this fool.

@SubZeroTemp11 - 06.01.2024 10:47

I miss iOS 12 and iOS 13 days 😞

@anglitxuanalx1295 - 06.01.2024 10:15

Well Aaron, Apple can always fix issues and make things better, the question should be, would they? And also, something that people would overlook unless you rely on accessibility features, if you are dealing with let's say, inconsistent brightness, or pictures not looking as beautiful as they should, those, while no denying are annoying problems, are not a deal breaker. If you are relying on something like VoiceOver like myself, and it's either not working well, or worst case scenario, stop working completely, that could mean no phone for me in the case of the latter. In short, Apple needs to wake up and be a respectable company that they should be recognised as and we customers deserve way more than what we got with the "PREMIUM" price we pay them for.

@uncommonbg - 06.01.2024 10:12

It's not that iOS 17 is better, it's just that iOS 16 was shit.

@Coyote-Gary - 06.01.2024 09:51

Ios 15 was good i have a iPhone 14 pro and a Samsung galaxy s23 ultra
Android is definitely more stable than ios now with all the bugs and issues

@andredipo9217 - 06.01.2024 09:48

I have had iPhones since iPhone 3, with no issues at all. Now I bought a 15 pro max and have problems with both stickers, charging and sometimes things on the screen get stuck. I’m looking forward to 17.3 and specially 18.
I’m afraid that apple is getting a little sloppy after the corona periods 🤷‍♂️

@01chohan - 06.01.2024 09:10

Haven't installed iOS 17 purely because they removed the tap anywhere to scrub on the video player.

@Perfection100 - 06.01.2024 07:47

I want better battery. I would wait a year or two for a redesign just for battery and stability.

@leviandhiro3596 - 06.01.2024 07:46

When will iphones be able to splitscreen

@elchamber - 06.01.2024 07:41

This current iOS is lacking so much. It's feels like it's just adding features to hide its flaws.

@chiensean - 06.01.2024 07:29

Hated focus mode who refused to return to normal despite the alarm been switched off

@kentwhittsr5074 - 06.01.2024 07:26

Hey Aaron, are you aware of the issue with regard to why iPhone 15 Pro Max want sync in iTunes?!!!

@Alcatraz760 - 06.01.2024 06:12

I think most of the talent is focusing on VisionOS, hence iOS degraded quality, which is a shame, considering iOS is their most popular platform by far.

@dalep6590 - 06.01.2024 05:57

For my uses, the 17 is far better than 16. I was ready to get rid of my 14PM. Didn’t seem to perform like a Pro Model. In fact, my work XR was smoother and more responsive. However, once 17 came into play, the 14 ProMax performed like a premium device. We want/need stability. Apple is too locked into cute, rather than every day substance.

@brandonnoyb3191 - 06.01.2024 05:55

Thanks for putting together this video, VERY AMAZING video!!

@monsterhighx_loverr - 06.01.2024 05:34

idk if it’s js my airpods praying it’s not and it is ios but ios 17 bluetooth has been so slow and buggy when connecting to certain things

@issamibinu1795 - 06.01.2024 05:17

Apple being a trillion dollar company couldn’t even make its ios stable. Actually why should bugs exist in ios. There are no major redesign or features after ios13 its the same with minor improvements. If its a major redesign or major features upgrade we can understand.
