Imagine candy throw throwing candy at the enemies then explodingxd
ОтветитьCan u do a dare video if your gonna do it I dare u to use this load out mini sledged commander military base and farm on molten
ОтветитьIf there was a Wap dance in tds it would one shot every unit in tds
ОтветитьFact: the axe used in the clip where player is running from axe is called "Scotsman's Skullcutter" from team fortress two
Ответитьpeople are wasting money on emotes for a reason........FLEX
Ответитьaxe dmg 5000 firework dmg 966 torch dmg 1 every sec smug 0 dmg only stun them
ОтветитьIf you can make your own custom emotes and do damage with them I would make a knife emote and keep on stabbing every enemy
ОтветитьBelow didn't say that it deals damage to enemies! Hehehe! XD
ОтветитьAxe throwing is like you are the execution tower
Ответитьme and the boi when heard emote can does damage:
*starting dance like a robot*
the boss: what a noob-
ОтветитьThe power of T-pose
ОтветитьEspecially the new axe throw
Ответитьreal damage weapon emotes : lazy counch throw tea and summon ginrbread with 100 hp throw axe: do damage to enemies and have hidden detection. cola emote (removed): throw cola on enemies deals 5 damage when got effects and damage them 100 damage when explode. final emote frost event 2021 thing copy lazy counch: throw the thing drink and throw bugers on enemies it will make them fat and more slower. dance emote (fanmade): makes enemies dance with emote dance what you used and they won't move (does not effects on flying enemies only when they are down on ground)
Ответитьgood idea right?
ОтветитьWow pngs and texts so good
ОтветитьHmmm I wonder if the Russian emote would work as in kicking the enemy
ОтветитьWait dude how u make my dream come true I always dream that u can throw axe at enemy and it deal noice dmg xD
ОтветитьFirework: blinds enemies
Russian dance: MOSKAU MOSKAU
Boston breakdance: spins at the same time kicks
Meat: makes the enemies hungry and will try to get the meat but they are too short
Coffin: drops the coffin on the enemies
Ice: makes a border for the enemies
ОтветитьGang dance - You just spawn crooks/ gang members in to fight (I guess that’s the mafia for crooks)
ОтветитьT-pose damage be like, 100000000000000000000000 damage
ОтветитьOk, few ideas. Kazotsky kick. this kicks the enemies, making them fly back, and thus dealing damage. firework GO BOOM. frozen. die of frostbite
ОтветитьAko dn is a good one and I love the idea of the people
Ответитьif this happened tds will be veru futuristic
edit: i am happy to make that typo
ОтветитьImagine if Russian kick emote did damage :)
Ответитьfrozen emote freeezes enemys that hit you
we think about this, then i see the gang dance emote...
ОтветитьVideo idea: Emote Mode Emotes Do Damage When They Dance Infront of the enemies
Ответитьdoritos dippers cool original
ОтветитьI remember when I thought it did damage
ОтветитьSmug got me like : PEACE AND TRANQUILITY
ОтветитьIf this was true the T poes op lol
ОтветитьCringe emotes: does 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 dam*
ОтветитьThe only strongest emote is
T-Pose which is scariest emote
Content trash
Ответитьtaunt kills intensifies
ОтветитьEmotional damage
ОтветитьBest early def ever fr
ОтветитьClaim your within 2 years ticket here lol