MySQL vs PostgreSQL

MySQL vs PostgreSQL


1 год назад

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@it-2538 - 06.12.2023 12:11

Saying “speed”, “scalability” or “easy to use” without et least mentioning what gives this characteristics in compare is really harmful for the whole industry

Because people will spread this knowledge to one another and this will create and develop technologies that does not deserve to be evolved

@aliasafpolat2417 - 01.12.2023 16:43

Nice explanations !! Thank you for the content!

@PauloSantosk - 09.11.2023 04:51

Postgres embrace the concept of schemas, that are basically bd's inside a singular DB.

@oefzdegoeggl - 27.10.2023 02:30

using postgres since late 2000. in those 23 years, i had exatly 0 data losses due to the db making a fault. it was always "operator error". scalability is a bit harder to do with postgres maybe, but it's doable (like partitioning tables and distributing partitions over several machines), with additional read replicas to separate read/write load, although your application of course has to send read and write queries to separate instances then. one more interesting fact is that afaik the SQLite project does something called "wwpd" in their test cycles. this reads "what-would-postgres-do", so basically they completely ignore what sqlserver or mysql are doing and instead fix their code until the output is 1:1 that of postgres 😄

@haliszekeriyaozkok4851 - 25.09.2023 19:03

I don't think mysql is easier to use if you're not using phpmyadmin. Mysql workbench has the most terrible ui across all the desktop apps i ever saw. Indeed if you want to use with php it's easy but not if you don't, except because of mysql workbench is terribly harder.

@chrishabgood8900 - 08.09.2023 02:40

mysql is easier to manage.

@scottfrost317 - 04.09.2023 16:48

You should have mentioned MySQL was forked over to Maria db and that oracle will end of life it soon.

@andrewjedi - 03.09.2023 09:55

Great video! I remember this guy on his other channel, what was his name again? Thanks :)

@nicholaschiasson1443 - 28.08.2023 18:50

Great breakdown, very useful! I don't know why but I thought postgres was much newer. Had no idea how mature it really was

@ahmedhdeawy - 27.08.2023 22:07

nice explanation, thanks

@Vairag91311 - 18.08.2023 08:55

Hey Airbyte, really nice video! I was wondering if I could help you edit your videos and also make a highly engaging Thumbnail which will help your video to reach to a wider audience

@agashamercy8205 - 06.08.2023 11:28

I only hate the importing features in postgres. Very devastating.
If someone could tell me how to import a very large csv file in Postgres without typing out all the columns, i will be greatful

@TravisTennies - 17.07.2023 10:29

Good job! This is the 4th video I've seen on this and the first one to mention the licensing. Which is mainly what i wanted to hear. Amazing how hard it is to find the info you want. Thanks for being smarter than average. (Yes i could have read up on current licences for both....but i get tured of reading)

@AirbyteHQ - 03.07.2023 21:49

When considering data migration between these systems, your ultimate ally is Airbyte. As the leading open-source ELT tool, Airbyte simplifies the migration process, transforming a complex procedure into an intuitive task for engineers.

@youngmoguler - 13.06.2023 18:53

Hey what about scalability if using PostgreSQL?

@andikaibnumubarok3893 - 13.06.2023 17:54

Makasih, Video nya sangat bermanfaat bagi saya, ini akan lebih membantu saya jika anda menambahkan subtitle bahasa Indonesia di video mu

@nomenetasaili8598 - 13.06.2023 01:33

Thankyou this is really helpful
