Is Hero Siege 2.0 the Worst ARPG Ever?

Is Hero Siege 2.0 the Worst ARPG Ever?


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se7en - 14.10.2023 10:37

imagine going into diablo2 or path of exile and clicking items on ground without text tooltip ;p

豬豬 DD
豬豬 DD - 14.10.2023 04:54

A few years ago it was a D3 copy, rushing to max level in a few hours and then grinding rift , wearing set items with big multipliers, it was fun for a short period of time, but for the price it was perfectly fine, now it's just a slow and boring experience for no reason at all.

Nyfot - 14.10.2023 01:08

The owner doesn't want to work with 3rd parties which in the end doesn't get info about the game stapled anywhere, Instead we got awful mobile list-like UI's trying to make up for it

DarkVem0mHunteR - 12.10.2023 19:06

I had a good time whit this game when it first came out. After i saw the 2.0 release i thought it may be worth looking in the game again but with this monatazation model i see here i imediatly deinstalled the game. Thats not worth starting the game again...

QBass - 12.10.2023 10:39

I've played the game on and off since the release in 2014 and it went through countless reworks over time, starting as a wave based twin stick shooter and gradually becoming more ARPGy. While HS always had stuff like runewords and items/relics that were nods to the classics like Diablo, PoE or Titan Quest before the latest update, it was still "it's own thing" which it sadly isn't anymore with the 1:1 copy of the D2 affix, charm, skill synergie and inventory system (which used to be just a list of items in a menu, with stacking runes/gems and being very comfortable to play with a controller from my couch).
While this is only a baseless assumption, a few months back one of their most beloved lead devs/QA/Designers, Wooxy, left the company (who had been the voice of reason throughout the history of Hero Siege) and shortly after they announced the development of 2.0. This just makes me wonder if these radical changes had gone through if he was still there.

David Thomas
David Thomas - 11.10.2023 18:21

So all you had to say was if they fix the scaling it’s pretty fun. That’s what it sounds like your take is to me. And paying for the more inventory or stash is completely optional don’t need it at all my inventory is never full. I haven’t experienced the endgame that’s what really matters though

KomaKinoX z
KomaKinoX z - 10.10.2023 19:02

The DLC scum-train wasn't enuf for this guy? Thanks Tenkiei for the info. What a shame as when I saw a 2.0 was coming, I was looking forward to playing. But the way they do stash tabs is so degenrate. Nope

Jarryd Stirton
Jarryd Stirton - 10.10.2023 18:19

Seemingly going against the grain here... Ive had Hero Siege for years and years at this point but I never got into it. I think I had a total of maybe 10-15hrs played when I started this season. Ive already over doubled that playtime since the season start and Im genuinely in love with it. Are there flaws and missing things Id like to see added? Sure, but Im loving the game as is.

Jason Chong
Jason Chong - 10.10.2023 12:04

really feel disappointed for S20 update..........

86ed - 10.10.2023 08:14

No thats diablo 4

Wolfy Guardian
Wolfy Guardian - 09.10.2023 22:03

Played over 100 hours, except buying two characters I have never used any real life money, the stash tabs and inventory tabs are totally optional, not needed at all

The Krazy Gamer
The Krazy Gamer - 09.10.2023 22:00

as someone with over 2k hours, can say the game doesnt get better. the Hero Siege 2 update was a massive downgrade to the game sadly

Nine Breaker
Nine Breaker - 09.10.2023 21:22

game should have a more better tutorial on everything its lacking we have to find out ourselves by asking in discord, some people do help but sometimes they dont wouldnt be a problem if the game itself just told you and make it easier. as a player from hs1 at first i didnt like it but i've gotten use to it and it should also have a site with all the items all the loot and other info that can help by just searching lol kinda annoying a bit

Steve Vogel
Steve Vogel - 09.10.2023 16:46

as someone who played since one of the earliest patches now had 326 hours overall time... as i experienced that (all my lvl 100 chars/stash equip n that gone ) had just to write a bad review uninstall this piece of moneygrab and being now here... and its exactly what i did fathom to hear

great review overall

Martin Petrov
Martin Petrov - 09.10.2023 16:35

checkout @seer's series on worst ARPGs

Haux - 09.10.2023 08:02

they change the skill to get first in my two fav heroes the paladin and samurai GG

squid feet
squid feet - 09.10.2023 05:56

the older game was so much better its crazy

Anuthutantrum - 09.10.2023 05:28

D4 bad

GameFan - 08.10.2023 16:43

Great review, really liked seeing a new player's perspective!

About the Diablo 2-fication of the game, it's put into so many places it really begs the question: why? Even tho the "old" game had references like item names and such, but not to this extent. Not only were many items and runewords ported into HS2, but many of the stats such as the offensive side, like crushing blow, deadly strike etc. On top of that, they reworked the enitre defense system. Defense used to give an overall DMG reduction, now it's just like D2s defense, you get essentially evasion to ranged and melee attacks, but not spells and ground effects, which make up for a really large portion of end-game dangers.

Not gonna rant for much longer, just a perspective on how deep the "conversion" to D2 goes.

Frost4j - 08.10.2023 14:01

Hs1 No , Hs2 Yes

Lars Koenig
Lars Koenig - 08.10.2023 12:15

you know we have d4?

Ragulol - 08.10.2023 12:10

I have 1500+ hours in hero siege and all I can say is that right now it is in the worst state ever. Changes introduced in hero siege 2 are just plain horrible and predatory. Not to mention that now you need to wait 30 minutes in a queue to be able to log in because the servers can't handle more that 2500 people playing it.
And if you don't believe me, check the steam reviews, they are all time most negative since 2014

Decro - 08.10.2023 11:26

Nope sure ain't. Also that would be D4.

worawut mekloy
worawut mekloy - 08.10.2023 11:21

good review but game trash not good ! Hero Siege 1 is good

Natendragon - 08.10.2023 08:54

I played a respectable amount of Hero Siege 1, near launch, through growing pains, and the nice sweet spot the devs found. It was a fun twin-stick rogue-like.

The game you played is different - there was a genre switch and the implementation doesn't feel like it respects the player's time, or wallet. The new dev/s shamelessly added so many asks for microtransactions that it feels like that took precedence over making the game feel good. Did you read about them paywalling a default ARPG feature of seeing modifer roll ranges? Yeah, that is paywalled.

They hopped on the ARPG train with Diablo 4 injecting a ton of interest into the genre, and are hoping for a payout. It's a shame this happened.

Hugo - 08.10.2023 01:48

Damn I didn't the same experienced as you, seeing you having to play the phase of the bosses, whil I one shotted each one with a single cast ahaha

But I'm curious, you complained about doing the same thing over and over to get better loot, but that's the core part on any ARPG right ? Doing baal runs in D2, rifts in D3, NMD in D4, Farming strats in PoE, monolith in Last Epoch.

Tho I will agree the game severly lacks explanation, the best way to have a good time in nighthmare was to use runewords, but the game doesn't teach you about them at all.. I struggled through nightmare until I started to run black tower back to back to get myself 1 scholar, quickstep and 2 skysong, after that I smashed nightmare and Hell.

The gameplay loop made me think of D2 : Magic find a zone until big loot drops.

Doc - 08.10.2023 01:37

I play hero siege 1 and bought multiple copies along with several DLC for my friends at that moment.
From what I could remember, it's something in between nowadays vampire survivor like and Arpg diablo like.
I somehow believe the devs deserve more credits than it's been now, comparing to those vampire survivor game.
I never truly compare it with Diablo like game, but the direction of 2 seems like it's more diablo like then it will unavoidably be compared to arpg games in the market, which could make it look terribly bad since it gave up its own market domain.

EnjoyGengar - 08.10.2023 01:10

They made is slow af

yazeed al-yahya
yazeed al-yahya - 07.10.2023 22:41

more of these reviews please :3

Frekvi - 07.10.2023 18:39

Came into the game as a new player. Maybe I was lucky that I chose viking since I have whirlwind and can move and attack. The levels of the monsters doesn't really seem to matter like in other ARPGs. At some point I was 35 levels below and still doing great damage, but I had to keep my hit rating up.

Zabrac - 07.10.2023 18:14

It might be nice to watch this series of Worst ARPGs alongside the amazing videos from @seer6251 and his series of Finding the Best ARPG Ever.

Bleau - 07.10.2023 17:43

ive been trying to play the endless wormhole grind version. but the devs are just brick walls. ignoring any requests on the ability to play previous versions.

Logan Harvey
Logan Harvey - 07.10.2023 17:41

This looks like a completely different game from what I used to play. It was pretty solid as a twin stick shooter rogue like but this seems dull by comparison

spompofleks - 07.10.2023 17:32

Hero Siege was rouge lite twin stick "shooter"

MrDarkauraftw - 07.10.2023 17:31

Great review and the “long monologue/10” was spot on, can’t wait to see more of this series!

Sephrik - 07.10.2023 17:24

Wait is a stash tab actually $5? You're telling me that a stash tab costs 80% of the game's full price? Breh this new developer is trash tier lol

bird - 07.10.2023 17:09

2.0 is significantly better than the game ever was honestly

Unotch - 07.10.2023 17:06

The Redneck in Diablo II was called bow barbarian ... and it was a mene before most of you could even walk.

ReznoV Vazileski
ReznoV Vazileski - 07.10.2023 16:46

Damn I've only played Hero Siege 1 for a while and I recall enjoying it a lot back then so it's really sad to see the direction it's taken.

Fred Williams
Fred Williams - 07.10.2023 16:38

Just play Chronicon the new devs ruined the game and take it out on the player base, that is not what good indie games are about. The new systems and slower leveling make it feel like a bad mobile developer took over.

Adonis Corrêa
Adonis Corrêa - 07.10.2023 16:31

The answer is Yes, have a nice day.

RamJ Plays
RamJ Plays - 07.10.2023 16:05

oh how the mighty has fallen huhuhuhu :(
