Funcom under Fire after Mod Removal | Conan Exiles

Funcom under Fire after Mod Removal | Conan Exiles


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ghoustkilla - 23.11.2023 09:37

Crazy , yall are way more salty than necessary .
Maybe im just a normie but i didnt even know this game had mods and i enjoyed it just fine

ChrisMcFizzle - 20.11.2023 17:10

Consumers vote with 2 things...their time/attention and money...cast your vote and move on...i quit official servers becuase of the cheating and funcoms inability to do anything meaningful about it...i still play, but single player only, i will never return to official because of this.

Gameing kings27
Gameing kings27 - 14.11.2023 17:03

I feel like everybody needs to get over it I feel like people who try to RP inside of a game that doesn't even exist in reality they're really trying to live their life in a video game that will never come true and it's embarrassing you guys literally get mad over one little tiny mod and who cares it's their game and they don't have to listen to anybody about it and they even said themselves that they're not putting back in either

Momo K
Momo K - 09.11.2023 03:38

Never knew this mod existed, but now im sad ill never get to try it as it did everything ive always been unhappy with, even with a score of mods. I love spending time on the perfect RP.

Druss The Legend
Druss The Legend - 07.11.2023 01:58

Dude is known for stealing code from other mods and inciting hate and dramas inside community. Good riddance, all his mods should be removed. He broke EULA and got kicked out, you shouldn't be making a moron of yourself by inciting people to cause drama because of this.

Eazy - 04.11.2023 20:47

I bet it was removed because they are going to add some kind of paid version of something the mod offered for free.

ScruffyGaming - 03.11.2023 02:19

Just saying, this video wasn't about funcom under fire. It was you parenting the community about toxicity and lecturing them on behaving better. Which I found completely useless, as it has nothing to do with me. I was expecting actual information on what it's about and why. I guess thanks for the unneeded lecture and lack of information. I'll go elsewhere to find out what's going on.

karl johan
karl johan - 01.11.2023 18:55

2 weeks still nothing

Xanti Shayde-Walker
Xanti Shayde-Walker - 01.11.2023 07:30

While i appreciate you highlighting this issue, I don't think telling players who threaten to leave the game that they are being "toxic" is right.

As someone else in the comments mentioned, which I agree with, Unity would never have walked back their ridiculous fees if not for Devs making a stand and telling them publicly that, if they continued to push this change, they were done with Unity.

So while threatening Devs with violence, doxxing or other such vile and illegal acts isn't right, telling them that they are quitting if they don't reinstate this Mod/Modpack is perfectly legitimate and they are completely within their rights to do so.

Not only that, it may be the only way to get thru to them. Hurt a company's profits and they are more likely to listen. Maybe if enough players decide to cut ties with Funcom by not playing Conan and therefore not purchasing any more things from them, they might get the hint and put the Mod/Modpack back up.

iModMyWorld - 29.10.2023 01:58

Can we just ask Microsoft to buyout this game wipe their staff and drop the shitty 3rd party server company currently used and have them rebuild it at the very least like stable ESO since they cookie cutter majority of features from them anyway.

chainsoar - 28.10.2023 17:03

I'm a little unclear on some of the details here. Does the removal of the mod from the Steam workshop only affect multiplayer functionality? I play in single player and it's still working for me.

。 Hiss
。 Hiss - 25.10.2023 19:35

I don't think that I want to play the game without that mod, not gonna lie. My characters are just... gone.

。 Hiss
。 Hiss - 25.10.2023 19:21

If this mod doesn't return right this instant, I'll.... I'll.... I'll cryyyyy QwQ

Danielle Rodriguez
Danielle Rodriguez - 23.10.2023 02:52

And they took all the thralls on Siptah

FNxTomahawkJack - 22.10.2023 19:35

As a console player I don't give a fuck. Funcom doesn't care enough to bring mods to console so I'm indifferent.

Justin Hammer
Justin Hammer - 22.10.2023 11:31

Yelling or angry posting means squat. But a large number no longer buying Funcom store items or their battlepass will make them notice. Even EA notices that. Oh and what would that mean to any goodwill towards that new Funcom Dune game in the future? Money is what matters and to be fair of course it is as these are businesses. So ignore angry posts and instead take away the money.

Tolikll - 21.10.2023 15:02

Niiiceee!!!! Its good!!!! Ou yeaa❤. Only classic. No mod need

Belisarius Smith
Belisarius Smith - 21.10.2023 12:11

I think using the word 'toxic' to describe how customers feel is the most toxic thing of all. People threatening to stop using a product is a GOOD and healthy thing for the community and for developers. Stop listening to your base and you'll hopefully end up like Bud Light did.

Akazaji - 21.10.2023 02:16

Conan Exiles is not a new game, and people with thousands of hours put into the game are there for two things. PvP, or RP. Conan's PvE is stale after six hours. Thus, the modding community is really the lifeblood of the game, because the roleplayers have the most staying power, and spend the most money in the Baazar. Were it not for the roleplaying community, CE would probably be a dead game; Of the top 10 servers, 8 of them are roleplaying servers, and all 8 of them were using ToT custom. The other two were PvP servers.

The fact of the matter is that Funcom totally and completely dropped the ball on how they handled this, and it has been somewhat of a PR disaster for them, almost on par with the total PvP rework that literally no one asked for, or breaking Siptah and the Nemedian DLC with an update. Totchinuko should have been contacted, if not at the hour of, then the day of, their mod's removal. We're talking about a mod that has something like thirty-eight THOUSAND users, and upon which virtually the entire conan roleplaying community relies. Whoever signed off on this decision without doing their due diligence or even ATTEMPTING to contact Tot at the time should be reprimanded, if not fired. It is just objectively piss-poor community management to do something this impactful and not release even a boilerplate of an explanation for DAYS, letting the community twist in the wind with no idea what is going on.

This could have been just a "Oh... okay then" affair if funcom had actually communicated what was up from the outset. We, the community, are less aggrieved about the fact the mod was taken down (funcom is gonna do what it is gonna do for its best interests, we get that) so much as being irate about how it has been handled.

Forger of Souls
Forger of Souls - 19.10.2023 20:36

I just realized something. Something, the fans, have obviously forgotten. Something, that is causing fans, to be barking up the wrong tree.

Mods on STEAM, have to follow STEAM rules and policies. If a mod is removed, that is because it got reported to STEAM, and STEAM found it to be violating the rules/policies as well. In other words, FUNCOM really has little to nothing to do with mods being removed from STEAM.

Case in point, I will tell a story to illustrate what I am saying:

I am the owned of a hobby shop that sells table top games and has a large area to allow people to play the games I sell in. I have rules and policies in place to help curtail certain stuff that people that hose games have to follow. I do allow homebrew (basically modding table top games) for the games I sell.

One day, the host of a game that has a vast set of homebrew that allows a vast amount of customization of characters gets reported by someone. I, as the owner of the shop, do a little investigation and end up agreeing, that yes, the host's homebrew rules violate the rules and policies I set out. So, I tell the host they are no longer allowed to use those homebrew rules.

The host's most zealot players find out the hard way and, naturally, get upset. And, than they start going to the company that made the game the host has homebrew rules to yell at them for something I, a different entity, did.

In otherwords, you guys should be barking at STEAM, not FUNCOM on this. FUNCOM has to follow the rules and policies set forth by STEAM, same as modders. So, when a game/mod gets removed for violating those rules (supposidely), it is STEAM that removed the game/mod, not the company that made the game.

PhilG - 19.10.2023 16:03

ALL funcon has to do when situations likes this come up is to state that they are investigating the situation, give an approximate time to mitigate/investigate and that that they'll let the community know the verdict. Depending on what happened and to keep everything legal, they can THEN simply state that their decision stands or that its been re-instated and that the reasons have been communicated with the author... and that unless things go sideways, they're not answering questions. Just engage the lawyers.

Keep in mind that I have no idea what is alleged and I think the above is fair to the involved parties.
It lets the community know what has happened, that they are looking into it and that they HOPE to have it resolved by [some date] and that they'll let the community know what their decision is.

As far as mods, I think it should be part of the agreement that funcom should be able to VIEW the contents without the author intervening and that by developing the mod, you acknowledge and agree to this. WHY? Because its their IP and they need to investigate without having the author "provide" source code that may or may not be altered.

Simon McNeilly
Simon McNeilly - 19.10.2023 16:02

Be toxic.... this game and its devs need to recognize what they are doing, the dev live streams are absolute cringe , they address none of the communities concerns and keep actively killing their game.....

Wardog Studios
Wardog Studios - 19.10.2023 15:50

Out of all the issues in the game THIS is the one that rates a 15 minute video?

lamiastrix - 19.10.2023 14:54

Was surprised to see my post being scrolled though at the beginning of this. Good overview, I look forward to seeing your take on things once this matter is resolved one way or another. Thanks! Alexandria

Life in Hell
Life in Hell - 19.10.2023 10:50

I hated ToT Custom.. I've never seen a good looking avatar created using this mod.. So many people that swear by this mod.. And at same time so many undesirable avatars.

Xeno Zombie
Xeno Zombie - 19.10.2023 10:47

Four minutes in, and this video has been nothing but Funcom apologia.

Hans-Joachim Bierwirth
Hans-Joachim Bierwirth - 19.10.2023 09:33

Two and a half minutes in my patience runs thin. I clicked on this shit because i wanted to know what is going on, not for the drivel of a wannabe educator.

Mohamad Jefry
Mohamad Jefry - 19.10.2023 09:03

Did funcom remove the mod?

Nomeric - 19.10.2023 08:32

Nearly had to wait 5 mins of saying the same thing until what the mod was about 😂

Isaac Jacobs
Isaac Jacobs - 19.10.2023 08:19

Conan just keeps putting nails in its own coffin

MeSoTrashed - 19.10.2023 07:03

Wow, this video was long for having very little information.

Ben Hur93
Ben Hur93 - 19.10.2023 03:01

You talked around everything, this video was pointless

Ben Hur93
Ben Hur93 - 19.10.2023 02:56

You have spent over 4 minutes on saying be civil, we get it, it doesn't take 4 minutes to get the point across.

jmann8101982 - 18.10.2023 22:55

Really happy to see this is such a bigger priority than making it to where i can actually play on ps4 cause of crappy game glitches an bugs but hey conan exiles funniest joke i ever fell for to bad a actually loved the game but hey at least theres a battle pass now an new crap every three months so much better than u know i can turn the game on an have fun great job at completely ignoring all the things wrong with the ps4 version wak way to represnt us an not b a funcom shill had ur back til like the last yr an ur definitely on the devs side instead of a helpful middle ground been here since beta an seen alot an im just outta patience ill never but a funcom game again an thats from a guy u bought two copies of conan exiles for 60 bucks an every dlc twice for me an my wife plus every battle-pass. An store crap lol except now im just twice bitten i guess an done

Bourbon - 18.10.2023 22:47

Yes, please continue to cover this situation.

Robin Holt
Robin Holt - 18.10.2023 21:47

Funcon don't care one little bit about the player base

SonofSkyrim01 - 18.10.2023 20:45

I no need mods to have fun with Conan Exiles.

TheMrVesuvious - 18.10.2023 17:57

Hi Wak been watching your videos for many years, thank you for reporting on Tot! Customs, it is an awesome mod and as Conan Exiles is so very mod friendly being a sandbox game, it enables you to create the avatar you really want. Please continue to report on this issue, as an RP player i feel this mod is vital, it is a great blend of RA: Character Customisation and Fashionist, with many more features attached. The ability to change your look on the fly means you can equip whatever armour you want, then wear an appearance of a skimpy summery outfit in the desert, a quick jump over the wall and you can switch your look to something warmer for the north and then a cloak for the frozen north, and even something lighter again in the volcano, this brings the game to life as if you watch the Conan movies, Conan equips warmer clothes in the north, something the game doesn't really allow as any spare clothes carried add to your encumbrance and also change your stats. Keep up the great work Wak and thank you for reporting on this matter. Lets hope for a swift resolution.

Ncsharkman and K9queen
Ncsharkman and K9queen - 18.10.2023 17:47

Calling out someones bullshit is toxic. Got it

Sharandar - 18.10.2023 17:40

Sorry for this but...

Copyright Issues? That's totally bullshit. Then you have remove ALL Mods from steam because every mod use content of the game itself, for example game mechanics. Yes, IT IS THAT SIMPLE. One example: Map mods (AoC, Savage Wilds ...). Yay, remove those too, then no one buys anything anymore. And, first of all, you have to tell the creators exactly WHY it has to be removed. Maybe it happens, maybe not, we don't know about it.

On the one side, I understand funcom because they want to sell their stuff, on the other side they literally killed their whole pve playerbase.

->less playerbase -> less content buyer -> less sold items

wow, what a great idea, funcom...and you will get more rage about it if (in the future) you bring them behind a paywall (example for this from the past: armor racks)

Ilja Stalberg
Ilja Stalberg - 18.10.2023 17:30

Nah bro the best way is to stop playing the game and ask every one to do the same , hit em where it huirts on the wallet cose today its mod A next they will tell you what you canand cant make for people's servers

CE Sorcery
CE Sorcery - 18.10.2023 16:53

Your WAK4863 audience is composed of the people you point out in the first 3 minutes of this video. I have seen their Reddit and Forum posts. You have been harboring the crazies and you know it. Look at the comments on ANY of your past videos. Your audience hates Funcom. I know you are not going to turn off or hide the comments in your past videos because there are too many and it would be too obvious as to why you would hide them. So, what you will do is hide this comment. I'm counting on that. Why? Because you can delete or block a comment but you cannot delete or block reality. Your audience hates Funcom and you know it.

MrWolfMan - 18.10.2023 14:42

tot while a shame its gone for now the people who just leave the game and threaten not to come back only make it worse the mode creator and make it less likely to be reinstated there was a reason for all this and no one is owed a explanation at the end of the day its no ones buisness but funcom and Tot there are plenty of good mods out there while not offering what Tot dose there still good and true Rpers and story tellers can adapt and support in a positive way

Jeremy Hill
Jeremy Hill - 18.10.2023 14:39

Personally I have not used mods in Conan Exiles because I don't play it on PC. I have run into this issue in other games. Some of these mods and mod packs change games for the better in such a fundamental way that when they get removed for whatever reason it really does make the game not worth playing anymore.

When it is Removed for some legal reason I understand why it has to be removed but it still stinks. But telling players they are being toxic for saying they won't play your game without a mod pack is a knee jerk stupid reaction. The players are just trying to tell you how important those mods are to the game experience for them. Rather than blowing your top at the player base and acting like child it would be smarter to look into turning those mods into official content or DLC if possible. Because removing mods and calling your players toxic over it is a lose, lose situation.

N Velsen
N Velsen - 18.10.2023 14:37

Our playerbase fell from 5-11 at most times, to 0-1 basically. The TotCustom ban will kill the community.

Now as a businessman, I wonder, does Funcom doing that to me, to my community, incite me to buy more of their products? No it does not.
And Conan Exiles is already in a pretty agressive phase of their commercialisation since selling expansion packs has run out already and many official servers of the non-roleplaying kind were already shut down to keep them populated. The marketplace is how Conan Exiles survives currently.

Slaughtering people's willingness to buy at the marketplace by such egregious disrespect towards their playerbase seems to me as one of the quickest ways to kill off their game.

Shark420 - 18.10.2023 13:58

Lets be honnest, they remove it so they promote batlepass content they copied. I dont mind and moders probbly too if they just add the things mods provide, but they copy free of charge, not so far they made it so its legal in eula, but after they rip it off they want to make a buck from it. It was made be comunity for comunity and now they start to erase competition. We know it, you know it and funcom doesnt care how people take it. They made bazzar so they can squeeze more cash and will erase any competition that its against theyr goal $$$ Next step in predatory tacktics. Blizzard 2.0 There is nothing noble in it and yea funcom wont care for threats. When it was in theyr benefit they followed comunity, made promisses, now its hindrence.

Harry Ravenkiller
Harry Ravenkiller - 18.10.2023 11:38

I'm sorry wak... telling Funcom that you intend to quit their game because of their decision is not toxic, it is simply telling Funcom that you control where your money goes.

Darth Maul
Darth Maul - 18.10.2023 11:07

In more than 3 thousand hours spent in Conan Exiles, I have about a hundred hours on modified servers. There is only one reliable way not to have problems with modifications - not to use them. Of course, this method is not suitable for everyone, but personally, this is what I chose.
