Create GUI App with PyQt5 - PART 1

Create GUI App with PyQt5 - PART 1

Python Simplified

3 года назад

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ابو يوسف الحربي
ابو يوسف الحربي - 29.06.2023 00:58

Excellent explanation, very useful

Mirza Khadnezar
Mirza Khadnezar - 30.05.2023 06:41

i have potatoes laptop
6 GB
Portege z830
---- win 11 ----

what is the lightweight python visual builder ? and how to install it ?

Ambient Soda
Ambient Soda - 29.04.2023 18:00

You tutorial is amazing - but is there a way to create custom window bar and close button?

Je Fou
Je Fou - 28.03.2023 23:36

Excellent vidéo. Thank you very much.

Joseph Shaff
Joseph Shaff - 21.02.2023 01:53

It is stated that most don't even understand how electricity flow in wires. The energy as it turns out is contained in the field (min. Math level diff eq.and some Calc. based physics for fields) surrounding the wire(s) or Trace(s). I wonder if the first training program of it's kind could be implemented in this industry. Wonder if IPC and other industry heads would accept it. Gaming simulates things. It should also serve as a reference while designing. I stressed out my EE's on some of my contracts with questions. One completely flipped out on me at 7 in the morning. And caught himself after I starred him down waiting for him to realize. I knew it was the Co. Should've seen it! lol. Eye's over the cubes everywhere. ^..^ Co's got the Electricals wound up so tight it's not even funny. I think he was missing a couple classes to his full EE. My boss goes their a little stressed don't ask them anything. That when I decided I probably didn't want to work w/ Designers and Engineers as much anymore and just do Physics. I could gather they were lacking something. But it's not just them it's pervasive in industry. They'll have a problem and call an industry top expert ya like War Games Dr. Falcon, we gotta get this board out and can't find what's wrong w/ it! Or the whole co. is going to fold. To complicate things no Co. is letting anyone new into the industry to screw up their boards that already function is the fear. They'd rather outsource. Now it happens w/ Chips too move thing add f/ previous design and fields move maybe combine and suddenly it's not working. And ya can't see why, physically. I related it back to the Sun we can see the fields the loops and stuff because of the fire and charged particles giving off light. Gotta go online Python 2nd time through waits,Math & Chem.

Joseph Shaff
Joseph Shaff - 21.02.2023 01:36

Your giving me an idea for a program. Trying to get some context on this PCB Design field after being out for a time. Your probably not into hardware and haven't had physics but things seem to be getting a very complicated. On top of that current industry need is 72,000 and we only have 12,000. Though our needs are being met by outsourcing. With my time out trying to pursue higher studies toward Physics the unintelligent software has improved. The field moves to physics laws. And field seem to be what is being dealt with. I start from zero 10 boards Designed in my life. I must now think as a Physicist on approach; I'm pretty sure it going there. I've seen PhD req'd for chip stuff. AASD 91' NSCC EM Design. Isn't instructed at Uni's maybe a tiny amt. A few top people hold the knowledge and lecture specialized. To certify they're placed under EMI machine most companies don't have on site pass/fail. Avg. age is 44 for Designers which means they may retire in 20 yrs. or so. A game would be interesting, and different levels for different skill sets.

Parcival Par
Parcival Par - 17.02.2023 16:39

Hey guys, can someone help me
been getting this "Could not parse stylesheet of object QPushButton(0x153156937f0)"
3 times
and yeah btw, AWESOME VIDEO, Explained just like how tim does, THANKS a lot

Gaming Day Shuriken
Gaming Day Shuriken - 22.01.2023 01:08


david moheban
david moheban - 18.01.2023 21:47

Was wondering what your using for code editing? Atom? Not familiar. Where do you DL? VS Code good? Presume your in a venv environment?

Marcin Pawlak
Marcin Pawlak - 13.01.2023 23:40

<3 pro !!!

J-S_93 - 12.12.2022 13:20

Just wondering why you never used auto-py-to-exe to release a completed exe version of the Trivia app on the GitHub page? It would be nice to try the completed exe app first before installing the dependencies used to run the py files standalone, as the programmer py and functions py won't function, lol; at least not w/o their requirements/dependencies being installed first - If it was in executable form, I assume it would contain within, everything it needs to run standalone, on a system that doesn't have any of the things required to make it work installed

Mister X
Mister X - 11.12.2022 08:49

I've always wanted to learn to code, and recently started using ChatGPT to aid me. The combination of your videos and ChatGPT has been just amazing. If you decide to make a video on ChatGPT I'm sure it'd do well!

Luciano - 02.12.2022 07:23

Nice, I am learning a lot

Gh0sT - 20.11.2022 21:06

What a QT 😋, sorry nerd moment .

T J - 06.11.2022 11:07

Great video, nice teaching style.

Duston Archer
Duston Archer - 15.10.2022 07:40

Wonderful thank you, 💕 it!

ABCfuture - 13.09.2022 08:48

hi cool but is pyqt5 better than tkinter

Aaron Catolico
Aaron Catolico - 10.08.2022 18:49

You look like Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen ('Olsen twins') from the 90's tv show - 'Full House'. Anyhow, great tutorial, kiddo. 👍👍

CGMe - 15.07.2022 07:10

Great video! Thanks for putting this together.

Alexey Poupkine
Alexey Poupkine - 08.07.2022 20:46

Вместо того, чтобы смотреть на код - смотрю в правый нижний угол.
