Excel VBA Introduction Part 57.7 - Using Select Drop Down Lists in Selenium

Excel VBA Introduction Part 57.7 - Using Select Drop Down Lists in Selenium


2 года назад

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@sanjurathod6176 - 28.11.2023 16:43

Thank you Andrew, this is very informative, however am not able to select the item from the drop down menu
below are the elements for the same, i tried the below code: 'obj.FindElementByCss("ej2_dropdownlist_0_options").Click 'SendKeys "AdventEdge" (0)

which is not working.
<div class="e-float-input e-control-wrapper e-input-group e-ddl e-lib e-keyboard" _ngcontent-vht-c255="" tabindex="0" aria-disabled="false" aria-owns="ej2_dropdownlist_1_options" role="listbox" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" aria-activedescendant="null" aria-live="polite" aria-labelledby="ej2_dropdownlist_1_hidden" floatlabeltype="Auto" style="width: 100%;"><select _ngcontent-vht-c255="" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" class="e-ddl-hidden" name="null" id="ej2_dropdownlist_1_hidden"></select><input _ngcontent-vht-c255="" role="textbox" type="text" tabindex="-1" readonly=""><span class="e-float-line" _ngcontent-vht-c255=""></span><label class="e-float-text e-label-bottom" _ngcontent-vht-c255="">Client</label><span class="e-input-group-icon e-ddl-icon e-search-icon" _ngcontent-vht-c255=""></span></div>
any idea would be helpful

@TheYugiboy13 - 14.08.2023 16:20

Great tutorial gets to the point

@scottllewellyn8221 - 22.05.2023 08:07

what about accessing a dropdown menu that's a 'use' element? i'm having struggles with this atm

@gumshamohammed7854 - 19.05.2023 14:47

Hi, I loved your videos. Thank you so much for sharing an excellent knowledge.
I need help to write a code using selenium edge driver.
Using excel cell reference i have to select state, city and hospital and i want to download the specialities. Could you please help me to write code 🙏🙏🙏

@naradmuni474 - 21.04.2023 02:51

Thanks a lot, it really helped

@pravinangane4773 - 14.04.2023 08:39

Can u please explain why you have no use full class name in css when extract product details

@naiduvikas202 - 10.02.2023 09:14

Hello Andrew video's
I have small doubt about how to count a specific tag in a particaular div...?

@AliAbbas-dv1sy - 13.01.2023 13:32

Hello Andrew, could you please make a similar video using IE. In my office we don't have selenium. I would really appreciate it 🙏🙏

@iamoneofthem3073 - 06.12.2022 11:48

Selenium VBA How do I interact with an
existing browser session

@drvinodgagrani - 18.09.2022 10:35

Any video explaining automation of Select2 dropdown by vba

@ngohuunhan3638 - 16.08.2022 02:33

Thank you. Want see videos on part 57.x

@user-sv3tk2my5g - 30.05.2022 16:06

Hi Andrew. I am big fan of your tutorial and I just wonder if Chrome can handle the Frame structure coz in IE, to control the Frame Structure, I need to declare differently.

@derekmoir8015 - 04.05.2022 00:52

thank you andrew ..... your videos are brilliant they have helped me so much

do you have any other videos with regards dropdown lists ... having problems trying to click dropdown when its ul class and li class ?

@elricho72 - 10.04.2022 18:34

excellent video, how do we wait for the site to finish loading the results, many times it gives an error because the server takes longer than it should

@protostecnologia4096 - 22.02.2022 18:32

Wonderful videos, they are very useful. I have a trouble with a particular webpage in order to select an item in a drop down list. How can I show you the problem and ask you for help? Thank you very much. PD: ( I saw the videos referring an element on an option list), but i still without resolving my problem.

@sunilchoudhary6007 - 31.12.2021 11:28

<div class="MuiSelect-root MuiSelect-select MuiSelect-selectMenu MuiInputBase-input MuiInput-input" tabindex="0" role="button" aria-haspopup="listbox">Completed</div>
Dear Sir, Plz Give The Code To Completed click

@israeljosiah2427 - 24.12.2021 12:42

Hello Andrew, your vba videos have help reignite my interest in learning excel vba.. thank you so much for your effort and passion to share knowledge

Therefore, I wonder if you will ever do a tutorial on selecting hidden elements on a webpage with selenium
It would be super helpful if there's a way around vba considering other languages can

@mathiyoogi854 - 13.11.2021 06:28


Thanks for the video.

Is there anyway to select from drop-down list without using selenium. I tried multiple times but still I am able to do that. The issue I am facing is, I am able the change the value in the select list but "on change" is not firing and the page is not loading with the selected value..please note there is no button to submit the changes by selecting the drop-down it should load the page

@jackmacdonald8499 - 12.11.2021 23:53

Thank you very much for this series of videos, especially this one about selectors. I immediately recognized that I was trying to use a series of <li> elements, and managed to stumble through retrieving the list of items after MUCH trial and error. Then I ran into a problem that completely stumps me. The FindElementsByTag method returns different values depending on whether or not it's running in Break mode. I get different results depending on which of these sequential lines has the BreakPoint.

Set elements = element.FindElementsByTag("li")
Msgbox elements.count

The count is 55 list items and the rest of the code works as expected if there's a Breakpoint on the FindElements statement. But the Count is zero if it breaks on the Msgbox statement, with no other changes to the code. It would be much appreciated if you have any ideas how to fix this.

I don't think it should make any difference, but I am using Access 2019 as the host instead of Excel.

@ivankesaulya - 01.11.2021 08:07

So, how do i code in <div element?

@lbarrera2197 - 03.10.2021 14:17

This is one of the best channels on vba, perhaps the best, THANK YOU VERY much. Please consider a video using selenium inside of a password protected site. I would love to learn how to print/download my bank statements programmatically

@douglashsu8191 - 30.08.2021 03:50

Hi could you make a video about how to select a time-picker, I met a code is like this one:

<input type="text" autocomplete="off" data-datepicker="" class="form-control" name="Filter.CreationDate" value="" placeholder="创建日期" data-col-index="5">

@ronaldsiahaan9851 - 22.08.2021 07:44

Thank you Andrew, all your video is really usefull. I thoung most of all the audience will need to know how to change option value or text with selenium vba. Thanks in advance.

@dipeshrawat251 - 11.08.2021 09:52

Want more videos on part 57

@sapisoftware1942 - 08.08.2021 19:42

Excellents videos of Selenium !! is any chance to run multithread with VBA? the same script running two or three at the same time. regards

@sidharthpattanayak1066 - 08.08.2021 11:09

What is the syntax ?
Storing of text of all options inside a combobox to a list quickly without using for each loop.

@shinrafahell - 06.08.2021 03:24

What's the advantage in using select by CSS instead of selectbyid?

@ronnysulcacontreras2150 - 05.08.2021 09:24

This video was amazing. Thx from Perú

@KhalilYasser - 04.08.2021 23:33

Thank you very much for these valuable videos.

@sidharthpattanayak1066 - 04.08.2021 15:59

Very nice video. Thank you for uploading

@tejamarneni - 04.08.2021 15:13

Thank you Andrew for the Amazing Video. Your videos are the best to learn VBA.

@michaelbaverstock5672 - 04.08.2021 14:31

I cannot keep up with all your videos 😥. I am going to write to my MP and demand you be given a knighthood! How does Sir Andrew sound? Thanks for the phenomenal output!

@AmitSharma-po1zb - 04.08.2021 14:07

Hi Andrew,
Is there a possibility of scraping data from google chrome or microsoft edge without selenium. I am unable to install selenium due to certain restrictions and if I am running the code at once for opening websites in internet explorer then it's giving an error "Application Internet Explorer is not supported, use chrome or safari". please help.
