Angular Tutorial @Viewchild decorator

Angular Tutorial @Viewchild decorator


55 лет назад

60 Просмотров

In this Angular tutorial video, we'll be learning about the @ViewChild decorator, which is used to obtain a reference to a child component, directive or element in an Angular template.

Throughout this tutorial, we'll be using practical examples and code snippets to help you understand how to use the @ViewChild decorator in your own Angular applications. So if you're interested in learning how to manipulate child components and elements in Angular, then this tutorial is for you!


#Angular #Angular_Tutorial #Angular_For_Beginners #Advanced #angular_tutorial_for_beginners #angular_tutorial_code_with_aqeel #angular_tutorials #coding #programming #programming_for_beginners #decorators_and_forwarding_call/apply #angular_decorators #angular_decorator_v #angular_tutorial #viewchild #viewchild_decorator_in_angular #angular_2
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