Why I Don't Wear Camo And Why You Might Want To! And Some Camo Testing!

Why I Don't Wear Camo And Why You Might Want To! And Some Camo Testing!

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@jacksonterrance8833 - 01.02.2024 00:53

It works on humans though.

@cray-z7404 - 07.01.2024 18:03

Vintage duck camo is the best camo pattern ever

@jelkel25 - 25.12.2023 07:36

No matter what outdoor activities you choose to do you always get those that have to have stupid expensive everything with the in thing current brands. Beyond a point it doesn't improve your skills......there i said it!!!

@genoadennis9612 - 19.12.2023 18:30

You can kill a deer in anything you could kill a deer in your church pants and a button shirt and a tie you just have to be quiet.

@danielstennert1263 - 17.12.2023 02:56

As someone who does alot of stalking, I agree with the gist of this video. But I would add that I try to match colours with the general surroundings. Mostly meaning wearing white when working snowy conditions or my usual olive/green drab in absence of snow, but patterns don't seem to do much difference. Just mind your outline, move slow and stick to the shadows if you're able to. Oh and wear some sort of thin gloves. Flashing pale hands moving about have spooked a few deer through the years. =)

@chrismcgath9698 - 17.12.2023 02:50

Got my first deer wearing a plaid shirt and plaid pj pants over my jeans.

@406life - 06.12.2023 14:41

Camo works pretty good keeping you hidden from humans,thats about it

@manlyhallresearch9785 - 26.11.2023 23:15

This is true, but don't wear blue. It is true for deer vision anyways, which is what he is talking about.

@johnanon3081 - 16.11.2023 22:59

Agree with you 100%. On two occasions this year I've had does come to within 10-15 yards of me while I was on the ground sitting on a stool. What was I wearing? Brand new, freshly washed (in detergent that likely had UV brighteners) Blaze Orange shirt, vest and hat. Camo is so overrated. Pretty sure it was my uncovered face and eyes that really spooked them. I was thinking of maybe getting Kuiu vest in Verde camo for my area, but like a lot of hunters, they sucker you in on "blending in" with the background. I think you're right with the Visas camo. If you're going to get camo for deer, you don't want to blend in or even have it subtly "break-up" your outline........you really want to SMASH UP your outline! Visas does a great job at this. Lots of contrast.

@chadpatzer4808 - 10.11.2023 22:47

I’m new to hunting. But I thought the point of camo was to blend in with your environment, not just having your silhouette broken up. 🔝

@jeffreygenn5050 - 08.11.2023 04:44

I only wear camo because the gear is purpose made, if the same gear was available in solid colors I would have purchased that.
A top hunting guide I knew often smoked while stalking because air movement is the number one thing mostly 🤷‍♂️

@pabloco091 - 26.10.2023 00:55

Been saying that forever, what works and what sells 2 different things, I'm the same way, and I kill lots of whitetails, like a really lot. If ya busted ya busted

@paulgeary531 - 18.10.2023 14:39

The HECS products really are the ones which make me laugh. What a selling point, and I have to give them credit, cause they will make allot of money. I had no money growing up, and hunted in jeans, I was always close and successful with a bow.

@TheSupraman2jzgte - 14.10.2023 23:55

Camo for hunting animals is a marketing gimmick created in the 80s. Military created camo to hunt people.

@failingdisciple938 - 04.10.2023 23:58

Great video. You made me think differently

@dyoung4850 - 24.09.2023 08:07

Little history fact plade and tartan (where plaid came from) where the first hunting camo. Our ancestors were not retarded, they know what worked.

@tideoneon6358 - 22.09.2023 21:34

That hour and 20 minute stat is crazy to me I would have never guessed that, I’m always sitting for at least 4 hours

@cray-z7404 - 14.09.2023 04:15

Have u seen wtf camo

@philbitler5240 - 03.08.2023 00:31

I do wear camo, but I always wear contrasting patterns top and bottom. Each pattern is bold. Small patterns blob quickly. And I found over the years iop that lighter is better than darker. You can't fool a deers eyes, so sit still and pay attention

@shortbarrel6781 - 22.07.2023 19:53

Put a ultra violet light on your clothes and you will see what a deer see's. Do not use masking tape. The grey coat you showed looked bright IMO>

@Yelladog78 - 08.07.2023 16:44

Camo DOES help, BUT it must be just another tool & not relied on 100% I make my own starting with base tone regular clothes and use rit dye to add shadow & bleach to draw distinction & create visual disruption. Breaking up human silhouette is what I'm after 1st and 2nd I'm trying to blend myself as close as possible with natural baseline vegetation. I have pictures of deer within a few feet & one of a deer smelling my back with it's nose touching me where I applied pure vanilla extract once in an experiment.

@bilbobagginssword3926 - 06.07.2023 17:03

I’m not much for Gucci-flage either. That said, I wear a homemade guillie suit hunting turkeys for years with some unbelievable results. The guillie is a bit bulky but it completely disrupts my sillouete, shade, shape, and shine. With that said, movements be movement and will get you busted

@ryaniam22 - 06.07.2023 13:34

Yes spot on camo isn't needed. Most modern digital military camo patterns only work up close but from far they look like a solid color. They were created to work in nightvision....but doesn't do shit against thermal so is pointless.

I like just mixing and matching different patterns and solid colors in my hunting gear just because that way i can wear most of it out of the streets and not look like a nob with a camo jacket out at the mall.

@atvbeast98 - 04.07.2023 20:09

Read somewhere years ago. Wearing Hawaiian shirts are better than camo.

@evoeyerex3518 - 21.06.2023 03:51

Krytek breaks up the outline better then most and so does true timber sprata true timber, the actual brand

@nookymonster1 - 15.06.2023 23:12

I once killed a buck from the ground at 12 yards wearing a pink purple polkadot clown outfit. The deer had no idea I was there.

@milo555100 - 21.05.2023 01:34

I like solid earth tones. The natural folds in the fabric seem to make plenty of shadow.
I do like a face cover. I’ve seen my hunting buddies hands and face from 150yds away.
Great vid. Thank you for taking the time to make it.

@glenurquhart2300 - 11.05.2023 11:53

The 2 worst colors to wear hunting is blue and the worst is solid black !
I have some snow camo with big black willow trunk and limbs on snow white.
Absolutely makes me invisible in plain sight to all animals and to people as well.
But it's the bold realistic color and total outline break-up that does it.

@WellDressedCaveman - 02.05.2023 08:28

Great video and concept!

@denniswebb3021 - 16.04.2023 23:31

No kidding tired of seeing camo that cost $300 for dang coat. Look at the Desert tribes that would fool the military by just throwing a old tan cover over them

@oldArmyVet - 12.04.2023 19:17

That's why you wear 3d cammo especially for turkeys. Once you get set up it makes a big difference.

@MaxxHDROM - 27.03.2023 20:12

Being able to pick a tree and get within 10 yards of a deer is something nice....

@torsten4757 - 24.03.2023 11:26

Thanks for showing, I`m into camo (even I´m not hunter) but I must say your points are very good and true.

@glock907 - 23.03.2023 00:50

Oh my god, just 1hr 20 min! I will be on stand from before daylite until noon.

@glock907 - 23.03.2023 00:45

Most commercial Patterns are too small to work at a distance. The patterns must be large in order to work. Small patters blob out. When you blob out you will stand out!

@turtleman5111 - 13.03.2023 03:36

Well, you really made me think about camo. Now, I have to ground hunt because I'm old, so camo probably helps me more than dressing up like say, Elton John. BUT! Aside from the 'human form', that deer fear(like if I kneeled, it helps A LOT), if they see my white face, they are GONE! So, a mask or face paint is a must! I've had deer(including my biggest(10pt)) walk within 15 yrds of me, and I was standing, in the open, but they just looked at me, like-What the hell is that? It doesn't look like a human...

@Elkslaya1 - 12.03.2023 17:30

The most important thing 1 can do when it comes to buying camo clothing is, are ya ready? Buy American! Stop buying the expensive made in China shit. The made in America stuff is around the same price and you are supporting Americans!

@dirksuchy - 02.03.2023 00:18

I was thinking about getting a Camo hunting jacket instead of (again) olive drab. In Europe this “the new thing amongst hunters”. After seeing your video I will stick to olive drab. Looks nicer too when I am on the dog training field in my opinion. Thanks for this informative video!

@DonPeyote420 - 18.02.2023 19:52

I never wear camouflage to the woods because a) I don't want to be shot by the hunters on accident and b) if I get lost I want to be seen from the helicopter if they send one searching after me. Hence I wear the brightest things I can find.

@aaronmeeks1155 - 18.02.2023 11:54

I wash all my clothes and towels in ALL scent free all year

@ct5465 - 04.01.2023 20:20

The problem with camo is the cost. Especially the hipster hunter brands.

@Artorias001 - 25.12.2022 17:19

My goal is to just be as comfortable as possible. If you're not comfortable you're not going to be as still and if you're not comfortable you're not going to stay out there.

@brianboccuzzi7300 - 14.12.2022 06:29

I definitely agree.. 👍 I've hunted in camo for and now I just wear a green heavy flannel shirt. And tan wool pants.

@stevencaldwell838 - 12.12.2022 00:42

Out here in Southern California… it’s either green or brown…

@culpepper7665 - 25.11.2022 23:22

Micro camo patterns turn u into a dark blob with a human outline. Macro camo patterns that are big and blotchy / streaky work great imo. Macro leafy suit and you are golden. Leafy suits are cheap, light weight and can go over any normal clothing / coat etc you want.

@sdimeblazer01 - 19.11.2022 22:24

Remember… we use to hunt naked with a piece of leather covering our junk.

@Jefestephens - 05.11.2022 22:21

I don’t understand how camo wouldn’t be beneficial. Just because deer don’t see ya it doesn’t mean the birds can’t and the deer listen to the birds and squirrels I promise. Just because grandpa killed bucks in a red flannel while smoking camel humps doesn’t mean he couldn’t have done better playing the wind with a camo suit on 😅🤷‍♂️ More power to ya bud

@cummins4408 - 05.11.2022 13:15

For those that are looking for the test it’s almost 14 minutes in. Otherwise A LOT of talking.

@amarnoth - 03.11.2022 21:15

Your funny dude
