Stone & Wood Counter Culture Peachy Cheeks Peach Bellini Sour | Australian Craft Beer Review

Stone & Wood Counter Culture Peachy Cheeks Peach Bellini Sour | Australian Craft Beer Review

Real Ale Craft Beer

3 года назад

980 Просмотров

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Buddy Weizer
Buddy Weizer - 02.07.2021 00:35

Lactobacillus is a "good" bacteria found in your intestines thus helping you to break down Lactose. It is also used in fermentation, youghurt making, etc.

Benjii - 30.06.2021 19:30

when the commies took charge mate so is the beer ;)

Justin Dean
Justin Dean - 30.06.2021 10:19

Loved the beer review Simon, the governments love playing identity politics, Divide and conquer. We are all human beings all the same, but that’s not how they want us looking at life. As long as we are fighting with one another we are not paying attention to the real scum. I am also off all social media like fb, Insta and you are right you do feel more so much peaceful and it’s such a time waster also.

Haunted Coachman 👻
Haunted Coachman 👻 - 29.06.2021 06:41

Lesbian,gay , bisexual trans gender it means

Nodnarb - 29.06.2021 04:22

Yay more Aussie stuff! Should try more of the Tasmanian stuff, heap of good breweries around these days!

Travis Wilson
Travis Wilson - 29.06.2021 02:18

Glad you enjoyed it mate🍻
It was a fresh minus-3 this morning in Nerrim south .

Yes the can was very political
I too bypassed that bit as well just enjoy the beer cheers

Carlos Peña
Carlos Peña - 29.06.2021 01:54

Looks delicious Simon

Aaron Mcintyre
Aaron Mcintyre - 29.06.2021 01:34

Hope there's no backlash cause that would be insane. Forget about the so called 'politics' of a can, just review it for what it is, which is what you do so good on you 👍

SmithCity Product Reviews
SmithCity Product Reviews - 29.06.2021 00:30

Just another person. I love that. 🙂

hannameister - 29.06.2021 00:26

Loved this beer. It really depends where you are in Australia. In Queensland our average winter days are anywhere from 20-25c.

SmithCity Product Reviews
SmithCity Product Reviews - 29.06.2021 00:16

This sounds terrific, I haven't watched it yet. Hope it tasted great.
