episode 3 no not 3. its actually 2! of my goofy attempt at a web series that i started doing on a spur of a moment lol
this was always confusing so i clarify now.
kk so whats up is originally this was my 3rd episode see what happend was when i first made episode 1 it was terrible i had no plan no content nuthin cuz i was just starting to learn and experiment with all my tools.
then i had a very short second episode with a little bit of stuff planed and written an all that and i posted it i went back an episode 1 made me vomit an episode two was too lacking so i merged 1 an two together and after cutting out 9 tenths of the bullshit that witch the episode was comprised of i got a decent episode 1 this was a good episode 3 at the time but with shitty one and two made to become decent 1 now decent 3 is a solid episode 2 lol. its wierd i know lol!