Jesse James The Real Story Old Wild West Outlaw History Documentary

Jesse James The Real Story Old Wild West Outlaw History Documentary

Rubi Aiken

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@Temujin1991 - 24.01.2024 21:52

There's a rumor that Pinkerton actually met Frank James after Jesse was killed and Frank told Pinkerton "Go ahead and hang me, at least my back won't be turned."

@johng1758 - 30.09.2023 06:12

God what I would give to be alive back then!

@briaridge...43 - 23.05.2023 06:57

The old west was cool.

@stomach-turningthrush9432 - 21.04.2023 23:09

True hero.

@joonnjp88 - 04.04.2023 16:14

The war had nothing to do with slavery.

@meinkorper2631 - 08.03.2023 01:46

One of the groups acting to incite the riots was the Knights of the
Golden Circle (Freemasonry), whose war-time members included John Wilkes Booth (Pinnochio) and
Jefferson Davis (jay), the head of the Confederacy. Another member, Jesse James (👃 nose man), was secretly hoarding large quantities of gold stolen from banks and mining
companies in an attempt to buy a second Civil War. It has been estimated that Jesse and the other members of the Knights had buried over $7 billion in gold all over the western states.
Jesse James, a 33rd degree Mason, lived to be 107 years old. He claimed that his secret to his long life was that he changed his name frequently after first locating a cowboy with approximately his same physical characteristics.
He then would kill or have him killed by shooting him in the face. He would then plant some items known to be his on the body, such as jewelry or clothing. His next step would be to have a known relative or a close friend identify the body as being that of Jesse James. Since there were no other means of identifying the body such as pictures or fingerprints, the public
assumed that the relative or friend knew what they were saying when they identified the body. Grateful townspeople were happy to think that the notorious bankrobber, or any or his dangerous aliases, was dead, so they tended to believe that the identification was correct. Jesse claimed that it was by this method that he assumed the identities or aliases of some seventy-three
individuals. In fact, he claimed that one of his aliases he used in later years was that of William A. Clark, the copper king and later a U.S. Senator from the Las Vegas area of Nevada. It is after Senator Clark that Clark County,
Nevada is named.
Another group that was formed in 1867 to spread terror amongst the
Negroes was a group known as the Ku Klux Klan (Freemasonic Organization), named after the Greek word Kuklos, which meant "band" or "circle."
Someone suggested that the name should be changed to Ku Klux, and
this is the name that has existed to this very day. This organization was
"brother to those secret organizations made up of other victims of despotism:
the Confrereries of medieval France, the Carbonari of Italy, the Vehmgerict of Germany, (and) the Nihilists of Russia." All these were )ewish organizations who conspired against the governmenys of the specific Country they operated in. It was the Nihilists who were credited with the assassination of the Czar of Russia, Alexander II, in 1881. This was the same Czar who sent the fleet to America during the Civil War. So he, like Lincoln, had to pay the price for outwitting the international bankers who had caused the Civil War. The
connection between the Ku Klux Klan and the Knights of the Golden Circle has now become known. One author has written that "the Ku Klux Klan was the military arm of the Knights of the Golden Circle." The final important act of the Civil War came in 1875, when Congress
passed the Specie Redemption Act, declaring it the policy of the government to redeem President Lincoln's "greenbacks" at par in gold on January 1, 1879.
Lincoln had outwitted the international bankers.
The United States still did not have a central bank.
It was time for the conspiracy to change the strategy.
A Study In American Freemasonry by Arthur Preuss.///Freemasonry by Leon de Poncins.///The World Conquerors by Louise Marshalko.///School of Darkness by Bella Dodd.///Behind Comunism by Frank L Britton.///The Occult War by Emanuel Malynski.///The War Of Antichrist With The Church And Christian Civilization by Dillon.///Freemasonry And The Antichristian Movement by Cahill.///American Freemasonry And Catholic Education by Kenney.///The Octopus by Elizabeth Dilling.///

@scottmcphee7714 - 22.02.2023 04:15

I Feel Like A Bullet ( In The Gun of Robert Ford )

@YoutubeChannel-ol7zx - 16.02.2023 07:41

Jesus am I the only person who's not related to him. Give it a rest guys🤦‍♂️

@patrickbush9526 - 14.02.2023 12:18

By Fate I was at the cemetery the day they exhumed his body for DNA testing. That was the spark that ignited my passion for Civil War history. I now live 40 miles from Centralia Missouri, the site of the infamous massacre. The little town I grew up in had one Confederate soldier. He came home after the war and they hung him and burned his house down. Missouri was a horrible place during that war and the Reconstruction years.

@ColinTy1er - 09.02.2023 20:03

PSA None of you are related to Jesse James 😂😂 your grandparents just lied to your parents then your parents lied to you 💀 you can very easily look up his family living today 😂 Jesus you all are so gullible 💀

@seekingthemyscira1094 - 01.02.2023 13:08

No, it is actually partisan liberals like PBS that divide us.

@jackryan4313 - 23.01.2023 21:38

Stupid Jesse. Should have surrendered to ride again

@heywardsanders1680 - 15.01.2023 10:42

They say: mama don't let your kids grow up to be Cowboys. Why not, the real Cowboy has a lot of values and principles that make him stand out from the crowd. What you want them to be, the businessperson that stabs the people in the back, by breaking down the economy. Or a leader who do everything to help the business system keep control over the system going the wrong way. That when someone good comes along they teach the people not to hear what they have to say. I think the history of the ways the Cowboy was supposed to be designed; will be a good way one would want their kids to be. The true saying about the outlaws, was the one who fought against what the system said the Native Americans supposed to have done, which the people during that time found out who was the real two-faced system. Who gave out land and took it back from the people. One has to face the fact that the government never did anything with respect in it. That minds learned how to adjust the way the government treat all groups who not falling under their traitorous laws.

@mme9646 - 12.01.2023 01:45

Fun fact i am jesse james, the famed 19th century gunslinger and outlaw

@NickMead04 - 12.01.2023 00:11

How is he a hero to people still? He fought for the right to keep slaves

@shortgmail - 04.01.2023 06:34

11.03 unarmed 🙄 with guns aiming at jesses gang is proof that Liberal media (anti Republicans) has 💩 for brains...👍🏼

@kadinbowling7 - 30.12.2022 00:01

Jesse James is one of my ancestors!

@bethbartlett5692 - 27.12.2022 05:00

"How sick is the behavior of the behavior of Bob Ford, to "play-act the killing of a man, on stage, and people to pay to watch?"

This documentary is heavily influenced by the "Mainstream Academics" application of "a current right Wing Attitude", the bleached story of History.

There's a whole other story of the era and the force of the Industrialists today's Corporatists.

Ask the Native Americans, whom suffered for the very same greed of the elite as did many in the 0ath of the Railroad. The public, whom were not directly affected 9r observing of the Elite Industrialists, Railroad Owners, etc, being Influenced through News Media, by whatever version they chose to produce.

Very similar to the Few News Medias aka Opinion News/24hr Cable News, today. These provoke so much and it's "fiction based on current events".

Pick your version of the story to be your ruth. But be honest of it.

The James family saw the Corporation as the villain, from personal experience, then after the death 9f Jessie James, the general Public realized the fact.

... a Sociologist/Behavioralist

@bethbartlett5692 - 27.12.2022 04:14

The James family saw the Corporation as the villain, from personal experience, then after the death 9f Jessie James, the general Public realized the fact.

There's far more to the story of the James Brothers, their family, and families of the era, and particularly in the area of Missouri, Kansas, Northern Arkansas, Western Kentucky, and Nebraska. It also was affecting all of the Industrial States and West to California.

This story had the true individuals that were at the core of most all 8f the tragic history around the Civil War, and the post war ramp up of the aggressions against the Native Peoples.

The initiator of these conflicts were 3 divisions of extreme wealth:

1) The elite Owners of the Business and Industries that were point focused on the known wealth potentials in natural resources, Metals/Minerals, the Railroad Industry, and the expansion West.

2) The Southern extreme elite, and their ownership of the enslaved free labor, this peaking at an average of 1200 - 1400, owners 9f Cotton, Tobacco, and Sugar Plantations, "the 1% elite Plantations of the South then being the wealthiest people in the world.

3) Their elite counterparts, the International Bankers and Financiers of Britain whom desired the control and profits of the USA Banking, Stock Market, and Financing of Loans, in a fast paced growing nation. These were and remain the Family that financed all wars in/for the Western Hemisphere since the time of Napoleon and Wellington, the same that later were awarded the ownership of the "Federal Reserve Bank Corporation")

These efforts were obvious to those whom were in the path of their expansion: the Native Peoples; the landowners affected by forced sales and/or removal from their homes/land; the smaller businesses that got consumed by the Elite Industrialists and their Monopolies; those whom watched the growth of profits by the Plantation Owners, and those Americans whom were "Educated, Alert, Business Minded".

... and in the same manner as today, the News Medias we're largely privately owned and used for the agendas of the elite, to invite the naive Public towards preoccupied chaos, while they carried out their own aggressive acts for profits, for feeding the Ego Mind's Greed.

The James Brothers, Dalton's, and others got caught up in these elite aggressions, and while many of the local folks understood the scenarios, the mass Public believed the drama stories of a more criminal outlaw produced story.

Likely they were w/o choice but to become outlaws, once they began to retaliate, but the Public deserves to finally get the greater clarity on the era and subject.

Beth Bartlett

"History" vs Based on Historical Events.

There's no go-to Written History Book, that I'm aware of, to read the more accurate facts. Makes one wonder, Why?

But with vast research and studies, this is the greater Facts I have discovered and observed through the Records.

@kylestephens4133 - 21.12.2022 21:19

Fun fact: Johnny Ringo was from Liberty, MO and Ringo's aunt married into the Younger family. He died mysteriously just a few months after Jesse.

@patrickshaffer7051 - 12.12.2022 13:28

Just want to let you guys know, I too am a distant relative of Jesse James, he was a very distant relative on my Pa's side, we got long roots goin back to them good ol' days, our family was from Virginnie way and fought in the war for southern emancipation from the Yankees.

@tammydeboard6537 - 14.11.2022 20:12

Well it seems like a lot of people in these comments are kin to Jesse. To bad I'm not. I hope they are all telling the truth. Why lie if your not really kin to someone famous? It doesn't make you famous. I love the stories about Jesse James. It is sad the way he died. A coward shot him in the back of the head. Pertaining to be his friend. Well Bob got his in the end. It took a while but karma will always find you.

@bluebellflora1622 - 22.10.2022 16:30

My uncle twice removed. 😀

@Boogleye - 21.10.2022 12:33

We have a gun man in Australia just like jesse James a bloke called Ned Kelly

@brandonwheeler6612 - 22.09.2022 14:54

Woh it's almost as if democrats have always wanted segregation

@joelywalsh - 16.09.2022 04:20

Its good this 👍🏻❤

@chilluminati1292 - 09.09.2022 04:49

This is why here in 2022 it would be great if everyone would just hurry up and die already the human race us just pure shlt anymore

@bobv8219 - 04.09.2022 10:55

2022 I can relate James There needs a cleansing around here as well

@joelywalsh - 27.08.2022 02:19


@LilPeeper420 - 13.08.2022 09:00

Oh Susanna! oh don’t you sit and spin, if we all turn out with a rebel shout, the south shall rise again

@LilPeeper420 - 13.08.2022 08:55

I’ll march right down to the firing line and I’ll kill that yankee soldier

Our Dixie forever she’s never at a loss down with the eagle and up with the cross

Try the quick of your trigger and balance your blade for he must ride sure that goes ridin a raid

The Lincoln snakes in their own cold lakes plunge from the blaze of battle

@danadudley3127 - 06.08.2022 16:39

F Jesse James and anyone who wanted to continue slavery! Good documentary of a 💩 person.

@shanishafedor1133 - 01.08.2022 16:22


@billsadler3 - 31.07.2022 01:10

I played Jesse James in a small movie. It was by accident. I was the sound guy. The actor who was supposed to do the part didn't show up. So, I did the part. Now I know a bit more about the character behind the movie part.

@sinsephiroth5273 - 30.07.2022 19:39

This is such a TERRIBLE documentary. It's so bad.

@leprechaun7667 - 23.07.2022 16:53

Ffs 🤦‍♂️……I’m from Ireland 🇮🇪 and jessy is me daaaaa!

Internet web is weird!!!
Of course I’m real 🙄

@miesjk - 12.07.2022 20:11

It is what it is. The north won and sure made this onesided disgusting piece of crap. The jayhawkers where non better!!

@epiphanycl7855 - 30.06.2022 01:23

I'm actually related to jesse james on my mothers side
And from the looks of this comment section so is alot of other people 🤣

@jackmkushner312 - 05.06.2022 15:28

JJ is my 9th cousin...pretty cool doc...ty ..

@TRACTS4JESUS - 25.05.2022 01:14


@baileywright3113 - 12.05.2022 22:50

I hate how one sided this documentary sounded.

@thejakelegion - 26.04.2022 04:06

This is a bullshit documentary. 7 mins in, I'm turning this crap off.

@stevenledbetter9997 - 16.04.2022 20:58

I was James' boyhood friend. We called him Jess or sometimes The Big J. I would never have guessed how he later turned out.

@Dillan.Maples - 11.04.2022 08:23

Im also Related to him like most of you 🤣

@rudydeleon2257 - 04.03.2022 10:22

i thought jeese james was a badass gunslinger but he was only a damn coward that killed innocent people cold blooded just for fame

@gabepettiford2493 - 15.01.2022 00:52

Wether Jesse James is (Robin Hood or not)?. The truth is more complex than we take notice. People's say he not only steals people money but kill them in cold-blooded ways, is sorta a fact. But not the full picture, Jesse was rebel who thought he fought a corporate party that was going to change the only financial living ways he knew. The state of missouri dictated his direction. He grew up in a well baptist home, his father being a minister taught him and his other sibling including brother Frank the lessons of the bible. His mother put pride on her son against people of sinful and wicked deeds, when Jesse at sixteen 1863 was being strip and beatin' with a whip and chock half to death. Because his brother Frank was participating in a confederate guerrilla unit lead by William Quantrill. With a mother who pride herself on believing in justice, he was conrner into becoming the man he became. Now if we think about those kinda of circumstances it obvious. But to judge, look at the world he lives in. This world is dangerous dog eat dog world, half of the population have or carry firearm in populated areas. Murders are incurring thing, but Jesse James is not a person who only kill unarm people he fought a civil wars against train Unions militia, even when the massacre at creek 1864. There are a accounts Jesse while charging toward the major of the unions in a shootout with bullets flying pass him, took down the major with flurry of shots. And was only seventeen at this time. So Jesse with a blown of finger and seven bullets resides in his flesh, in this butle time of the wild west, kill unarm and "arm" peoples. We must also take into account that he was sorta of a psycho or sociopath, but riding with Bill Anderson and losing his best friend Archie Clement. Affected him to these exploit. Jesse James was not stupid on contrary he smart, being america frist beloved outlaw and possibly the greatest of them all. We need look at the rest them the same way. Jesse James influence all the outlaws after him (Butch Cassidy, Clyde Barrow, John Dilliger, Baby Face Nelson and so many more). What disturb me personally is, we look more toward the lawless side instead of the lawful side. And that is basically one ideology of Jesse James legecy.

@yusufibrahim7916 - 12.01.2022 07:02

so everyone in the comments section related to Jesse James?

@JohnnyRebKy - 01.01.2022 09:31

They never talk about the reasons those southern boys were fighting.

@hunkallgood73 - 22.12.2021 22:31

If you're gullible enough to believe the biblical flood story than you must also believe that Noah and his family were the only survivors so therefore you must also believe that each and every one of us are descendants of Noah's family which means you must also believe that Jesse James is a descendant which means that we are ALL related to Jesse James as well as every other human being alive or dead.
