The Most DISTURBING Movies | Part 13: The Act Of Killing, Dear Zachary and more...

The Most DISTURBING Movies | Part 13: The Act Of Killing, Dear Zachary and more...

Horrible Reviews

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UPSC 2019
UPSC 2019 - 08.10.2023 16:46

There is animal holocaust and slavery going on and people act like they are peaceful individuals. Be vegan or stop calling yourself against slavery, discrimination, animal cruelty, non violence and injustice

UPSC 2019
UPSC 2019 - 08.10.2023 16:44

People who refuse to watch earthlings should go vegan immediately. Non vegans force animals to be killed and tortured.

UPSC 2019
UPSC 2019 - 08.10.2023 16:41

Yes you are hypocrite if you think animal cruelty is wrong and continue to eat meat.

If you can't watch a film explained what kind of pain and injustice we are inflicting on animals. It is moral responsibility to be vegan for everyone.

Greg Bonz
Greg Bonz - 01.08.2023 04:11

Surreal? It's as accurate asf and exist because slavery existed you moran. You liked the music huh? noted.

Paul Wright
Paul Wright - 03.06.2023 13:46

This is a great series.

Magicgirlamy - 13.11.2022 05:03

Dear Zackary had me sobbing.

8Teen Music
8Teen Music - 06.07.2022 07:42

The Act of Killing is one of the best films I've seen evee

Cal Owenby
Cal Owenby - 08.01.2022 01:59

Rewatching this video for the first time in quite a while, I had some thoughts:

I usually see Horrible Reviews as a pretty tough critic, and I was surprised at how kind he was at first, but I stayed with the video and saw that I wasn’t misremembering, and that he doesn’t hold back on criticizing anything, no matter how much he liked other aspects of it or how much other people like whatever he’s criticizing.

The Bridge’s premise now makes me think of Roland Turner from Inside Llewyn Davis.

The fact that the filmmakers behind The Bridge recorded the suicides is troubling to me for a myriad of reasons, chief among them that they could have somehow tried to help. They might not have been successful, but the level of pessimism in refusing to try to stop a suicide because you know you might not be successful just troubles me.

I didn’t feel like Jeroen failed to sell Dear Zachary at all. I might even be more intrigued to see it now than I was when I first saw this video or when I read positive reviews of it.

When I first saw this video it was how discovered that leather comes from animals, and I’ve never forgotten how I learned. That might be a memory, not a thought, but it still feels notable.

no mane Jane
no mane Jane - 03.12.2021 03:45


Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar - 15.10.2021 08:45

Bro and I am your biggest fan, please give me a heart

Ash Cadash
Ash Cadash - 17.08.2021 02:18

Horrible Reviews after watching Dear Zachary: /cracks open beer while crying/ ...b-booyah! (-':

(god I love this guy so much haha)

Andie - 09.07.2021 16:16

I finally watched "The Bridge" after I saw this review, again recently and I gotta say I was so annoyed/heartbroken with the woman with mental illness entire family. Idk I feel like I was expecting these family and friends to be more emotional about the fact that their loved ones jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge? The most emotional part of it to me, was that it seemed nobody really cared a whole hell of a lot, which was why these people jumped in the first place? I assume.

Via - 22.06.2021 15:45

I think what that director of the bridge did is awful. He didn’t try to help the people committing suicide he just let it happen so he could have footage for his documentary? Then seek out the victims family? I think that’s so horrible imo

Schneewolke - 19.06.2021 22:27

italian directors are crazy

joey sands
joey sands - 05.06.2021 06:19

'The look of Silence' is an essential sister-piece to 'the Act of Killing'

Azazel Reficul mefistofelicus
Azazel Reficul mefistofelicus - 19.05.2021 06:05

This channel brings so many memories... Not sure if it's a good thing though.

buzzardbeatniks - 16.04.2021 01:16

The problem with documentaries about animal cruelty is that I might benefit from the education but I simply will not watch them because I know I can't handle the footage, even here there were a couple of clips that were almost too much for me.

Sandra Weilbrenner
Sandra Weilbrenner - 10.04.2021 15:12

The bridge director was put in prison for 5 years for assisted suicide for not helping the last jumper.

Sandra Weilbrenner
Sandra Weilbrenner - 10.04.2021 15:01

The bridge and what happened to aunt diane

Mikaila Nolan
Mikaila Nolan - 14.03.2021 08:53

Dear Zachary. Really pulled my heart strings. They lived only down the road from me in st.John’s Newfoundland. Breaks my heart into. A million pieces.

Doopawoopa snickle
Doopawoopa snickle - 01.03.2021 16:49

What fucking pedophile pieces of shit had a little girl walk a little boy by a fucking chain.These people need to be killed.

trevorj3838 - 27.02.2021 18:04

The bridge is a brilliant documentary, really raw and heartbreaking and free on you tube

cory chapman
cory chapman - 23.02.2021 05:47

Just wanted to say I love the Jedi Mind Tricks soundbites anybody down with JMT is cool with me.

#YourBredrins🌎🕊 - 23.01.2021 05:19

You look like Sacha bara Cohen

Eddie - 12.01.2021 01:38

If you go for a second round of documentaries I'd highly recommend, Fredrick Wiseman's "Titicut Follies" and Michael Glawogger's "Working Man's Death". Both are are very disturbing.

candace proud
candace proud - 26.10.2020 10:52

earthling is so fucked up. How can a human do that to another living thing. eating meat is killing the planet watch game changers proofs we aren't meant to eat animal products.

Hugo Soup
Hugo Soup - 07.10.2020 23:29

Dear Zachary is an amazing documentary, but it is very depressing and sad. It’s one of those great movies I felt emotionally drained after watching, along with Grave of the Fireflies. I somewhat agree with you that The Act of Killing was a bit too long, but I still thought that it was a great documentary. I haven’t seen the other documentaries, but I plan on watching Earthlings and the Bridge soon. I love good documentaries and I’m glad this was uploaded. Keep on making some interesting and unique content, Horrible Reviews.

KermisVoyager1997 - 24.04.2020 23:15

Interesting twist on the whole thing.

Heath Kish
Heath Kish - 17.04.2020 12:43

Love the Jedi Mind Tricks samples!

stefan kureljusic
stefan kureljusic - 22.09.2019 22:01

You should review the mondo cane series

Travis Walsh
Travis Walsh - 25.07.2019 00:00

This happened in my home province of Newfoundland and I tell you when I say the whole island was united in wanting to see her hanged

nustada - 16.06.2019 10:22

People who commit suicide are assholes. Except communists, the only good communist is a dead communist.

Big Rudd
Big Rudd - 10.05.2019 11:10

Tarnation and The Zoo are horrible and sad as well.

I'm walking on sunshine Waao oh
I'm walking on sunshine Waao oh - 04.05.2019 04:49

Thanks for not showing animal cruelty , its kinda odd how that is the line to not cross for most people but it was a great gest from you.

Sandra Weilbrenner
Sandra Weilbrenner - 23.04.2019 12:17

Watch the documentary " whatever happened to aunt diane "

Mauricio Mirapalheta Sound
Mauricio Mirapalheta Sound - 27.03.2019 12:51

Brother, this channel is the shit, thank you for such amazing content. Keep uploading more and more videos. You should prolly pick up more terrible films for the "Worst movies ever" series. Peaaace

Leonardo Fibonacci
Leonardo Fibonacci - 08.03.2019 21:44

Was ist das für ein Arschloch?

Heath Kish
Heath Kish - 18.01.2019 03:52

Was that a Jedi Mind Tricks sample? Actually, were those multiple Jedi Mind Tricks samples? Haha

#godwill rise
#godwill rise - 11.01.2019 17:13

Good review!

Haven Thompson
Haven Thompson - 19.12.2018 21:46

Dear Zachary is even more fucked than the documentary portrays, now knowing the full story.

MOHAMMAD SHABBIR - 29.11.2018 15:26

Dear zachary, bro how this movie is disturbing

YoutubeViewer - 29.11.2018 02:02

is "repartage" something that divides people? am having a tough time finding a definition for this....

Ivan the terrible part 3
Ivan the terrible part 3 - 02.09.2018 20:25

Goodbye uncle Tom is awesome!!! It makes roots look like Sesame street

kendoWTL - 25.07.2018 03:02

Jesus christ dude, this video cuts more than an emo kid's wrists.

Shantorey Wilkins
Shantorey Wilkins - 01.07.2018 18:09


Beth Ann Williams
Beth Ann Williams - 25.02.2018 11:59

The most disturbing movie of all time is 120 days of Sodom... banned for over 20 years. Its beyond disgusting. Your list is not complete till you watch it and add it to the lineup as the most shocking of them all.
