Ask Women These 6 Questions (She'll Be Impressed)

Ask Women These 6 Questions (She'll Be Impressed)

Courtney Ryan

1 год назад

954,468 Просмотров

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Paul Jelkmann
Paul Jelkmann - 28.11.2023 09:45

Dating a girl from Argentina and im from the USA, so thank you so much

horst gentle
horst gentle - 27.11.2023 16:14

I asked a few times (after a while) if she has a belly button. It is a puzzeling question but directs the brain to the gut because plenty people have a disconnected brain-gut ratio.
Do all have a belly button?
I know of at least two who did not.
... but hey, I did not have 572,000 views (638K subscribers?!?)... of a woman's belly button ... yet.
Still when you travel from lips to lips ... have a look, survey... but not at a first date ... maybe.

Herbert Eto
Herbert Eto - 25.11.2023 00:47

Great content.. loved every sec.. 🙌🏼

HacKerBaaZ Clips
HacKerBaaZ Clips - 19.11.2023 18:09

In my point of view , and from my experience a real man never interferes in a woman life , because gentlemen always mind their own business 🙏 so respect women

Andrew Nugent
Andrew Nugent - 17.11.2023 18:15

Alternate Title: CLICKBAIT

A thing about Life
A thing about Life - 16.11.2023 15:38

Hey @Courtney_Ryan, Plz make a video on How to get rid of abusive women?!
Many Men who are struggling from that needs a help.
It's Hard for Men to come forward and to speak about their experiences on abuse/Violence Bcz of the societal norm against Men....
So plz make a video on how to get rid of abusive women....

Veritas Liberabit
Veritas Liberabit - 15.11.2023 08:51

Courtney's perspective is spot-on. In my work on vulnerability and connection, I often emphasize the importance of approaching interactions with a sense of genuine curiosity and openness. This is especially relevant in the context of a first date, where the goal is to establish a connection that's both authentic and meaningful.

The questions Courtney suggests are not just conversation starters. They are windows into the soul of the person you're engaging with. For instance, asking about a typical day in someone's life offers insight into their daily routines and priorities, which can say a lot about who they are and what they value. It's an invitation to share stories and experiences, rather than just facts.

Similarly, inquiring about passions or what someone is currently excited about goes beyond the surface. It touches on what makes them feel alive, what drives them, and what brings joy to their life. This is where true connection begins - in understanding and relating to each other's passions and joys.

The emphasis on asking about favorite things from childhood, travel aspirations, weekend preferences, and areas for personal growth moves the conversation into deeper territory. It's about understanding their background, dreams, and aspirations. These topics encourage sharing of personal stories and experiences, which fosters a deeper level of intimacy and understanding.

In essence, Courtney's approach aligns with the principles of wholehearted living that I advocate. It's about engaging with others from a place of authenticity, empathy, and vulnerability. This not only enriches the dating experience but also lays the groundwork for meaningful, long-lasting relationships.

Remember, it's not just about the questions you ask, but also about how you listen and respond. Being genuinely interested in the answers, showing empathy, and sharing your own experiences in return can turn a simple date into the beginning of a beautiful connection.

Augustus McCrae
Augustus McCrae - 14.11.2023 17:18

51 seconds in, she is promoting racially destructive miscegenation, and that's where I bailed out of the video.

Trazefirepower - 14.11.2023 09:33

1. Why do you exist?
2. Why do I never want to approach you?
3. Why do you have the worlds foulest mouth?
4. Why is your dirty violence like that of man?
5. Why have I looked at you in another?
6. Why are you forever rejected by me?
And the miracle question...
Why are you the ugliest beast I have ever seen???

Dave Taylor
Dave Taylor - 13.11.2023 04:25

Dating conversations are very different if your not up on education and lifestyles 😮

Serj Lukus
Serj Lukus - 12.11.2023 22:04

Worked like a charm. Courtney, you're the best wingman!

Jack - 12.11.2023 21:32

Since women only have one thing of value to a man (her naughty bits). Only discuss that.

Fellas, remember that everything needs to be negotiabled up-front and agreed upon and get it in writing.

Bill Vernon
Bill Vernon - 11.11.2023 18:04

These are very good conversational questions and not intrusive or requiring direct or even precise answers. Thank you for this.

Not MGTOW Yet - 10.11.2023 19:21

I'm so glad I'm married so I don't have to deal with this.

Mrbobby J
Mrbobby J - 10.11.2023 11:08

Courtney everything you’re saying here is wonderful for a Cinderella date but in the real world it don’t happen like that you might want to come down from your fancy clubs and try dating in real world for a while because even being able to talk to a woman without getting punished, for it is quite hard to do Not everybody lives the Cinderella story

Z - 09.11.2023 23:47

Just so you know these are the 6 questions if you don’t wanna watch the whole video:

1: Is it pink?
2: Do it fart?
3: You on your period or something?
4: Can I sniff your underwear?
5: Does the carpet match the drapes?
6: What’s your favorite genre of Music?

pablo espinal
pablo espinal - 09.11.2023 23:16

Super interesting, great video thank you!

GAboi229 - 09.11.2023 22:01

Omg!!! Keeping it respectful, Wowwwww your GORGEOUS ❤❤❤❤

6spdkeg - 09.11.2023 21:37

FWIW: you should probably have a good answer for all of these before you ask them or be prepared to be embarrassed.

Farehaven - 09.11.2023 17:46

Sounds like an interview.

Farehaven - 09.11.2023 17:45

Sounds too much like rehearsed lines.

Cosimo Cosner
Cosimo Cosner - 09.11.2023 00:11

Ok, I totally lost interest in other people in general. xD I find that quite concerning.

Everything Is Upside Down
Everything Is Upside Down - 08.11.2023 23:25

Have you ever wondered why Christ was MONK?

Josiah Hughes
Josiah Hughes - 08.11.2023 02:37

There is a girl who serves at a restaurant near my apartment and I’ve been trying to court her for the past two weekends now. I know that most men overestimate the degree to which a woman is interested in them, so I’m trying not to make the mistake. But I think she is interested. She spends a good amount of time at my table entertaining me and we have lots of eye contact. I can’t wait to ask her one of these questions 🙂

Benedict - 07.11.2023 15:27

Good questions!!!

The Admiral
The Admiral - 07.11.2023 05:54

…I wanna know who their friends are………

Crushing_The_Losers Of_The_Lying_Left
Crushing_The_Losers Of_The_Lying_Left - 06.11.2023 13:30

Women complain and gossip that’s all they do, a woman hired only women for her business and all the women did was gossip in their groups and complain that’s all you need to know about women Guys (as in men) women lower your value men because that’s all women do gossip and whine.

chimakalu41 - 06.11.2023 09:44

Not bad. Good points

mark roge
mark roge - 06.11.2023 06:45

Don’t ask women questions

Ellie ET
Ellie ET - 05.11.2023 20:41

Question number 1, Do you have yeast infection?

Heavy Haul
Heavy Haul - 05.11.2023 19:34

I can hear it now. I lost my job, I need money for gas to meet you. 😂

MSk390 - 05.11.2023 16:00

Pretty much all you need to do is open the door for a woman to talk about her favorite topic…herself

Resistance Publishing
Resistance Publishing - 05.11.2023 15:47

Unfortunately in 2023, these questions are null and void. Women are no longer interested in these types of small talk. They find it boring and tend to focus on themselves and what they can gain.

Michael Espeland
Michael Espeland - 05.11.2023 14:11

These are great questions! Its very easy to get stuck with questions that only has a definite answer

Two-MoonZ - 05.11.2023 07:54

A question I like to ask is if you could have dinner with anyone from history or the arts or anyone, who would it be and why? Then see if they ask you the same question. Can tell you a lot about who they are. If they're genuinely interested in you or just self absorbed.

Gregorio - 05.11.2023 04:32

Best question: why is the sky blue. Second best question: why ask why. But ok, I realize you probably hang out with reporters. I grew up around journalist so I just tune most of it out.

T G - 04.11.2023 21:43

If she's fit without being a show off, I like to ask her athletic background. Apparently complimenting someone's calves is weird?! Sigh....

Mustiasih Shifu
Mustiasih Shifu - 04.11.2023 17:39

You are so beautiful

Lukasz Mikula
Lukasz Mikula - 04.11.2023 13:55

I remember Monthy Python’a sketch when waiter in the restaurant was giving pieces of paper with topics to be discussed at the table. Never thought we will get that far

BanXxX69 - 04.11.2023 12:47

Great video! Thank you so much, this was very helpful!😊❤

Leslie Robinson
Leslie Robinson - 04.11.2023 08:26

Good questions thanks

quietsignal - 04.11.2023 05:11

I really don’t care. That ship sunk a long time ago.

AquilaTheHun - 04.11.2023 02:01

Golden nugget. Yeah. That's what they like to dig.

Tom Harkanson
Tom Harkanson - 03.11.2023 23:48

Well done! - Incorporate these topics/questions Do not interrogate 👍🏼

Tim Isaac
Tim Isaac - 03.11.2023 06:10

very interesting vid: Too much of the time, these sort of questions feel more confrontational than natural.

Wayne Bonavia
Wayne Bonavia - 03.11.2023 06:02

I got you you know I might have been closed on some things but this helped me an awful lot thank you so much I you know I can't be anything less than that I realized that in the chat room all of a sudden I start letting things off my shoulder that we're getting in my way it's so funny but it's important to me and I appreciate the good information that you gave❤

Krzysztof Bosak
Krzysztof Bosak - 03.11.2023 02:36

Girls were asking me for the past 4 yars where I have been traveling for holiday. Nowhere, I was finishing my house. Now they dont travel, because crisis. I ask them: where have you been travellign lately. She repsponds nowhere, hoping that finnally she got somebody to travel with. Then I explain I have no money to travel because I was finishing my house. Then I ask BTW do you have a house? Then I always loose interest when she reveals she hasn't.

E VH - 03.11.2023 00:40

Just be yourself. That's the best advice. Only then you will find your best partner.

AwayToday - 02.11.2023 18:11

A very important question to ask, especially these days is: What does your chromosome look like XX or XY?
