Lindsey Hazel

4 года назад

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Gianina C
Gianina C - 24.03.2022 05:45

Thanks for your video it was very helpful. Just wondering how do you send the zoom link invitation to someone's calendar?

Maryellen Markley
Maryellen Markley - 16.05.2023 03:55

How do I send an invitation to someone in another time zone, and have it show the correct time? For example, we are in Hawaii, but often have to Zoom with someone in Texas (Central Standard Time) and cannot figure it out. Help?

Larry Tambone
Larry Tambone - 09.01.2023 23:49

How to require a confirmation that the person you invited got the invitation and will attend the meeting

Al Jones
Al Jones - 04.01.2023 22:19

Invite a verb, invitation the noun that should be used. You invite with an invitation.

Lisa Amico
Lisa Amico - 22.07.2022 00:13

Hi Lindsay, I want to send a zoom invite via email so that will let the person just click on the link and be brought to the waiting room - how do I do this?

Simone Bishop-Matthews
Simone Bishop-Matthews - 19.07.2022 20:01

Hi Lindsey! Would I be able to send a calendar invite if I did not schedule the meeting on my end and if the meeting link and details have already been shared?

Joan Everson
Joan Everson - 27.06.2022 04:52

thank you This was very helpful for me to set up my first zoom meeting. I ususally just go into a meeting. Thank you again

Alex Manolov
Alex Manolov - 21.06.2022 21:42

hi, how do I sent a request to someone's cell phone?

Muhammad Bashir Khan PhD
Muhammad Bashir Khan PhD - 16.05.2022 07:45

It was of no use, waste of time.

Carolyn W
Carolyn W - 17.04.2022 01:28

Thank you for the info

Jill Catherine Newman Digital Media
Jill Catherine Newman Digital Media - 13.04.2022 05:03

Hi Lindsay, How do I get the larger 4 icons in my desktop zoom? I only can find the side panel and main window.

BJusreal13 - 08.04.2022 05:41

Thanks for the video. My question, how does the hostess add a participant after the fact to an already scheduled zoom meeting that I’ve linked to outlook calendar?

Jenny - 11.03.2022 16:30

Lovely. I love your graphics and 'look'. Very helpful!!! I'm doing my first ZOOM live tomorrow!

Jeffrey Edell
Jeffrey Edell - 05.03.2022 04:18

I listened to your zoom, but it doesnt show me how i get the zoom to show up on someone elses calendar? google or outlook calendar?

Prophetess Deborah E Little
Prophetess Deborah E Little - 04.03.2022 20:29

For people who don't have a smart phone or computer, how can they dial in to the zoom meeting?

Kathie Byrd
Kathie Byrd - 24.02.2022 20:21

Hi Lindsey, I scheduled my Zoom meeting and the invite on my Google Chrome Calendar is much nicer than the zoom invite. It has a lovely graphic and reply options like: Going? Not Going? How can I send out that Calendar Zoom invite instead of the plain Zoom invite? (Our meeting is a virtual Bridal Shower)

Jill Peterson
Jill Peterson - 06.12.2021 01:31

Hi Lindsey! I have scheduled Zoom meetings and when the participant clicks the link, they get a message that a meeting is already in progress. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?? Thanks for any help!

Marcia J Bauer
Marcia J Bauer - 07.11.2021 22:06

lindsey, can I copy and paste my invitation right into an email that I am sending out, in stead of Notes? thank you

Eye Rish
Eye Rish - 13.10.2021 22:12

Hi Lindsey, Do you know how to attach .ics attachements in zoom?

Mary Snyder
Mary Snyder - 18.08.2021 23:40

I want my invitees to be able to add the meeting directly to their calendars. How do I do that?

Scott Isitt
Scott Isitt - 01.08.2021 04:33

Can I store upcoming meetings in Zoom that other people are hosting? Or do I always just need to copy and paste info from notepad? Seems a little clunky that way.

Grant Nations
Grant Nations - 13.07.2021 18:26

Hi Lindsey. I'm trying to figure out how to find the feature that allows invites to RSVP to the meeting.

horse life
horse life - 03.06.2021 15:10

Can you BCC on an email? Or if I send an invite to a set up group will the RSVP go to everyone x

Jane Beaumont
Jane Beaumont - 22.05.2021 17:32

Hi ... I get it to point where I have copied invite ... then you say go to 'notes' .... but cant work out how to go to notes!
this all very new to me!

Judy Remedios
Judy Remedios - 28.02.2021 01:32

How can you link your zoom meeting invite to mailchimp and get it to add it to your google calendar? It will send them the zoom link, but does not add it to their calendar, and as the host, I do not receive the "Accept".

Mair Wright
Mair Wright - 15.02.2021 10:57

Thank you Lindsay , can you post the invite on social media? I would like to invite someone that I don’t have their email.

Liana Peters
Liana Peters - 09.02.2021 23:27

I had someone ask me if I could do a "calendar invite" for them. I did everything you did in this video. Is there something more I can do?

Brian Walker
Brian Walker - 21.01.2021 00:11

This was helpful Lindsey, you are smart, beautiful & articulate, with a good sense of humor.

Tim Favreau
Tim Favreau - 15.01.2021 19:59

@Lindsey Hazel I want to create a company team meeting. I want office staff to be visible, some can be in "required" and some will be "optional." I then want to add all of our staff, and those I want and NEED to have in the Bcc field. The office staff does not need to see each others email addresses. I cannot find a way to do this.

daniel williams
daniel williams - 06.01.2021 22:02

Hi, Scheduling a meeting seems pretty straightforward, but I'm not clear how I actually invite people to a meeting. Please are you able to advise? Thanks

Kathy Chapman
Kathy Chapman - 05.01.2021 20:15

How do you invite a group

Joan - 22.12.2020 22:39

I thought I set up, but did not receive a confirmation. Help

B Johnsen
B Johnsen - 28.11.2020 04:41

Could you tell me the difference between Schedule a Meeting and Host a Meeting? Do you have a video on Hosting a Meeting?

Anne Mitchell
Anne Mitchell - 13.11.2020 00:30

Hi Lindsey, just found you and starting to use Zoom for many more meetings as a HOST. Q: How do I request a response (Accept; Decline, Maybe)? I can only find how to Register, which I don't need to use. Thanks!

Frankentronics - 09.11.2020 20:01

Thanks, but how do you set up Zoom to automatically send email reminders to your participants, for recurring weekly meetings?

Dawn Kelly
Dawn Kelly - 30.10.2020 07:05

Is there a way to get the link to copy the invitation after the meeting has been scheduled and saved? I forgot to click that and save it?

Ryan Angel
Ryan Angel - 20.09.2020 23:04

When sending the email to participants - how do I get the calendar with the yes, no, maybe to populate in the email? If you just copy and paste the link doesn't become a hyperlink and there is no calendar (like in BlueJeans). I hope that makes sense?

Agri Bangla
Agri Bangla - 14.08.2020 15:28

nice presentation

Emily Whitt
Emily Whitt - 10.08.2020 21:09

Hey Lindsey, I don't have a lot of my friends email addresses. I mostly use phone numbers to text. What is the best way to invite using text via phone numbers?

Jing Liu
Jing Liu - 10.08.2020 03:58

Fantastic video !

Catina DeLuna
Catina DeLuna - 27.07.2020 22:38

Hi Lindsey! Thanks for sharing this video. I have saved a template for a recurring meeting but when I copy the invitation the description of the meeting is not included... do you know how to fix that? Thank you!

Steve Ross
Steve Ross - 14.07.2020 23:12

Great video...One question. When I send invitations some people don't receive hotlinks. They have to copy and paste the link. Is it a phone setting?

Leila Passah
Leila Passah - 13.07.2020 14:31

when u personalise, can I add a picture? And how?

Experience Addict
Experience Addict - 25.06.2020 22:53

Thanks for this! I'm wondering what the best way to invite people who all have different email providers.. I have to schedule zoom meetings with people on gmail, people on outlook, etc. No one is liking that I just copy and paste the info in an email to them as that means it then is on them to somehow get it into their specific outlook or gmail or whatever calendars they're using. Is there a way to send the link that all can get it directly into their calendars? If I schedule in my gmail calendar would the people with Outlook email addresses be able to access link in their outlook calendars? hope this makes sense!

Susanna Fuchsbrunner
Susanna Fuchsbrunner - 25.06.2020 18:44

Is there a way I can check whom I already invited?

Kechi Okpara
Kechi Okpara - 23.06.2020 18:11


Martine Savard
Martine Savard - 22.06.2020 23:53

Too fast. Explain and speak slower, please. We need to 'absorb' this new info. Also, the backgroud music is distracting and totally unnecessary.

Yekaterina Karpova
Yekaterina Karpova - 17.06.2020 10:34

Hi, is there any way in zoom in recurring meeting send an invitation only to 1 or 2 of those meetings but not a whole series? how do I do that? thanks in advance

Ray Jeeves
Ray Jeeves - 15.06.2020 03:28

Hi Lindsey. That was a helpful video, but I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about using Zoom for podcasts. I am wondering if I have to have my recording and editing software (audacity) pulled up while I am conducting the interview, or if I can record the call on Zoom, and then drag it into Audacity just for the editing. Thanks!
