Trash Talk In Gaming - The Act Man

Trash Talk In Gaming - The Act Man

The Act Man

1 год назад

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swǝƃ ̇
swǝƃ ̇ - 30.09.2023 04:03

budokai tenkaichi ost ? based

Dakota Adams
Dakota Adams - 30.09.2023 03:39

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't ninja almost get his ass kicked for talking trash in competitive halo back in the day? 😂

Heaven on High
Heaven on High - 29.09.2023 23:36

in league of legends (crinsh i know) the chat is naturally disabled (set to private team only)
you actively have to turn on chat for you team, or even all chat.
so riot did give you the option to turn on toxicity or have a happy life.
they even removing dead/alive/spells pings 6 times so you can actually have fun for once

BFG182 0
BFG182 0 - 29.09.2023 12:55

Teabagging gets you banned from tournaments now? How shitty has this world become?

Alexander G
Alexander G - 26.09.2023 02:38

Remember fellas, when a girl does this in a lobby she’s probably 300 lbs and and her testosterone intake is more than yours.

Pocketnaut - 22.09.2023 23:05

Me just vibin to the speedrunners soundtrack

bruggetje - 22.09.2023 17:39

all these trash talkers have a very high cringe level

Johnny Machiavelli
Johnny Machiavelli - 20.09.2023 17:29

I met most of my gaming friends by trash talking each other until we laughed.

LoudGames - 20.09.2023 13:04

No fuckin way, i dont think thats me in the clip but i remember doing it in post lobby. I mightve done it in a voice message to tho, that's definitely something i learned to play. Grew up on metalica but i feel like i did more nirvana in lobbies

Yvaskhmir - 19.09.2023 16:05

I always forget there's a chat in League. Played a bunch of games with a person I know and after the matches they told me to report X and Y for toxic messages and I was like "What messages?".
And when I do see trash talk, I play dumb and pretend kindness, as it makes those agitated chimpanzees go total apeshit.

Anna Filina
Anna Filina - 17.09.2023 00:34

I don't remember ever hearing overly offensive things or anyone turning my gender into a big deal. What bothered me most was toxicity. Imagine joining a battleground in WoW. There's always this one person not proposing any strategy and not attempting to coordinate the teammates, yet always complaining about people doing the wrong thing, having insufficient gear, or just plain tell everyone that they suck and they're ruining their fun. After a few of those matches in one evening, it just gets unbearable. That's mostly why I quit PvP.

Speedo Dragon
Speedo Dragon - 16.09.2023 05:24

Bruh Tea Bagging is as tame and goofy as it gets. In the Souls Series people spam block as a taunt. same spammy goofy gesture that is just using normal game mechanics. It's litterally a silent "haha".

Alizar Fear
Alizar Fear - 10.09.2023 00:56

But Microsoft and Sony won’t full ban accounts for things. They get a few days up to a week worth of a communication ban. Still can play and everything.

Isaac Roberge
Isaac Roberge - 09.09.2023 10:20

The riot thing and the teabagging thing are two different events, the teabagging one was from apex

Howdy - 07.09.2023 02:58

I miss trash talking

Ajohnymous - 06.09.2023 23:16

I played GTA:V for a friend using the restroom once and put the headset on. This 6 year old, the squeakiest of fetuses, was saying "shut the fuck up," "fuck you" and "you suck." My response was baby talking then going "YOUR VOICE IS SO PRECIOUS, OH MY GOD! Can you say 'boy is it windy?'" and the teens in the chat were laughing their asses off the entire time. Kid kills me, talks shit, I chuckle and go "your voice is just ridiculous, my god."

Kid eventually did say "Boy is it windy" and I felt enriched because he talked exactly like that baby chick from the Barnyard movie.

Pen - 06.09.2023 12:10

This is the most entertaining class I've ever attended than attending a 2 hrs lecture to HELP YOU SLEEP THE HELL UPP!!!!!!

RiviaPhi - 05.09.2023 21:47

veri nice video

Mega Dic
Mega Dic - 04.09.2023 15:01

Trash talking is a art form. I feel as if the world shifted into some gay thing.

Kenny Star
Kenny Star - 04.09.2023 14:42

It took a long time to change mindsets. Growing up it was basically get good at a video game with a half destroyed circle button while someone tells you what a piece of shit you are both in game and irl while you listen to their parents screaming at each other and their fifteen siblings in their living room. Turns out just being good is enough, you dont have to win on arbitrary hardmode.

Erictherisser Judihui
Erictherisser Judihui - 04.09.2023 09:58

saying bobby is your daddy is a selfroast these days bro

Caleb Schultz
Caleb Schultz - 03.09.2023 20:02

You hear the word safe space you think blm lgbtqaabcdafg+ and feminism even gamings gone woke! Soon everything is gonna be as bland as a totalitarian dog biscuit where if you trash talk you're a N@zi!

STDynamite - 02.09.2023 20:51

And that guitar message has made its way into a lot of act man videos

STDynamite - 02.09.2023 20:39

I would really love a compilation of every time actman has said "it was a sald day when you slithered out of the abortion bucket" bucause ive noticed it at least 3 times there must be more

dave mc
dave mc - 01.09.2023 21:41

censorship is gay

Joshy Hall
Joshy Hall - 01.09.2023 20:33

Honestly trash talking is an art form for guys in many walks of life. Hell even my first job had a healthy amount of trash talking and it just helped us get through the day. "If I want any lip from you I'd jiggle my zipper" still makes me laugh to this day.

Anne Smith
Anne Smith - 31.08.2023 20:44

I think this trend is a predictable phase of globalization and the growth of the gaming industry. You get more people with varying outlooks, cultural understanding, neuro-diversity etc. You get an increase in awareness that not everyone experiences everything the same way - and that variations shouldn't be discounted - AND you get business interests who want to appeal to all this variety and want to apply the easiest and bluntest of solutions to do so.

And the truth is, human interaction is complex and nuanced, is sometimes a joy, and sometimes a misery. And misery can heighten the joy. For example, when two people go through some difficulty in a relationship - some feeling of alienation, of hurt, of lost connection - and then work through it to understanding, their bond is stronger than it would have been if all had been perpetual blue skies and roses. On the other hand,studies show that there's nothing more powerful and difficult to throw off, than negative feelings between people. So there's no one right answer. No universal easy solution.

I think it's true that the "good ol' days" of free and easy trash talk won't come back. And that it is in some sense a loss. On the other hand - Suck it UP pussies, times change, get over it! 😂 On the other hand I suspect that like much social sentiment, this is a pendulum. It's now swinging into crazy, and it will swing back - not back in time, but maybe to something a bit less stiff and more, well...human.

Thanks Act Man for another great video - which has made me sit here and write damn essay instead of going outside for a walk. :-P

Imperfectionist Gaming
Imperfectionist Gaming - 30.08.2023 20:37

i respectfully disagree with this take. I believe trash talk bred a community of nasty people. I had cod on xbox360 and only played the campaign because im a woman. Do you know how women were treated on cod in the 360 era? BADLY. I wanted to have a community too. I was glad when uncharted 4 came out and the multiplayer had alot of people on there that was really chill. Just trying to cooperatively get that W. I think that kinda negativity mentally effects your mood too. It can't be healthy to be that angry and belligerent every day. I agree over-policing is a problem too but in general i think the way multiplayer chats are right now are a huge improvement over what it used to be

Brother Matthew
Brother Matthew - 30.08.2023 18:01

Trae Flocka's electricity fake argument trash talk forever is legendary, shit had me DEAD when I first heard it.

Michael Fiori
Michael Fiori - 28.08.2023 05:19

Now there is battlebit. where we say good shot or pretend to die horribly. I brng that energy to warzone and peolle dont know how to handle it. Like my teamte hearing me say good shots. He says thanks i say no the dude who killed me.... they are like??????

Echonian - 28.08.2023 02:20

I enjoyed the trash talking of the 2000s (early and late) very much so, and it was interesting to me in particular because at the start of it I was a literal child (about 9-10 or so) that people would make fun of over voice chat, but by the end my voice had deepened so much that people thought I was far older than I was. The trash talking was always interesting, and while sometimes I would get upset over it - the fact we had that level of socialization with random strangers was amazing to me. I'm an introverted person by nature with literal Autism as well, so video games and online play were a way for me to socialize with others in a way that just rarely would happen with people I knew in-person. Now that I am a grown adult of course in my 30s I do things like game nights with friends regularly and don't rely on such online anonymous socialization to have fun, but even if I wanted to I know that the glory days are behind us due to modern sensibilities.

Edit: I miss online games and spaces being places for legitimate communication with other people. Nowadays you have so much censorship and anti-social behavior that while people are less likely to be upset, we're also less likely to get any actually interesting experiences with others online. In the name of making people not be upset, now there's no reason to feel anything at all.

I understand that some people couldn't handle being trash-talked in games, or wouldn't want to put up with it. I also won't support those who actually take trash talking too far - they are trash.

But those of us who can put up with it and enjoyed being in that kind of "free for all" environment (with handy options to mute others or even just play another game if the rare harasser showed up) miss the sorts of experiences and socialization that nowadays is far too rare online.

joseph lanhardt
joseph lanhardt - 28.08.2023 00:50

Dude that budokai tenkaichi music was so fire omg

Paju - 27.08.2023 00:53

as someone in the lgbt, getting called a slur is literally so boring i dont even care and i genuinely get shocked when someone doesnt use one

tolstoy143 - 26.08.2023 19:00

I can haz moar trash talk hilites?

Th3R4junC4jun - 26.08.2023 04:28

Personal go to is "the best part of you ran down your mother's leg when your dad pulled out"

clayton mcmanus
clayton mcmanus - 24.08.2023 23:10

I dunno man half the shit you said ive heard outside of a game and really hurt some kids.

Maybe we just all chill out and play a game without yelling and being an ass.

Lawliet River
Lawliet River - 22.08.2023 01:34

Haha, getting banned for T-bagging your own teammate is the most insane shit. My friends and I will fuck eachother over ALL the time. We fall over crying from laughter. Last time my brother and I played Mario Kart 8, we didn't even try to win. We just wanted the other person to be as messed up as possible. It was an AMAZING time. We both love it. How do these ban-hammer people not understand that certain things are rude to do against strangers, but perfectly fine to do to people that you know and love? That there might be a dynamic in that well established relationship that they might not know of? So silly. If anyone outside of the friend group tries to tell me and my friends and my family how we are supposed to interact, they will promptly be told to piss off. By all of us.

Chungus Himself
Chungus Himself - 20.08.2023 15:37

That tourney elim for the TBAG in apex was so fucking wild bro. I couldn't believe that happened

Aaron - 20.08.2023 14:14

Becoming a degenerate in a COD lobby and letting it out all of your system is therapeutic. You leave a gaming session feeling like a new man.

Handsome Crypto
Handsome Crypto - 18.08.2023 19:37

Act man, just so you know the tea bagging incident was not a valorant game it was an apex tournament, the longtime player of don't let that ruin your opinion of Apex Legends Apex Legends is probably want to be better BR..... At least for the one you showed because I know that situation very well

Alpaslan Pata
Alpaslan Pata - 17.08.2023 10:01

I have a great idea for resolving trash talk without banning anyone or censoring anything. AI autoreply; if someone starts trash talking and you are unable to come up with a nice comeback, ai will find the perfect trash talk answer for you. Never be outwitted by someone else. Let the flood gates open, let there be war 😂

GreaterShalt - 17.08.2023 06:07

My best trash talks was " wait you were actually playing? I thought you were afk thats I kept killing you so much"

Abdul-Hakeem al-Amriki
Abdul-Hakeem al-Amriki - 17.08.2023 00:01

I knew Croyt and the LTG diss but I had to go look up Requis and the riot shield debate 😆

Rainy117 - 16.08.2023 17:12

Low Tier God vs Viscant was legendary

Grimsnarl - 15.08.2023 08:39

What's the 8 bit song thats being played during the sponsor part? Its dope

ELJ05 - 15.08.2023 04:58

I havent played siege in a couple years, and i went back and played with some buddies, and this one guy we were playing with (just a random other person) was straight-up dumb. Looked like he was played upside down with his toes, so i caleld him out. I said some things i probably shouldnt have and i got muted for like 3 days in game chat. Nobody can take any kind of criticism or jokes today

Anon Anon
Anon Anon - 14.08.2023 15:47

In my opinion you need really need that low level shit tier trash talk because it makes the actual high effort zingers or lucid moments of brutal wordplay hit that much harder in comparison.
A lot of trash talk is like a lootbox full of shit so when you finally hear something insane through the mire of lesser insults it brings a smile and laugh to the entire crowd.
