10 Notion Templates for Beginners

10 Notion Templates for Beginners

Jeff Eisley

4 года назад

21,115 Просмотров

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@AineAmaani247 - 24.05.2021 11:20

process for getting the templates needs streamlining

@roku8714 - 25.08.2020 17:09

The templatelink doesnt work :(

@neginkalan3443 - 07.08.2020 16:00

thanks a LOT. SUPER helpful

@bkspencer8746 - 22.05.2020 16:57

I am wondering why I see nothing on the left of your screen. In the previous video, I saw what I'll call and outline view of what you had going on. You have 10 templates so I'd expect to see "Template #1," and so on.

@frisco61 - 04.05.2020 03:46

Jeff please come back and post more Notion videos. Yours are the most helpful by far!

@frisco61 - 17.02.2020 06:09

It's too bad you're not putting out more content, your videos on Notion are so much better than anyone elses.

@IndustrialPlasticsNanaimo - 23.10.2019 17:56

Morning Jeff. Been watching you Notion videos. I currently use "Tick Tick" app which I thought was pretty good for what I use it for, but Notion looks more in depth. I'm totally new to Notion and would love to see a right from the very beginning, how to set up. How to setup your pages on the very left column, adding pages inside of pages etc....
Most of the videos I've watched so far are based on that stuff already being done, which makes it hard to follow along. If you have or know of a good "Newbie" to Notion video, please let me know. Would love some input from anyone here as well. Thanks very much.

@RodWestwood - 05.10.2019 12:04

Any new Notion content coming soon? Advanced database maybe? Your videos have been very helpful. I have a massive Google Sheet that I'm trying to make into a DB in Notion but I'm still trying to figure out how to create all of the relations.

@HtopSkills - 24.08.2019 08:21

Cool info

@nigel1210 - 22.07.2019 14:56

Is it possible to show the status of the checkboxes on the card, like you can in Trello?

@spywix - 13.07.2019 01:48

Nice video, I was looking for a way to store my recipes and you're the first one to do it, thanks! Do you know if there is a lign limit in a table?

@GeekPeek - 09.07.2019 17:24

This is Awefuckinsome!!! 👌👌💝

@TheJessaChannel - 01.07.2019 18:28

You are the best teacher of Notion I have ever found.

@ChristopherJohnsonIsAwesome - 01.07.2019 04:25

This is awesome, thanks for making the templates and the video showing them off.

@mikequist1 - 01.07.2019 03:55

He’s back and better than ever. Good to see new content, Jeff.
