Learn how to DJ on the Hercules DJControl Inpulse 200 Mk2! Full review & feature guide! #TheRatcave

Learn how to DJ on the Hercules DJControl Inpulse 200 Mk2! Full review & feature guide! #TheRatcave


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@DMulabiTalejan - 11.11.2023 17:10

A short video is below 10 minutes. This is a VERY LONG video. But thanks...

@Hello-userr - 23.11.2023 05:36

Great news for VirtualDJ and Phase users.

The Phase Essential can now work without RCA cables via its HID Protocol in latest Early Access Build 7816

You will need to update your Phase to latest firmware version 8.

@mcardenas3002 - 27.11.2023 20:57

Would love to see DJay Pro being compatible with this! Not sure why it isn't since the Inpuls 200 is as well as the Inpulse 300 MK2! Kind of feeling like I should get this anyway with the thought of holding it out till DJay Pro is compatible.... What do you think djkit?

@Xylume - 29.11.2023 06:15

Excellent review and feature guide. I was looking for a video like this for a while now. I feel this controller is really amazing and the price's sweet.

@kentjumalon7320 - 10.12.2023 12:26

just stumbled up on this vid and I'm glad! I bought this controller for almost a month already, still learning and your vid greatly gave me important inputs

@JimmyPollock - 14.12.2023 02:00

Can I play the audio though my computer? Rather than plugging speakers into the RCA ports?

@Laxlii - 26.12.2023 05:38

Should have removed the filter and just made a 3 band eq

@ohthatsYa - 26.12.2023 21:56

This is the most helpful and through video I’ve seen thus far. Thank you!

@knolwater6648 - 04.01.2024 12:36

I used mixxx with that device

@liquid79 - 19.01.2024 21:01

Wicked video mate! Ali G in da house!

@Madness-709 - 03.02.2024 21:16

I don’t know if I want the mk2 or just the impulse 200 cuz mk2 doesn’t have mid volume but it does have everything els 😊

@derekkearns3377 - 08.02.2024 12:58

Never used any decks before wise to get this to learn

@DrVagax - 21.02.2024 13:07

Great starter deck honestly. Played around with it and for starting out it is a really good value deal. Yes you miss out on certain knobs like dry/wet and mid EQ but as a beginner you are busy with learning other tricks then to perfectly finetune the EQ.

If you are comfortable and have properly explored all the functions of this deck you should also be good enough to upgrade to more decked out decks, but it's a good starting point. I facepalm every time I see a brand new DJ buying something like the Rane One, you immediately get to one of the finer DJ controllers out there so there is little beyond that. It can also be straight up overwhelming.

@TheKingfish21 - 22.02.2024 09:52

Awesome Very informative vid! Cheers!! 🍻

@buccatini_noodle - 27.02.2024 22:51


@jordi5869 - 23.04.2024 20:03

is there a drawback for going for the 300 mk2? other than price

@GhettoWxzrd - 02.05.2024 02:36

A few hidden features i found using the non Mk2 Version of this Controller & Djuced software (not sure if they work in Serato):

1. If you hold the Shift button, you can quickly zoom through a song much faster then normally spinning the deck. (kinda obvious)

2. If you press Shift + Hot Que, it changes in to effects mode so all the pads will Toggle effects, and Shift + Stems (or Roll) will change it to Sample mode, allowing you to play your sampler samples. < You covered this one)

3. Most helpful feature i just randomly figured out, Is if you press Shift + Headphone button (on either side) It will change the Filter knob out for one of the other effects in the Mixer, which you can also customize. This becomes helpful for quickly finding a effect for a transition other then the filter, while allowing each deck to have their own filter effect individually.

@jazzypetelindemann8565 - 07.05.2024 12:20

Use mine for a back up to my Numark ns6 2 .. Perfect to practice on and have in your laptop bag when travelling , just in case there is a gig going on where u are

@trenapier206 - 08.05.2024 09:50

Just got mine and the software sign-up is giving so much trouble... I set it aside. Maybe I was too saucy trying to set it up.

@BenjaminGolshan - 13.05.2024 01:35

Is it wireless and can you Connect to the speakers with bluetooth??

@12Burton24 - 23.05.2024 13:07

Im looking the video to buy one, still sorting out from which brand i should get one and in my unprofessional view the mk2 looks cleaner to me.

@weizhelai1299 - 14.07.2024 09:09

Is it good for beginner?

@raiyanansari6030 - 14.08.2024 16:26

Bro need help

@giggazsstations5519 - 21.08.2024 18:33

RCA cable type used and it's specifications or guides please so i can plug into my new boat speaker party pal 390.

@giggazsstations5519 - 21.08.2024 18:35

RCA cable I require is master out and aux in type.... So can you please let me know a set of RCA cable type I need buy for my Hercules dj inpluse controller 200. I require 2 out 1 in aux type...

@pointeddown - 24.08.2024 16:20

I have this controller and I just hit load as my start of the song hot cue 😂. Freeing your hot cue point to be anywhere you need it

@claregallagher2986 - 13.09.2024 20:43

This is supposed to be for learners your saying words that not many people might understand if they’re just getting into djing

@rianaasm - 06.10.2024 17:58

I can’t get my controller to work in Serato Pro, it works just fine in djuced tho, help?

@munjelo1 - 14.10.2024 17:15

how to input sound?

@christopherprice4242 - 17.10.2024 21:46

This is the only video that explains all of the buttons on the Hercules mixers and how to use them. I love it. it is better than the academy video. I give it 5 thumbs up.

@Beam16Official - 31.10.2024 06:36

I’m sad it does not work with RekordBox. I use rekordbox all the time.

@MaxV.Zanten - 31.10.2024 18:14

Great video. Well done. Good to see all the functions!

@SlotCar2021 - 04.11.2024 15:19

Good to know that Mixxx now supports Stems so that is another option for software.

@radhey1851 - 05.11.2024 20:58

this was insanely helpful, thanks! Also if you could comment on the quality and feel of the hardware that'd be great as well!

@svttodd - 15.12.2024 18:17

Would this be good for a kid who wants to learn to DJ? He has NO musical experience but is an avid fan of DJ music and old school style rap music sampling, etc.. Could it be used to make sampling style music recordings, or is it just for DJ'ing? Thanks.

@KPSGadgets - 17.12.2024 07:52

How do I set a sample. I wanna take vocals for a base drop but nooooooooo fck me I guess

@kc0148 - 23.12.2024 22:44

Can you use this with djay on iOS???

@kc0148 - 23.12.2024 22:44

Can you use this controller w the djay app on iPhone?

@10RSoundsandLightsRentals - 06.01.2025 00:41

Can i use virtual dj aps..

@ankitstudioumarda - 17.01.2025 08:59

Sir ji eska software link 😊

@123fourfivesix-g4i - 22.01.2025 05:33

If I ever picked this up, with the djay app, the first thing I'm doing is remapping gain to high and high to mid.

@123fourfivesix-g4i - 22.01.2025 05:53

That hard wired usb a is a dealbreaker, yuck

@lorrainejolly4571 - 19.02.2025 07:25

Trying to use audacity with mine but it's doing my head in.cant locate tracks from anywhere to export. 😢
