A Real Life Quantum Delayed Choice Experiment

A Real Life Quantum Delayed Choice Experiment

The Action Lab

1 год назад

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@yout4994 - 07.07.2024 11:35

It is not a proper experiment way to describe the extraordinary light nature

@profx2020 - 04.07.2024 13:36

Excellent experimental explanation!

As illustrated at 2min 16s in the video regarding detector placememt , when the detector is placed much further end of the path that never hit the screen. If this causes the waveform projected on the screen to collapse then wouldn't this confirm retrocasuality? Thanks you

@ArturoTorras - 02.07.2024 06:49

A different interpretation is that the photons are reacting directly to consciousness , and that they are not going back in time, but are instantly changing according to ones awareness.

@eleven7085 - 01.07.2024 23:05

What is the definition of observation?? Please explain

@robertdowney28 - 01.07.2024 18:56

What did you use for the detector in this setup?

@Packedburrito - 27.06.2024 06:50

How do we know that the light particle and the light wave are both light? It seems like it's more of the photons being boats in the waves of space, like how do we know that the photons and the waves are the same thong and the photons aren't just making the waves when they move in space and get moved by the waves of the other photons in the space?

@fastmclaren71 - 26.06.2024 23:11

Stephen Hawking did the time travellers party years ago. It doesn't prove time travel is impossible.
The scary reason being, we as a civilisation may not have lived long enough to invent it.
i.e. We destroy our selves before achieving it.
So the time travellers experiment can also be used to prove that we don't have a future as a species. Scary stuff!

@ScottJPowers - 28.05.2024 22:57

how do we know you're only shooting one photon at a time? photons are supposed to be incredibly small, much smaller than electrons, and your laser beam appears much larger than that. the fact we can see your laser beam from the side means photons are being scattered toward our eyes, so your beam isn't 1 photon at a time.

@F16_viper_pilot - 28.05.2024 18:00

This whole quantum eraser mumbo-jumbo has finally been debunked. As a layperson who always thought this was a wildly absurd theory, the fact it ever gained traction with many very intelligent physicist is unbelievable and rather disappointing.

@dudethethe2548 - 22.05.2024 02:30

I always struggle with the concept that we can control the experimental conditions well enough to separate and send single photons?

@Chad-Whiteman - 20.05.2024 07:08

Photons aren’t exactly point particles, they just exhibit particle like behaviour. They are waves and the photon energy equation contains frequency.

@noivongxoang235 - 17.05.2024 19:17

Are you serious, this experiment suppose to be in a controlled environment (vaccum ... ) where there's no interaction to the photon as a base case.

@LogicCaster - 16.05.2024 03:54

AND if one path is significantly longer you will still get an interference pattern at single photon energies

@saularroyo95 - 03.05.2024 18:37

This can only be explained through Aristotle's phisics and the final cause.

@zweisteinya - 03.05.2024 17:47

The only things that can collapse are delusional theories

@fredashay - 03.05.2024 16:34

I don't want a stupid wallet!!!
I want to know where I can buy one of those laser kits to do the experiment!!!

@KartikPatel-nt4ff - 03.05.2024 15:57

😅😮😅😮😅😮😅😮😅😅😅well information good show you 😅😅

@andruss2001 - 01.05.2024 11:39

Thanks! Good video. If the photon travels through the first beam splitter being a wave and then we remove suddenly second beam splitter, the wave collapses (collapses all the way back till the light source?). What if we would say that time doesn't exist at all, but the whole our reality is like recorded on a video tape, and then what happens, is that a few frames of the movie were instantly rewritten, so that there was never such a timeline where the photon acted as a wave at all. All what's left is in our vague memory.

@kaushik2758 - 21.04.2024 10:26

I think the second beam splitter is producing a bi-directional double slit effect. The reflected waves from each ot the mirrors are emerging onto the 2nd splitter where again 50% of each wave is producing the interference. Similar to the unidirectional double slit experiment. I would like to request this channel to check the interference pattern on the other 50% direction.

@N0Xa880iUL - 20.04.2024 18:28

Didn't understand shit

@user-xd1gt9if2v - 15.04.2024 13:00

Thisnis the double slit experiement.

@leeboyzx6r - 15.04.2024 08:40

What happens if you were able to put a motor to spin the observer very fast and measure if that pattern fluctuation wears down over time? Bring me on board im not a wizard at math but have many many theories of my own I wish I had funding for pretty sure using that small bit of info in a laser vortex spinning the opposite of what the observer reads could possibly........

@RememberGodHolyBible - 12.04.2024 18:34

They're alwaies iuſt particles, neuer waues, only they haue an interference pattern when ſhined thꝛough a ſlit oꝛ ſeries of ſlits. The wauelength is a mathematical conuention and coniuring, it is not a reality. It is coniured by putting the interference pattern thꝛough ſome maths to calculate it as IF it is a waue with a wauelength and ſubſequently a frequency (which it alſo hath not), to categoꝛize and diſtinguiſh different types of light with recognizable vnits of meaſurement. Foꝛ example labelling violet from red light with a vnique numeric value of wauelength in nanometers oꝛ frequency in THz.

It alloweth one to deſcribe the light without iuſt ſtating the colour it appeareth to be. And it deſcribeth the light onely really as much as ſaying that violet light diffracts not as dꝛaſtically as red light doth. The groupings of photons could perhaps be ſaid to haue moꝛe momentum oꝛ energy becauſe the groupings of photons are moꝛe tightly packed together than is the caſe with red light when encountering an obſtruction.

There is, howeuer, neuer any light being a waue, oꝛ going back in time to change it's foꝛme. That is 100% fiction.

The Goſpel that ſaueth and how to be ſaued accoꝛding to the woꝛd of God :

"1 MOꝛeouer bꝛethꝛen , I declare vnto you the Goſpel which I pꝛeached vnto you, which alſo you haue receiued,and wherein yee ſtand.

2 By which also yee are ſaued , if yee keepe in memoꝛie what I pꝛeached vnto you , vnleſſe yee haue beleeued in vaine.

3 Foꝛ I deliuered vnto you firſt of all , that which I alſo receiued , how that Chꝛiſt died for our ſinnes accoꝛding to the Scriptures :

4 And that he was buried,and that he roſe againe the third day accoꝛding to the Scriptures."

- 1 Coꝛinthians 15:1-4 Holy Bible 1611

"9 That if thou ſhalt confeſſe with thy mouth the Loꝛd Ieſus , and ſhalt beleeue in thine heart , that God hath raiſed him from the dead , thou ſhalt be ſaued.

10 Foꝛ with the heart man beleeueth vnto righteouſneſſe,and with the mouth confeſſion is made vnto ſaluation.

11 Foꝛ the Scripture ſaith, Whoſoeuer beleeueth on him , ſhall not bee aſhamed.

12 Foꝛ there is no difference betweene the Iew and the Greeke : foꝛ the ſame Loꝛd ouer all, is rich vnto all, that call vpon him.

13 Foꝛ whoſoeuer ſhall call vpon the Name of the Loꝛd,ſhall be ſaued."

- Romanes 10:9-13 Holy Bible 1611

@fs6107 - 22.03.2024 16:51

What an incredible bunch of bullsh*t 😯 With a special mention to the pretend a change back in time 🤮

Light is made of wave and photon does NOT exist ! What you call "photon" are just a quantity of electromagnetic wave.

@fvsfn - 19.03.2024 10:22

In the one photon experiment, if there was smoke in the room, i wonder if we would see the green trace on both sides or one side only. I guess smoke acts as a kind of detector so maybe there would be no trace at all as soon as the photon interacts with it.

@official_ThinMan - 17.03.2024 23:19

Where is the part where the device releases single photons?

@ThatGuy-y2c - 11.03.2024 04:17

I thought photons don’t experience time. If that’s the case, they wouldn’t need to go back in time to decide how to travel because the outcome was already known to them.

@thanksyoutubefortakingmyhandle - 08.03.2024 08:30

I remember watching you years ago, subscribed on my new account, Nice!

@BurnedLeo - 07.03.2024 20:38

Complexity level 101

@kamel3d - 03.03.2024 07:41

Got more confused with this explanation

@joostonline5146 - 21.02.2024 23:23


@BD-np6bv - 09.02.2024 11:19

If you only have one beam splitter, it's like shining a flashlight. There won't be any interference pattern, period, so that's a moot point to discuss the second or first splitter. It's still a wave in that there's energy or quanta "packets" of energy traveling via the electron moving down in energy state to generate that single quanta.

As for the interference, it's simply the two beams not in sync because the first splitter broke up the beam... Using a second splitter didn't make the photon go back in time to decide anything.

Now, the single photon causing an interference pattern, THAT is the real mystery. Perhaps the beam of light is traveling as MORE than a single photon, and is getting split up and then recombined, but our eyes and the electrons in the air molecules and detectors just can't detect it, so we don't see it, but it's enough to cause an interference pattern. People need to remember a photon is emitted whenever an election drops down from a more energetic orbit to a lower orbit, and to "detect" this energy, whatever electron in whatever atom doing the detecting must require LOWER energy than the photon in question. Otherwise, like the photoelectric effect, we don't see anything and we're all perplexed when in fact we just couldn't detect it.

@itisinickt - 02.02.2024 17:49

i dont believe you that you can create one photon at a time, so you and no one has ever done the experiment for real. now what? notice how you went into cartoon mode when you claim you have the magic device?

@haithamannaji4790 - 29.01.2024 00:16

I think light is just a particle orbiting around around a mass infinitly small and dense in space time like planets that's why we see it as a wave and particle. If you think about it all the Pi in the equations refer to a circular motion and even frequencies translate to the position of a point in a circle. When you stop to detect it's position than you tooked a screen shot for a position in space time and reality colapse from it's continuity to a certainly in time. Just my thoughts light is like the block of reality itself since nothing is faster than light and it literally defines time.
Let me know what you think

@Meditate6969 - 22.01.2024 16:37

I really have to say this, I saw a bunch of videos in the internet putting Double Slit Experiment in Reality, But literally no one had made a video of Double Slit Experiment in the presence of detector and this is questionable, I am not able to comprehend what you are saying because eventhough whether there is an observer or not INTERFERENCE pattern still occurs in my theory because it is just the damn probabilistic nature of electrons, but all people in internet are saying that INTERFERENCE PATTERN will disappear, how the hell it will disapper, is it because of the mere observation, then we can say electrons/photons/particles/waves are playing god dam HIDE and SEEK with us, i dont want to say this, but to me it was bull shit. I request you all to put your thoughts here!

@Samsv1 - 22.01.2024 10:08

I have some insight here, and these are concepts you likely have in your physics toolbox already. I had visions when I was 3-4 years young the only thing of this spirtual type I can really draw any inference to reality besides for knowlege of speech between 2 family members. Where a father passed away, said to me after that, don't you piss on me, but you can piss on ----- a little. Then the son talked to me to inform me of the passing and the discussion led to him pissing on his father's grave, at that point I told him what was said to me by his late father. So this first vision, was at a age of 3, I fell from my bed on the 2nd floor to the living room and shattered the glass coffee table. The strange thing about it is I remember seeing the ceiling and the coffee table and noticed the less than Earth gravity fall at which I fell through the floor and shattered the table. The last vision had to do with a tornado where instead of falling it was the same speed going up, but those circumstances should be verifiable by Missouri because that letter was written in a correctional facility to my mother where I told her and depicted the dream before the Joplin tornado, and the next day I was not in isolation I was in the A unit pod watching the news of the Joplin tornado. So all of these things are... reasonably credible. If you can know what's in front of and behind you at the same time in a state of gravitational anomaly. Then delayed choice may start to make some more sense. Now in current understanding if you muddle with the observation of the light travel, perhaps you occlude in some way the view of both directions. The lord likely views these concepts as elementary, and the kingdom is obviously built upon these concepts as these examples are already put in writing in the last supper with Jesus knowing what to say then regarding what was about to happen and the path to know Jesus and truly live forever with him in heaven. So, just remember that as you approach your soul being pulled around if you don't so happen to be in a part of the society that possibly in the future may substantially serve God in whatever capacity that it's important enough for those passed to pass a message about the sanctity of their bodies here which i'll remind you will be lifted up in a way that the next great miracles of God will be experienced. Obviously you don't do things like look at God you simply serve God and understand that it's really up to God even if you put his flesh on the cross and burn it and eat it, he said he will put those people out from their fire and they will walk in heaven having done no good for themselves or others. So while I do not like the application of physics projects in regards to human economics, I do believe we have a long journey and important journey of discovery ahead, and a somewhat cynical and serious reality we find ourselves in, so much that we must understand there is only one path to heaven, one king, that is God and it is not any man on Earth today or in the future that isn't serving God in whatever capacity.

@greatviktor4017 - 12.01.2024 16:49

who discovered this wtf!!! its mind blowing

@ronbally2312 - 29.12.2023 18:43

Why would “the” photon leaving the laser even arrive at the screen/ detector when it has passed through media that has electrons to interact with, as it surely must with the beamsplitter in place?

@Doomsdeath17 - 28.12.2023 23:04

meh we can play with experiments all day but when it dosent make sense then more are needed to make sense of it.
causality is every possible moment and the time something could ever interact with something else (which gravity can effect)
it is always measured, every notch in its movement of a wave is measured. the notion of it finally being something is dead wrong and why nothing will ever add up with that mindset

@spanky541 - 24.12.2023 03:59

Thats kinda cute. There are many unknowns to QM to assume the things being 'seen'. Do u think its possible thata reflection energy is traveling the other path, although at a energy signature so slight its 'un-observable' until somthing additional is put into its path to re-refract the energy making it seem as if its wave 'observable'. That couldnt be it tho huh. 😁 happy holidays all.

@ChandrasegaranNarasimhan - 16.12.2023 23:35

May be delaying the pulsed laser where a single photon is fired more will make the interference pattern go away. If i am right, please let me know.

@user-ye1yw7dv1i - 09.12.2023 20:51

Always waves I think it’s the limitation of our focus which makes a wave appear to collapse into a particle.wave propagation measure in 1 dimension causes the misidentification 🎯 if only it were that simple…🙈🙊🙉

@APaleDot - 08.12.2023 00:53

Quantum particles are always waves. We just call them particles because they come in discrete amounts of energy.

@ragarriott - 04.12.2023 08:11

Where can I buy that demonstration device? Link please!

@krishmav - 26.11.2023 23:43

Bro condensed a 1 hour explantation video into 5 mins. Have to watch it like 10 times to understand it fully I guess.

@Phuktup3 - 24.11.2023 15:21

How is it possible to fire 1 photon at a time? Where is the single photon coming from? How is it possible to know that it is indeed only one photon?

@inincubus - 18.11.2023 05:56

With a regular laser, how do you shoot an individual photon?

@Sharperthanu1 - 04.11.2023 21:17

Wheeler's Delayed Choice is usually not done with light.It's done with electrons and full atoms.

@alexcornflow - 03.11.2023 21:24

A time traveler won't be going to parties coz they know they're experiments. It'll expose them lol
